We'reYour Hworne I Sle Represnttimhe Neli McVittie Broker/Manager- Cuni 9784 Pear 878-6 Steve Poflnt 944 19 Lawie avelte 1 00l"729 -117.1116 I il I I i r , " ~ , = T2 $W ho"a lian on sq ffli wesdamn. MWrsuo bloiser S à2 psuc Cla rnton drt nd iet C lo ls.ep rovin in.gr ut r. kiclen, F P n hann 3 asc ~ ~lodyped >A&Wrg$1t74,501 Cal? 3 a -CrOn wOu Iotdnrgrnr. a ONE-LOOK< WLVAT- The prideol ai urkmanship in this homte -t ony be swp-ead byi lit owiter'sa diette 1 lornd saoons tai ilonS in and .njo las onrgilally intsnded. ldsaly lslld juil fst of Miltaon antd only 3 minutes fw 40, Aîkung $349,000, Ail allers wili ber considored Ci Launnis weu~mu -E M wfffvRMnl Ph Om" érvso iWi.. tm s*'l, fau bah.. muosia, msolare,, fa,* roui r ioime tri1 32' laie ~tos polat dsuble page. nsy presle paro gutir uWeoro ldi"Cspoig Réduc.d 10 SOd4mi Cas Eau GO5dor %er en repos mu M>14t2 FREE flNT AVAILABEU Oareirs flsritg Ia. rleut e un in- caurlins fa lei.ae o" in M mad- larn building. Ouougnad lar profit- lionai aid bumsi alies c on 2nd floa, &Wd snticel arkanlas butinais ooalt bol.h Cad Lourie si e more hntralon MO-24. lh leu i naif o ot uin -tact, oba Upo. la .5 -ni purcas.Prio a tinte ai $189,900 Caill Lasn. Gave. MO-182, UNBELIEVABLE F1NANO Putcha.. don ni r lodta qualfy la assuma exiohing marîgaga ac- Tmal ililopu 0Pd corlîvg loiths batik. Cuamil bal- àstriaia, atie Nom aci ~l ance appfoxi $152.000 012% lit irfp" vaam Mi4 The If à #3e* Match 1, 1995. Cali LaitrieGiven pw a m" a le phi e d0dia note foi a cloier look Ioday. MO- hrm thora biord et lun 1uui Cali ta 158. 000*1 W1-id -e Isp --,- Wrtz /ULIY Ç mn.nV. irimimua i jiipffatwi.oied bo 0~ M Mim AUS Tiri.raari u sdolerao W* c osru w dli do Ob aWVII ow hq meia V4* Md plus and mi. 0 ell uie . Od 2 bahe. , 1 ' " bots red séd- Wd W4 d m f in or moue m "wpar *VI 4@w, atidU MV4 - wy dours wr moidac For pour persiool poie mi braillée. Aid 3 bodroom. 2 10 leooed POOs. ~uq Md 9ut pobq' 1 plu Co kimw erauSMFUM. Imhcre MW W"r lai $t35,OeCsWaDn hdir- ou e4348amm -tl. YvoSoe Stewart v lsWayne RM1 Gawig- Hadn.dý liMn Caaaa Runzulls* U-7LMq 81m.2349 )%Ag ~ . 7.63 vKRALIpIMEUSIp FeoIures central sur for, yoir marllar on fti de0its. mu lvience vu Me blio. hoîirod récuelion aiont and tua eahu . divi vl 90 va Goê 111 NO19 home ithè iilw M""wp andoiuutV tfito t osant édée Arsrueolardnà Saa lot For pois pesret inpecten Sil k4 mmu nit - nul à 04 toylo i the ry ad me Sod hote Tao at>sm hU 4 liedrooisM e ORU ohcJAt & i.. ...Ulmd oID Mat "sl GO TSu Hmu a 10i4 eh a 00od'n0 i76-1tbi FOR SALE ORi LUAS Front 5,000 to9. 500 sq.ll onM-I1 Zonting in Milton. Venidor VM build to su land may assiol t innrcng toi quMid r>urchas, Cal L.awri. Gsw fo lm rei dolails MO-O?. Lwr# 0 and aprI lieur lamies, IMM thnnspnsiae.iirmgm*lvihomeo Edwosa ont, ulep %q, and eorkmuml Ivrisu noi taroi luichir lmipe s nd l air arcar Valoir bo v u inlm daqa.iJ lai bais ho" 0 druA. Inauol bu .paa MIN h4 smms sam *W* Feu.,. volui 3 bedo 1 watou, smm erai og fase. W"u MN~ mmo. -ad mmegi bOue 4»»am spMr- -r lbo... Md uoosww eom 0 ntaJoed4g iwtt Kalulsu Vbltoe0 Joseptilie I7Ltqu I~L7Ii0 Vary unuiroly l unir o. 114 ml. traite fl drramq le wu. le trade Traite. pond and mare Pime. sait for Stewiri lotion Ma-ISI 11IM711l