<-s *1 I I i MILTON, '1DOOR TO DO'OR" CAMPAI G'N The month of September canvassers wili caon you"Please Be * Rural resident s please send donations to: The Treasurer, Arthrltis Society - MMlon Brmnch, c/o Tih. Royal Bank, Milton Mail,'Milton LOT 2M3 Gene rou s" a bette,' place ta live. The f*R"~Eatats Ir4 hW el Cocff *R@M may of*âa vSt TrckSo & SRR ba.d 3W - UMa-8 HwY 25 & 401 ONSTPHPM ~.~O~tMlw's'q7 14101 0OAI _______(Tror kMq) W&6921 8 878-Ml ToN Frue 14800-263-4176 %fie e n% %4» (4101 -nu *~mam4mon44 ,,H&R Block 681-8006 e878-2318 mm. 0.1.1 LaI 3Y Milton. District 30-D"yRoad Wst * 878283 THE ARTH RITIS Qr-2I TV, obmiwwm»ww~--