Arthritis icampaign funds help out locally Sophttboe l Amthr" Montli when moly wo hmdn ndpOe !thotaMand of volianott work bard anthrétis tumch. pathit, Cam m wo Minu monoy for rmmfid ad in- publ,c ducie. I m ot carentof thdImm. pund ,alud du =hnu"wa "Many peuple don't matin Ihat Septemeber cm aV melhnîhi t a àpieo nan d Or meboaa huith vm CIwbern thai a(. =ouunr . on e ure LA« Yur ai hle Canad. quia&"II me Audme Laur- -baebgfItd ch rg tht ClblI poz forMd- fem e mr m l chwwthe ubli oldoti S~. wounn of all qu, nduding 74AMI arthnttw mage ùl&mmeah of Ilu chlde age d undor. r - I ho the bed mudlmii wm Throughthé mm tttear.100 diatmu mil con- Aithelt Soity oducting an le- ditlons thai mtaki, up the rh.unall tutulte ftuadrallg aeplo diamt fahy. Traca pi authlr#j al goal c 2)Ovoluiur ulig have be iound uri the founI cactus Milon homtes, conmdtct a shalcions of dimous and pielus- rural mailing antd make an anduotil toii: en. bird commercial appui wo ail busâ- For more inforptio &bout 1 am. arthnhs, contact the Antrins Sni Tht Anthnti Society la Canada's Riegional OfIim. 130 Dundan S. oiily nton-profit wrgantuation devottd St 5.W Maumuge, Ont., L5A 3VO, . iltôns Luxury Condûmiium* Gives You *Maximum Livin -Space for a Minimum ~ $ ,enu'169,900 FOR- 1 BEDROOMS, 2 BATHS UP TO 1300 SQ.Fr! 71ejri h lrvneftî "t thre luxurrru, Vilicge Part coli'~mplcie . ith ind,>,r pr'. uhtlpriI.saun'. t>upeJ exrcas rrr'm and Part% rr.'m -thI kîr..hen o urc ttirbnrîep, vi Main Stret, %Malton. clote t, shtrrsl'oie ,indU(;o Trait. drectîi uats irrim thebruu bc.1iull îind. ' t ýr.u &it No auli recase a ShW.CtcV BONUS ,fthr prrhac reie t Tm"" sokplli oumeOeiydui~ y mit-p - lalthd ai sa&Z3 or idot aMW mma ,o~ my t t uihs mm Mc eat i 7Um. tmmmai mulotal in pentedà WI F l$ w me m- Kanfii Fedrhm of de Càftdhe = o it a"dSeh eeatu loi Hm it E. 9 ed luh0 et kmwe by u t "w Ba ai II IU Uhu~, OS4 LOT 4NI Tht bd per.CaNkfr M i 05210 eweaFo ga 6 0' M o Taha off Paundm, fflyO5 WW u ie aifi "i emta e 0 ll hold an op"i house at U nMW S pm hit Frisa' ceu om o laaiom at MiISOt cIHBJ nO.maiee~hWm hlaut111 7w 1 Pueb moq"efr Saturdoy BpL & motinc*tD" as 5S408or A]- '.0ens b.= o the feu Zn~oeetmtly ~ muitOf the Ua Onothi. durf enular mal heure. CaeuSI- =y é aidw ONCh] 8sd.> Spe precice aie hld 1UaMmay avins euja qai «ul - -drt hu @»t J.t N-et Hhl"i SiClOfy Paw e heidiA »u Mayor Gord Kimitz town. Slderoéd et 8 pin. Thte cm là QJ corclolu h iMyo*P per pm -n Ivou' ha dmu.. and asla about the botutaful flowers. W.@da.a 511,1114- 12 MOUd.> ~ 10 Tht Mikite CWepq LWm wll Tht Cloue amd Ome S"x Club util Caitduei hAa 1.1douettit>n PLay Em.adiemd bSi4eta St. 11110177.9 rm. Gorga Anglca Church oni Club M ih,,d a&am dao Guelpb unrh c Der Ro.. aita 12.10 ait al hami 1:30 pin. Lagion cm Chales Sumi AUl Motitors hsotinl terilm about beaafeosq ane wtmme attd a itg cf the Millon La ~E3T INMflI * - Mm1 lael lsgtab bu hld ai 311 bueCent.ù CaObqwe e 7 pblic s4U uulelWmo or M.Soan Tht mely ataay, Ceauwh Wauae. Lame utll mma a~ tdu 7 p.m. mu et tdu pallit hal ou Martie lu. Tht eot 8l wi m%>o duc@aito umuode t oupitha dit A im - liaeu pMY ul blase. For utobe mfauttir cau Tht Urdmuity Wonm' Club wtà plmeu l. seed ad Moul la til %». - a meh of tdu MW.e utuc* herlial end a utunacal iittd «ul paon muodla Judy >bm <liii wmeta Who ham gamd fem a ueàoulmy.e Wmelutuim lie Frwlda>uep 14 Tht Muan Ta"I Tatmhs Club sel laci ,lmmleeai Matu in Public Sch ; to 1w0I put. Tht cmi ulacao (9 te, 7 yrs.Ju 5 aoaul$,rS2 s Ibog.Th muse. lune Immt.Spuuh 14 io Apeuit ISPI9. )omUehal eç.1 maiaeot ll uhiawl Wami foddaé amti àsw -- bucf Oa- and can bu ohehim by cslfing Immi Fuuili ai 8711-2365 or lhm Po-'aeta 98564j Tbiwora c m h o pur- chaud ai the Cm" Cb"m of- fira on Maini Seul. 0leu- Hlod* Milioni Travel or braitrur Joualor- caoticogm lac. Ai Milton Mia ermun pagets Wltut Paflutesel hseld a tddabg idle at tht &-&an CiVir Cange fraie 10 a i o3 put. "yua> Sept.17 Crefwm étetd will hld an Mp hae ut the mtting mam ai John Tondll Sors centre frac. ~0w 9-M0 pst.'e imttlitgWù sei uchade a Ceil dunplay. refrskmu and moin- butship egmlaiton. EvutWnts e a- ItheWeko mwp là M a"u mmuaie freI re er- m. . h la ei OaOred ad batuanifu MW wi i -aid ml -W "d bu oa fleu 111011111118, » M M VS. gir & micli more St. 0OUM $13. r