g-.. e A Downtownmmc MUpaWskyRpoet en Communlt Nsw.VM &l4pnig bas been developped to loter more caring; concemèdcom- munittes. It wtiI promote the d.velopmt of MOre InforhW n ceghbour1ýl41PPOrt kL Works for aOOnd au est iw"y in everyo win the commuzlity can b. a GOOD NEIGH3OUJR". Dowrtown Milon b.It.ve in the Good Neightoit program bocause it is ade up of -ub - nus popl wtio live in Milton. Our1pe aoizlng omunlty - b. a Good Netghbour Jiu-jitsu WHEN: ~- *u 878-1074 * #7d 3IO~os' 632-3100 Ne: BE.A 0000 NEIOHSOUR, tUefun.t <machi W~ " hdutOCh OIhv. mf ym IqowimOl vhO il .ouIg #*m. bomsd *om lunl med ml 0FFER A HELPIMO IIAND. a Stop foe a vuPf * Tâq #mw Uuçpphg wIIh yu. 0 Chak'aI " pmIo~ uuu ai le 8u -I DOWNTOWNý HAS IT ALL! Markft, *"MMn rtaatsu loa t, th t . PM&urda> Sgptmb tn4 do» wn Main Stee at lI145 au' De MMr to $top uurly 8o tdut you cen retuu' th w1m tdiof Our péstin the fom of *mu eng, taeâ md DowMtonnU MJt"sit euh1 Hafris Station4y Limited onL 25900 look Moc New omtwn uionILTOtI usten NWDWIO1 Ho & NOble "FA-CE IN THE CR0 WD Conteast DENTUE Npicuge wU b t wm at ft.m mui MWi &Mree ad WlERAPY am-mn %M WC bu CrWLINIC CMUmercime@ f A ACaterd Affair'sCaf e- éei - -- ai.àoe .8" h~ 1_0_ \ , S I G hi b. i n