Peewee selects finish second at Oakvil1e tourney ç PasaIl s basée doubll el "* Wh", up Deny B rchwâd a au rien sl. si fi Mthc as x bàsend wn«il etoss aitut. etas e, adpauata toune- Milâce tua ruan Zla& ID P=at Hadà8 , e du ' oi =i :u: :11ruas. =ska fpa six Mis btlit tfoublla %,smu stitn = >~tU..e*y fihaa's Sud fa tires rue* vantéeai' he Nagi Milaad U-w upapr ai uas - M"i uob, ubla i ta ICuI The liaoa the anani ttht oeoeugaw a l <tmwa ph. tae se" laeta pub du vtla h h st orbi~ma f, uhs .5511 a 6.4 u Win Husn Lake. Mil- -Wsi Miko. all aie, m 1m -ellessU iRihiaelari 3-1 kveM didat to ta ter No" MUSC hbond 11 bat- uta ow Niagar tasna.& la duth thir a" se si "ga dui but th je "t id not give up a mma fi la à k2hum, omsinlg fdur merIka- tid Mika Anà oslis ut e. Bouqel aid Naj Mil. Sotte muaid X-I. In the rut iaiqig NolsaIElq cte and gMmin upoally a siagle run, bome. Chria aIq caue Ia th ipped la utI tua aie a 'Ilauptbaélh isrtiof uti sais IyStdel 5,.AishiiuOahe lt i i sipyd WII1W.WI Bliai blda tua mia do"bI the lmi 2u=ukax5sliAin flot ta Ana art aad Delry puarlmi a double Dahy UScbt foot eASfati 200ua Elu y virtyl of duir 3-0 record MUta. it us Mo bel tuawos asi ma j s hIl arif ta amie bNs bo~ an ROIag *Si &M I" rowaln homne Plts. The two ru eba pu&wav&iofi C du ftlsinal Ç&_is &~- galni but #t un a Pmn Pm Grave dafaaoe stin doa ut =% a(llowm wUhanode. shigl.foral- Aat ln s mm d cam éiys boar vU' A Ua.gtc dtam in wach, bld aie ta ky, i in the fim inii. 0 Muta. Lud. la duheo ttardla& ln the third . al Mllam demia. du& fnin anag. .5*1 )&y llickte wu parbai Amnidsa la due fourmis laalng lay Dhrk got a Walker and Jamle Pauti aIlU lislied OukvdIVs US-3. MUtaa put siagle follousibyDar Milies bai 'yd <ivleA.btibfu inagle and Diryl ll ra, - bim ualh.s and .111 due bases kbadei N4 fous pithhtIl tatw t l o ta ne ma l. 0~,h âhvls maiad oa way th uâsy uSas bts on a oaï-rua double. hrsiiptaa Miltoln SeleotS Shtng tUmtls stlfsa o MUta. dabm uim sSmdune mist the battuofa tht ___________________________ folmt but Milton Il potit All 3 8 3 8 R rwmOSA Ilur Devin Rirtidhoas ROI ble Cor AIuo I2 2 b_ 31 I 0m 0 0A0 which ~ ~ ~ I IcrdNge lrig nte NtnMw 1 3 1 O 0 0 3 u aaather tuo rua sibtI ahad Jay B"rS 12 O 3 IO O 2 oo STRAFTAVLRLE ci00ehrubsbe sbawe Mîlo' leid ta 4-3 Milton nlM. Il tl 4 0 STARCRAFT TRAVEL TRALER M"a 29K< ft ffflt kstcto Inathe topof te sdlComylisour- BranykrbiIl 0 3 a O o 1 O 0 tookà wlk nd olemmd C ap Bwito 10 0 o 0 0 4 O O STARCRAFT TRAVEL TRAIER Mcdii 26$ wffh centra kitWa manae Scott Anders put an the .LAniantell 10 1 2 O 6 0 2 2 1 SIACRAFTTRAVEL TRALÉFIMOM 24S W«Cen1frbithOfW nae Den sRchardson 9 2 I 1 0 O I., 4 0 1Jrle W.lke- 1 4 3 0 0 0 3 0 O vM o< g&a tabm sts Lacrosse novices jaTeFOuate 9 O 0 ô 0 I 2 1 HSUISM SBSL *,beat Brantford Nelatv S t 3 O O O 32NEW STARCRAFT HAROP CAMPERS in playoff series METEOR . R-STARFLYER - STARMATE M it n , Lions Club novc s wo A ', C E R N E - S , $e frit round af tht-ut lacroiuECA MLE- ar=n wo quightUSEO TRAt.OS 1989 TAYLORCOACH MOda 19110, win inth 989 TAYLORCO ACH M O Me 19 T A C weas Prcud of the- pai;and YPYMda 8 t-ar yuay dopel is tht., Nin)a 1990 GYPSY MOde48O »da MKhae ine, eIao a ndtn 1989 GYPSY Mode 480 teait Stuam Gllt-uens the bllet yel 198 GYPY «Wl4 Cari Leigh scormed 10 goals and had iss" assists to lt-ad the Mim on4 STR'F WtPTRIE sldp it ten in tronng. Danti Lenmno, 1964 STARCR»FT H/TOP CAMPER -Al cotidboa scrmed t Ar M o aida a pr ' of assisti whi Kwsalnii thfgoiýa.dsue «.HALTON TALER SALES & RENAIS LTD. Chuns An&&,. jeff Mitel and jamie Mihutu lan &U Cornerlemake o Trafalgar Rd. & Hwy. 7 Georgetown thésu en e ss uhut Blair 1FN 15 Beaul bai"u and Aadrew Peers A E;c oVF 4 6 Adam Mulasat, and Dert-t Mewhin. 'o "s.416)877-4 6 nie esch lui siagèes.- -~878-8685 SOHOOL OF DANCE & PERFORMING ARTS ' FALL REG' TRATIN at the Orpt)t ntre Wednesday, Sept. STtWp.m. 9 p.m. Thrday, Sept. 6th 6Spm. 9 pm. S&tUridY, th 10a 8.9-1p.M. a Muslcl 771et&* a Dfldet e Modem Mature Professiosal Facury, Holdng Merrmbershtp in RAD ISTO CDMA Open SANP, GRAVEL,I -E7-0