Some tips tg help you col ByMa cf rewte Mas a crelete th*f Ainancirq package stic wli MWv ffm mn> and provlde convsstnce a&d Taom Allait. prdut of eak of Maniu Home Bulders As- sactatiosi. advlift tha teh nka th effort ta ho informaid cati salect tht rlght options for thon." Tht funt sttp Is ta, understandi teht', available. bag tfor as much as 90per value and up to,80 per cent of the nrntaindier. (Fat exampée. on a 5210,000 hou, et lusit a $29500 doten paymnt wastld ho roqtnrod).. Han>' purcbser, hoteeve., 4-fe to make à large dotei payhnent, say ZÇperocent, leav- ng à sittaller lnartgage . indei stialler mortgage payment. This es hote long tt teid taire to psy off the miorgage based un the currt çaymert. Twenty-f lve Yeuarmortizatlans are most cotitian lor iiew mort$aget. but the toi- iower can select a short&' pei-iod. A long amortization period means loter mortgage payunents and les, strain on the. tatnrly budget. A starter one, htatever, wtif pay off the mortgagt more qsasckly and cen lave taens of thousands of dollar over the lot u.Table* raalàable =sn bdt alwhomt buyeh s e- the mat f41 (tiet aoat~tio paradeon ir psy- trent. For mmtane, on aSlff000 agaeta 12 omcet témnhypm t would ho 127»0 teith à 10"yer amonltlctin; s,7.40 (15 )esrs,51621-50 (20 yurs); $154785 (25 y=.,> This is the ltngth of tirne that mnortgage ay et (which Llude bot principal and ntrt>are fluted. - at ee x Ietel usuailly sitoiter, thanan erex ceed thtamokaatan prso. (For exeample, a notag m> have a 25.yme amortization wtaninitial te.n .. f five yars. Atter the Afit yeir. if paynients haue ben matie as agreai. tl would ho rewed fôr anotter teri baued on the intett ratas in affect at dttisune.) Terme range fromt six rnontits ta Oive Yoms or longefr. Altan se>-, nuait> first-ttmt buyers select a( tte. or flvt.esr teint. md Bankr of Montrent afin offert a itven-yer te.n.. Longer te nt provitit protection iaint in- teesi rate incritses duning thete tai oftht = etga; by lotk¶t inthe pa>-nsent, tht>' lees"t uget. Shouter igins, n hoiter hand. allote borrowers to Lak Qtfflge of derlotes ini iant rate leveis. Sitiorter term raien usul- ly loteer than those for longer ternis but titis has net been tht cete in 199 and inta 1990. A closed morigage allows Yeu tca ins onl>' littitati pre-payrnents during the terte. TEAM REALTY K.W. INC. 186 Victoqla st. S.. Itct'une. Ontý N2G 289 741 -1400 Three bedroom townhouse S 99f0W. TI-ee bedroorn bungaiow $149,000. A HOME YOU CAN AFFORD! Glenn Troctsel of TEM REALTY K.W. INC. presents an information night on buying a home or income property in Kitchener. (Just thirly minutes awoy) fTuiday, SePt. il Bayrlsch.r-hof 7:30 PU. 324 S1.islsAvis., 13191714LM- ntrol your mortge A= u mnge alh2ws you te jpay off a av&UL48l frt any brattt ofaà batik or ather enud És > wltat ihu pmtat% at-any lendair tinte F polbZ more fledblllty. Optes 8ukgahain wMnvul nuny hlej Mioftgmes art alenos Alwas si e . tapas 4Mcltglulh mort.fe options la jug as Min>' liender add fiodbllity te dasd Co moMeCblnIato usc ttTnit .rexteages hy allowlng borroees tes: Honte flulders Asocàaion Hom, tIotline 1) pre-pi>' up to. ay>' 10 per cent of the atM91HOME. 2)ta icamthirpymnt a similar r e r D m a Thoee options combinwe tht benellt tu IowerI d> loe org"wihneiiit n been impro ved Tradîttonil mortgage payntients wee KGh om tly announed la nw monthly, but tenders note offer the option t o dc Une for 1990 &Md. ai las ei pi>' wekl>', every two weeta and twKC a ICG pZuhave S' mnonth. "Morte ftoquent paymenta, offer sub- t' th lti reninemn ,i d Plit-- surani savuts and convqtlence, beuetrug pg'ments can be ,natched with pay ThtouFh ts hittory tht e pas pelodî,' saidAltoil. hip h tas bto ta <rmsatelln. Wtth an Kcelied weekly p.