Record retur Sisipp Commnde gain ammyoai i wk Raoeway ia compfeuinfle 5.amda fi Wud out ère be a rofta v icifr hà at-n... Mitnua dielokpawol Shitpp. whprhad th. Ditm Scotr Wah for eo0iXI)aàaymrlig li t-as alto profitable foir the fana t-ha bes due hont Sfitp 1 Cammaridii rnutiad rcord Sm9 lf fr a 12 wi ticket. Purahp 5tint surpnsig tht, thse face tisq eetpp"Con wade tat won tis Jahn Campb= . arrra racmg's otane vblctamug inse, t-as a du h liguIr kws duis p.ryEff lisais du mm 1»%me, e#«r padjnnnul Canpbell. Sipp'. Comnndr fi front seet tte tou p of tWige h MWdaIo ta baga vKiry e% 1%ý4 m jdge n ad Harbor Loop Lan st..kl Catpa& mnid the colt k> a fifil. = iii nd " 7. mChuarptan Pa"o Ht., wtrt Sunday wa. only is mamîd Bt IAV'NNItUE T lion S44 ON HOND OUAUT V à 'n at Mohawk for. Shipps Commander ___________________ 1hpp~ Comandi t-il e n.ridla du Motnme of Chacaga Campffl owni tht colt. WIulni1~ h Tht IUlism totltai> lu the rre h hi$". apur. ow t >in IMataPacitg SubumgCanada. r h nea, M182. Hoo ran m fat two e rad.Eilaln pa -TMrae Wtzmde an «emtuy tauflit cokt 1 Hoo Bea on S M d du2 2 = plCe ad go a &h Myt ma col du.11 lwno '22 *rnaid, mnarlkati CampéeWi enl &LyI 1. 1 w tq In h thwut h il df"na N-Snaweya kÇATHY WAOE met~ owPrdsrn division, Worths S71150, )une'% ilaby bttfiad ____________________and Stis Fun in the aacad $71,150 Nas- frti okabe trip ta get up in the final btnidt up.aeya s pacuet. Silky Stallomnea 15à ade.ant Lanaui and boustid hie bankm ofi Trained by' Ste- *FflottW rtBiait Wtbster, for dritier lin Waplus DM1 Detrei flot vie kW 14U41 Rav Didnrr and jack Rotillad, et virage hishow- mune. Heurit better tht. wrk," sud Campbelt. uaîtis win ln 10 *ars and icv.d hW lt Waà du fi» in inl t 12 tPJltard ad 1-le' qut gren and 1W' Imprunot a fat. He ben mltoîlll.SSonthtvar. tncmusd hifs pu enp w%*Iuir duth dbd sur" ie. 1a tisougit we'd do wtll en li Sele Alynaburst. with finver Gord Waploe vbfvg isca1ue, e&paclly oui of due t.glsi hek But at tête helrn fur tramae Kauth Waples. rata à 9.3 lune's Bagby is at-tedi by Sarah. Juit Racutg ho leit stresng ai due ati of the artnnh." riru urer.. 4 hall d&1272 btk>re Stable and if trai by tht Mari Làtacne Skipp was forlugnatte tagi ft Mohawk mmuin e. P Hapyamî at1 Il~ n stable wbilt rartng et NMait Astant a tint go ft Fine colt win. That probsibly the 1rd ltti 169.65 Naingewaya dîvismo traier (fo briihr Mar" &Ci Lancai exn moua aurnlaag wtt rve bail sino -wb .d A berabée cot Anoaipada 1:551 plaina t"a Jane. Daby liau wety b. in thtr tht.w lie boamaid bond vtcsoy over fant ivini TueW,d abtfrhnwakadduon. Wsu Traîner Job, Burt. t-n&h atm miet Battit Statmon flaishod figerd Harp diges a te aglit aurprtuse as u colt' flot - -e liai a boi h was n m uir sIx taeigLàtnasfo duý '*Vu a clane barg very atbinir. He Pot a posn but t-bat agnain met tasd filet n..iduet ulira<attigbent ATplbMe si, triuby -o "t ometh ami we just boise te cao drrve - Jou. Campbll - bat'" Ptrt Reglt for George Irga amd Bergan r uqîis-" SI w. ant your buainea. SIELTOW.. mmdî wel crne right to your front dam j t. 9 t l 0 o rts CAR AND> TRUCK REJ' 4 C8 ONITARIO STAFET M., MLOOT Peewee selects awesome in capturing tournar'ment Tl, Milton porSa bas-ball -kxotq cartumd, tuailv .urrl in the Mihi., third iuniif altici a thi' fingal .o.rrarart f tW, -aà-n in Ne.