!'We'r(.Yotir LlVLwr~ 00N OE.« CAlL TODAYI vEny 8XcriTNti To sa ita lo" 4 boam homni Everything le a vary watt dona. loc@l on a ourt 0. This homne Upgrade galore h@ brendPOu boaus many astre$s uch s up- kilchoen, jeiu tub. brodoon WIN traduit broadlooin. 5 and 2 piaeu - r =k y rO u A hom rem&&el bah. tied basement, trench ed trom top to bottilo. Listed At 1doors.îengla eulargarae Cati te 8249,M0 cAtIl Eva Gooding.MO- daand aek for Sheryt Gray'. MO- *Sales Reprewuntative Ncit McVIctt BmokeT/Manage~r* The proids of aorlomeanshop on home cean> hOrb surpassaid bl oaners dissire 10 fond eomo ma in and anto>' il. as origi intendad. ldsally lacated jplt of Milton and oni>' 3 minutes 401 .Aîloing 8349.000 Ail o miii be consodered Caii La Goventloda>' 11-51 rle tyou get aih thisbeeoititut 170 cioa hlottle that as don@ lit perfection. loédes of upgrade lon, cce s fixéma 89, .e central v1.160windows. noe roof and mucli more, Asti to Sheryl Gray. MO0-184. NEM - M - EY' a1 »mi ari lota oft urds -MME?? To your happinesse Dotached 3 = police $174,900 MO0- 67 This 3 beodrooom toMunue ailli fin-! 1>9d1o1m home On a IOVOlY 90' s oshed besemnant, searai. ding 120101t Largeea -hthnar boni. single car garage os ready lf r coritioned tasltully decotated immedietae occupancy aH trou have and rad' 10 moet ioto Asturog to do as moie inRéducel Io soifIo $0189,900 inspici, compareof.' ou~ie n.Is Sl39 900eek¶lor Sheryl Gray MO-I jÇa John (JP) Piors 876-.156 24 P.skîng 1119,90 Cali Json fJi Pose$ 67. hr pagr MO 161 876-11klot 1O I yth@ FREE >'IENT AVAILABLE VENDOA WILL ARRANGE neato, Owner isoff"rifretelent a an i- - FINANCINO _ Oeil>' od- Up la 85% of purchase PCIf Flom .000 Io 1.51X) sq Il onu l 1 oest son building. Oesigned lfo proictes- banli raies Io e qualified'purCliaser zovi on liton Vaudof wiii build fromt &mnl and business oficen 1 2oid but you moust &ci fast as thos pop- to suit and me>' assit in inanig Mars floor »$d service ouieniited buSioesS cuty os oni>' available for a ilîmid faqauidprisuCtLie ari O mI1 10< iiLiraGien tgr tome ai $189 ,900 CaiLawrie Gie for more details 110-02 more information. 10-24 à* Given MO-18i, Currie ý 878-4944ý Johin (J.?.) Stevesol. Porter* kiaomkh. 'rv 0von 2.5 ACRE LOT NUAR CAMPSKLIIcLLE Jial raiS Ci cmoim ulnoir oioutes luo 401 Wuillteon.ooag luser perd aviveadale dlsouper location Io boul trour drae, Noms. Fin sale 8141,000 CO Lainr fOr éioc br daae» MOIl71 WUMcPLM CLRY RAMu Pravails ou this encharoling 7.25 acre »Mtlg outr gaden "- sp.red by?4gt.shtaditiloni hî home lecltres large country kuoitaa, S bedrotome. bria rot and study. Uated et 8679.9u. Plamole Ca Barba Ramada 876. 1156ffo 4, Yvonn e ' Stwr "a Ir ad UNBEUEVABLE FINANCINO Pourcher flous not seeld Io quail> lit assume exietîug morigage ac- cording 10liteh baik, Cuiront bal- anceeappros. S152,0000 12% lit Match 1.,1995. Cati LawroeGives o for à dloser lool oday- 110- 158, t beWaMi celam mIl a et hors@ tarlm locéeed beltre. W«Ion and OUtrait. Ecg>' émsari tor tamât> living. This le flot lut Irecuoua home - M's a aay ot titi A fo 1r Pue Runid $78-843 lrnmmïls l'ri mone conscieus inveator fiit Wn Marty' eurporaea ahen viteaung 1h15 beaufut property Mony up- grades Include Oea windows. whiripool tub in extra large beth- rocam. central air and veo, and peannaldon, linge and spi- M .d= descveotIobu on =o is of moulit Ka Ciia FAMN.Y Thois cou>' seni hm lots of futures you'ii eppreciala. F.P. in living uoom, broght eat-mn kiîctin, main Ilco tasd rois roc roain bue& ment. central~ ait' allut Io large fanced yatd, cmlose b chootl AdWqn $171.900. ROYAL CITY RE- ALTY ITO. GLADYS CRANFORD $78-1158. 11-93 JUST REOUCED - MMNOWOMFLI 0, Tis ame ounly popolrtyrlà ar- s oile evidernt in Mlite agvaL- O TIi B~e olebY P0PS~Y PU ing, two sîorey home, toreplace, on billi wooded and close 10 &N olin. to vai marNa, l isil or ir vemioincea Renoeled à bedrocai et, tour ample bedrooms, two and a bungloin i neotfiai by the Wood on hl baie. bwft in kâedW and el lot. n ffactiv coouny fume ali ,tIl Jandscaped yard, excellenit 7. onvestmient poleifial. Rots codtiri $3111.00. Ça Slevn J Rumalte 878-6437. MO- 172 pgi.!I0 aIlle deiý_ 1O I Wayne hsKatrina josephine casaon Rwunmlls* Watton* Peic* X7-42 876.$6 i-01, 87IT Y3 R I-39 880 7-63 7-58 8874 b