Iroquoisjoin celebration Tht rurîtge a Cmndasnan- Anionapv~Lv. dcs tîntpuop~rnwllhtîgfdgb as mi ne indluding Isather goods. tnoc- Indistt Strrmnser returns ta Crawford c&snsit peweelery, beadnnork and Lake Cotnervation Are this Sundîy prtnts, deînonstratitip in cote fiusé (heptember9frnt 10 àrn to 4p m doll and basket mn r¶nkueIv A special atrsction in the lnduit icgon rides on the hoeutiui Wocd- Village will be Iroquotan drummert. latnd Tril to ihe spectacular s- singers and danoers who iîl]le ,,,,îten C nnauvtne gàa nd demonsîrating a %arwty of native grweya Canut ndi.m tours of the snng and datmes rin traditinil pînh:çtonc ltoquoîsr Village. d"n, AiI-terren tnhokhairs for the di,- CmItugi Elder mob Thoma' witi abld and eldeiî, wiC: l'e ivmlable be sfnmnng is vînt kmrion.Ie of the during the dav i a fIrt corne, 'r't Tecoe or the Longftue, duning ncv ban, e scheduled app rancis at te oiner For tniorîmtor, phonre 336-11;a vallon cetre i . vkdsn.rr K54-02-34 <.wndn; 'Fuodtastic' for Bi g Brothers Hilton Big Broîhe-s liae pLbrned s futrdtstic 'ett st.Miltoti Dtitno Higir Schoul tii Ostrrda, .fhepîent. ber Si begut'rtg ai 2.30p mi F.r t.t lth yeer. tIti% zAnt va i&ys shotw boturîtt tufp Canadian pet.- fortme, es ill Inep Hilton Big Brothers tend dozrens of local litile brodten ta camp atnd paynfor sucl items as bada.aU and tccer regitau lInclud.d ir the performance atm tucht st as the TrampChamstp, s tleiedntdoup of trampoliti oit., wocm i il and coren, in à delgitful pmotaiC.adMke Carbne ho îyole th udiwncle n hmn off -liet brand of tnnsense, Thanks to a no indivîdual, and 1-intee in Hilton. roit, tickets fhave bain donated ta local îxsnza. iotrand ame ditributed t bIdren and famnilles &ctm" HIton taho would otherwnn not bie able toa t- tend such à show For informastion csll Sutv t 547-7267. Poker on the run M ,cia*% # Tha <km wu"sa 111M At fbnd raha Iv ta liumam OyMoIlly A»="Saht of Cuad" hhi KaWo Cmmaasatht Ama M k, IMMl u poku. Th. MWis MWa li AugMU. In org.tffd Wy ft Vasai,.TaW- waY Unai riaias a payd u rila ffls wu u fsa tvard a"a ad pwffar -1e =hm & flot tu. 0 $10 S t» lh ut <ai. Anmm una chaiha lbl ui e hm fnon , MW"as Ssdla (I Mt aliase> elfaa iaoaiuy Gerait mi, u sai haalr Saik Vàtan fwiaia<ai maird"uS ir 878 2022 10 m am ai emW a 7 00 p . - oo servicen mmd...v 7 30Il P.q. uta Sam A.e ad lmr mnit . uta edo t - hna ir n!ipp.std ta put gwap son Dr !pe ltS 9 26 ALLI A NC E CHUR>4 6hein MoenngWeftipm First __ Community Qilurch of Milton tasu -un& $@MWt 1a Eve"yne Wel1come A Caing Community Paelor. E"sy Jenk"r Church O11111ce: 878-0354 GSI kicoo De» Unt os ,a, . ONaifa SBAFflS CtIRCt 902 Wm Rad 875-162 ;AiADiAN BAPTIST FIEDERAT¶ald Ru.T"i Lailla Sunday. .s.ttsbé, 9. 1990 Moîning Wornhç 110008a.m .kunio, C40e ii t Nsrnuy Wtutadw AcoaCSUC A c ue.leaee mmsa vasî, HOLY ROSARY ROMAN CATHOLIC PARISIf 139 Varlin t. li150 8754535 mhm TiMta SMi1P YinSnt 00 5-n. 10 3 à. 12 ncom jtFPIPIAY fLUTIIERAN CHURCII LUTHÈRMD CHUACM . CAKAoA Ba ptaia ubi Sheel 180 teSs on- (ie t wo*.b F ScrimnE Vacuy Pwt 571454 a 00nt m Wvotaà Sainte. At -ý s&ilmn Sut. M-" nun A Ca-tt M&_S ww4eSn cri-, em-tiS Sie 0 - J-0nM auw«- Miaa A . Simt a tllm ml% j,.e p GRACEWAY BAPTIST CHURCII Paier: 105,. K bile Naootalle Lbtuy OUR LADY 0F VICTORY OR io ST PETEFrS CHURCH m LwS - - Omute., &--Mya Ran Su Tl. Sisie aiet NEW LFE r M M se. W~ c% 7 555150 PU Pasio: %av Don Fomis Tot PaOM: SoM Couper Standay, Ssplsmbw 9, 1M0 Kivoi Punly Nasal 10 30 àM. - Mowdn Worghis 6 30 pm - EverowigSrvice »A»,u P 0b DU"~ sism ___________________ in f.u'SOX- Seint ?SISi -u B04sRuc' MIE PRESSYTERSAN 14URca IN CANADA KNOX, UL1.70 mAs Sf. IL 5171111451 GRAVI AMGUAN r CIIURCII 6,O0a m - Hoy Eucuansl 10 30a m - HoyEucsaos *SALVATIONARMY i MLTON BETHEL RfUCH Urita"i Rd., Surllstms Ann"a Memorial Serice WiII be held Sunday. Sýptember 9. 1990 lit 3:00 p m. 'Everwpne Weleome" Where there's a wili, there's a %#ay. There a a.t Il l %&r N. Tealawm -1 lin the caMWn the nilait and it htU Ne . ý kont , tht Fat Andti tt h u. heen P.n.d AI church services hl tn - Royal Canadian Legion Heu 1 Chelo Stee CHURCH OF CHIST 141 aia rhu . <I&(taieb LItu Services held evosy Sunday 74 et 7400 InInp i 110.. ST. PAULS r bl ý b l li 12 SI al BAIA'I FAITH- 878-W85 ND Box 13 ÙkLaXON, LII1 2Y3 air RowHy* 878-3098 Ras EhataLV#314i SUI4DAY. SEPTWXBER 9, 1990 utetata-T1he R»v N.ita oma 1030 àrni Womsiu Survieu Mua TwrsLoe HWF-lman *,,m@*o iiT~ SwlaSsIa*o O 1M9 LesSons ¶hat-MuuiS~itaExodus 19 18-24 -cftwlhoil (Auma- 71 Mahti541S 15-20 Num" " 0 3 YW '%nc$ay Scileol PtgaaIratos M ~ ~ 940WAW m oirn FUM a 464M «-W in mamme IVa Wmbh Allua i @ ,. wwmu ama My gIory and MI glory not; thou art MyI riobe and My robe hIIIII w. bu l l'Ulm 0011 TV WiA fi. 0p mm mm a c"3-" Ill WoW* çtSNS ThursCambs FOum ce iptidu~aam ft 01 Fmi~5WS 1