- rà.r ai .îngk's hy Dlack and Mik- tn tht - , etwîruîng fiws-r aigtgfan.. inelud ci Milton gave Guelph areithenrmit, bta ngthe titleon" cntrtoe AI.. 4-2 <bey rttvrd htg k iru lIton.utioigind a billet in tisbr fitunnng of In. thse fui îiiîg Militant siamrni the dStr et. ( li Thtry liai àuviu' a 14) lebel on %but whti Hunt walktd. stole aàlut- and watt ( n9frastng's uînfile to dnse in liste .iak saifiet homne ty Batirgonm" But &i tht Ajax hall ai tht urntr M.ltuu Dlack alto baa a walk anid stoie titrise ban.« -i -1 pthrNolai Miln foli 1; pitche as f.. t., sco.e ar.oiisr Milbon run Briowtung altoel laci et battm Fie gise op tvio walk. and wallîed and facie ltbre Nolan Mitl. unnlud hat bits but i , m n. r u--il. the' a tiple go scr a pair ai Miko xmn n 4 PLa- rus the' score go8-2 ' Oui 1e. aine hot- uid coeh Siz l the sconad sine oftitetourrjaiilt Milcs Anders Ajax wa, n affratd ici noai ln'..uî stoppai Neinmat Il.Hui led off t-ih a ouy coucheaw Lony Huît.has a rcgat for ain unilgk t second aind .ianiui kwr ihird on arnei Bs.ur'ts xarnPl te . Luniit rounied the MiIk>n avotasi thm ont rflan gagy t-bei balaiiampin u duangutia plale Miter ani Brian Nyhoruk wa)ked. worhai a Mui »mnge tm ge f. 1aitk>bP prfidublel ui id att-i n Di'. Newntraarbet off the baeud n U fini but du" Ir hwàsaeinglir Mike Amanin scorrail courîta aentre in the stcond cet a pair ci hi. Pieluim mranant. lait. hi. léille and the score t-n tid 1-1 "M ley7adut defrals bill.' sied In the fiflis Milit crnked et up &gain. Dur- Ar.e z . wm ublin U5atID ýou- syl Mi..pppeul a twoa-a ugigan él unsry-a o M md tia m ade due Ajax rri' secoind thini Biaiser Nolan am i hm on amt 6a@Wuolis feup k du amaa beae hW bard kbt double and Nykotuk efais N"ta Aa-e htiss lo. the du sSth. lutWîth a single Milit We 3-1. and tI saiste ailâ ban eau up fi and poursdifi oui fiour fi an.ed. M&a Thery aie a - à couple Wi wala. MU]- Mîhaicn pitcher Jarre Mathiret- 40 plain tonutanaMda ff out-throwt oui double play aginit 10 battant ov thrS nfntséom vivifiat Muk aà fiy aend Osi go due plate due t-in to ma" the Ajax rummsi.. iu up The wingf Mlei. soti on A>a. viexe and claimad a Ç.3 ~~~~ai ~ ~ = à on sei alk>ulBaeya u~wn- Dar.y Mile h-cd tni" battais frit due l.mthefif B^= :r4-lba Nlladn a hili adaup only asingle rienin hiaiwaur a tdigund aise., e conid. buh 1wa -n L Iînl . u ru pow ~ tiMn du h ApI& uxiiWith o ' sin lt aaron ai coM ad ira ai. and nome ous msanagr Aidmn watt k> s=r. on Muac's àige Damty butor t-alkai frf-lardod pthrCaryBouignt, and gisen Noisît Mi lite crushod ilm tht a% bu= wlthriges k>x o nd thse baes Aider. Ala. maagei-d à rua ini the fioiid trante and callini