CAMRY SALÉ. .EXT.ENDED,, 99%FINANCING OR FREE.AIR* CAMRtY SEJffl LE Vb TEST lt's our biggest clearout of the year and your Toyota dealer has sharpened Up hJis pencil ta write your best deal on every new 1990 car and truck in stock. So corne on in for a test drive. You'l get a snappy T-shirtý And the driving IVEA SHARP CAR, A'SHARP T*SIIIRT.* expenence of finding out just what lbyota value is ail about. With the promise of the Sharpest Deals in Town. A promise your Toyota dealer wiII deliver on - right now! SfiaS ,fter e,,,,S:"~~ 3C 199c, r 5e .fsa THIESHARPESI DEAL$ IN TOWNý x R -Q TOYOTA MILTON TOYOTA 1589 STEELES AVE. EAST 875~-3050 tTNIOOA MILTON, ONTARJO 8840,:7 FULL, S'SERVCE, PM à LEASI Mu 810000. ofer 48 rmnf P~ o 8 255C0.82.151.20. Pa S-:UISSU@ O IU l ' a I t i 1*