>' mulgtage Casc dependable desgnie, th.t;trontnue, to <teher thte weekly payinent is ùg d-dp~ o01Hig tehnology to ltfptow.. the monthly paymntt, a S150,OiIn140ode altea>' taking &me cue nue to lit et 12 pet cet could be paid off 7-1/2 years the eénial qi)ti and'sountdnts of the tai>', savlng more titan S110.00 tin ints over the (Ie of the ioilgage. e i veti of thS [CG Nordic Il Hué esThere are two unreLated ty2un o~ e p is a case tirer point. lite Nordic Il ha insuranct. "su 1t@rbs,à-nong, dependable pet4oreiner loir *Default insurance (rmn CMHC (à Crotta several ysers. For the 1M 0, anticipaiîr% Corporation) or MICC (a private sc it- new, mm §Mtltftt oouinq;ultfions, ICG sures) le ennéoyfrnm" r ha, lntroduced a nete 'Io et coinpNet titan 75 per cent of the ossvaul scloillcompreser" to the eet of thtNà prtcatht l.sdeeagalt possible dfauli on dlc Il. Tis vlrtuaiy elimtnattes the itomsite- t t a;l doms not plut the brt M - 9LÏated wtth se pulstions occarning in lender teill airange , h ,trne and the Othe §Wke ando models tttat colltinu I se ornt-it promite (up la peiO cent of the the conventtonal uetprocating cosnpresor, mortgage a--ut) is usay >dt the iwhe - qulettas Of ope-ation is abtwlita tom amowt - n thtNor Il through tht ditation of volve noist and perfecit balance, Nmorgate 11 Insuraitie piclact tht bor- Sciai compressoir lia ethances low oue- mower lt tesl pay off the montgaoe, allowlt do tenpri turt opfeation servies, imoie ciasr larnl> trctvyarhm es Thcro cotnmp"osr haî 100 per ceit cad ttht event Of YOuî deathit Il 1,10w C ast volntc efficienc. This allotes the haut mdttpreciumis can be addedl diect>' ta pump tu operale ai lower outside tp s- thetmortgageraayenaent; nu barrowers taira ture than before In thtt word,, the itet mongae fil enseence.Nordlc Il cas continue ta hit >wur homne Otite options offered b>' many lendmen i- mucit longer than prevbaus modeh coatld clude. poabihui and asîumabillWy titoit b"lt having tc, have assistance fi9m ex- gage swltchts, variable rates, early reneteal pensive electrc hiest. 1rhis reduces your and mortgage pre-approvals. Informatio is energ biH. A icsais fjdltu sstie lisc.-" 842-8690 878-4380 (res.) INDUZIRIAL COMMERCIAL INVESTMENT opECGIALIS-TS BUSINESS AMD REML ESTATE FOR "ALE Plumbing and Healing Business wel esablisirled with ver>' attractive giowtt ProsPactsý Operating 40 Yeats in Milton. FuIIy equippati For full information. if de i t uia m .5 mtusu itn pia 2 ciac Walter .iervngs se na m s lU ta lai 855 cas soi sq ePt, 2 wb* tai 842-8090 atS5~9 at 2 @pis tpu 2 WRVnessueis onr a >c s 132 et mmm 87»000orC e Mm -a s-l 4sei Ouf miw , F Fatise noe tu - CO HR W3r"y alluacho. S 1800. RttIl. brgi dn hplinr of pafftAluilAdn plus NEW 0WJ sq. Il rttOabWic bil on .77 ;Wekwlt* truitq mwe.hwNi acre M2A zoned. Minutes 10 Jameis Smsi'401 . aduai Io $796.000. R. Plus idueai be baou 2100*p .* s. tlbik brgilsPMU b§In u 10 24 BUOMI YE Peso 2 ic -O *ai ~Sa pbwr 50.1005 ta tfte*x SrittiGe 1Part. Stee bain pi buickt bundalc Aakln Bo~t pr1 a$ >Am"%.e.igileoni UNDUSTRIAL FOR LEASE 2O786pn.ILtu st*boOttikde on 15.OQ sq et.. DL plus 01. 15' cèes. Gan bs 1.6 @ese, 6W.. 21'-cl. $3.25 fe FMl yus. ~MdAMug 15.1011 P&F 3M_ it . 2l. DL. tisen 53 $25 P.S.F 2.000 - 10.000 sq. R2' am. rmzaniev. 2&W0 se. 0.. 2-W. Douen. MlWtorngeon at tsCtt bàSdio Aitiit 8.00 0P&F. Put0 87.0 PaFAO fr& lb. h0.~fu~~~