the pttches lino the dugiout. basi Sour. two ruts, on fis- siaiki and th"- bits. in the famlap tlbdmn aid lasiballa. but the cou,1 taurin. t-inafuitMiltot sianid mute andint the fourih The btte fautee off ht rits t-a I.1b and Brawing tripti ta lasid off &Mrleçr r-s L'-' Bowqm atile a laaat t-ht- Ptg pan rage enrouert i a 9-3 sue ai p s tht Api i kmwFo dux second Oi,t pu as iaui Tht erf recor la mruid robin play put dn th lnn aiu b» hdu l Ntu llt. ha W ni lth baud"m a@i oest, baud ~ ~ gP du-rstoe u ier, mom Miltnltat, maias agaist Bolitai. poum at uq0man en mIi. 9. bfinasSa i n* M -5 bt du haN li .sriblla leu îisg la fhum tisl, go sanal hont He' appli. u Mil=a,csr.Y& a id dyrca uto.i =s~ fi algl y-n 0" M-r liu.. la. paUtigi.. »M- PM i uni MW lou ta ad Milton aldnteçue aisoierfigeat bo due fIi fo oira e its. fnuig lestu iitibghiUslyo uI.Mitons laie Iu aMW erns whdpn double. Ly Hunt tend a.aditnhtf hIs *1hinle thdubggtý Nol ty didthteiWb caple g tiple L'y Nolas.bigi dmsew et Ly we plaerai a ongin fiant." Mile thiet- 29 pstchts in thtrerfutigi of Ades udn nurk xiise ta foireten tu bid t-ei fteding records field hockey wins tiSlo <a&" indu ro.,nd robas) Thr.y aie a lni tl second ting Richardson .lnla and Bhhosp Moalrg Causait Seconday Shc" tiid Seoal aiOs du nsment iiy mm and k la p oed bu bout tita The écored on a pesed boil aftenrw»W ituirif i itir ild hockey asmae went ta16wll Pak ina ingse isisha quad aaligd a 2j--2eo 6 LA, diase , tt wiuestt, aituanu « avid ihirdý Ilgley uatpp@d up tu the plaée and Cikml.lekicotin à pie-ummo touna- shci wuad enough kwr fini. 1wy butifait MOsa ,ida tht final L'y tai5 Guelphi. deliveau a lisai ruen ta cone oei ofié hiaump met terfltiy ta a t-nMa tir wt-li Qan ElIa&bit Park Nwrki Aju% aid butbo. ina bigway, Hait- h;ý h "ioi w1r ai mprrnted brekf.îbouffe White Osées tColvilel4 2«0aist ln dur mursmeri opuflsg Ubbi clinti an The tisird innmu fi x t-. u inchar au Millon The Radil, Metteurs sout the fille wlîh a 441 bot. goalsL'y Diana Fiais. Snw aeiga comtud &2vwyo«Gep.Hui sursed fhng bais 13 bandat.. thed plate and accul 12 rats. vicor tD ia aneaAsiNtene ICNheui brshmw àwWaid à Mol fi du A wak w iniliei a double, and a tfie. an )w bawOkil lagalb %k> anua1 ifiba-an Rimitegso fine lTao baugead tio eues oulatr DOmwiun boum b, Btowintar uesde lti Marée 5t-"!>% Lig lual ues " Ç a hadt a wctre draw agait Ntlaa (Bur- itaha ii i ib vid >to rt .a At dug cagibi ai du freane eMl."om le 17-i TW Rhul zi«ak1 unelé s-aaMawaNOMnr.ging lingio ue@"ai aird ocst a Dmnl ,fd.. c iatsotmae tra runaè k> Wbties fin" I&-3 MWI aril t-meule lenm eblh.edding dnalber 'Tepnuulyaet tht lo er bc& tan aivaicaiui, thse chmuplaio p aUdMi Biding "i dekmWt itulingio Car"a 14 ng0 Paln = nro.a.S 1.15v An . -Mlhse C hàa n, estduecigf %D A'x on a k«MI goa l dmdu Lard,§& i. u- et dh ursemett the PMUe wtt an) mona il 4- uie.@..M Mab waboq «Ad . M .o'.. c, t-. 174 * lingio att dat-a go An1 14 onc St-uney. éMinutes fagnl h glsed hall a tiqulsr pme