YOU COULD WI-N ONEOF3GRAND PRIZE FAMILY TRIPS* FOR 4TV' VISIT THE WARNER DUOS. STUDIO AND SIX FLAGS MMIC MOUNW~N IN LOS ANGELES, CALIFOIA OR A BUGS BIJNNY1I BIRIMt. PRIZE PMCKMETHAT INCLUDES A GRtEAT SELECTION 0F BUZS DUNNY" MEICHANISE., (AflUQlKTEVAWE: 140) OR A THIRD PRIZE 0F A VIDEO GAME SYSTM ____________ .5 What a party weýve pandfor ]Bugs Bunny'su .5Oth ]Bîrthday!!. The fun àbegins A ut.27th and finishes September Ist. Every day you'I fi/d oelebrations, activ.ities, and cnet. Be* sure to meet Bugs Bunny anid his friends and catch ail the fun. SES. 10 AuN- 1 M, &wp DNny artàvit cntre for t k1ë Everyday is somtthing différent. Stonies. crafis; fart pining. carroi planting.- u&d mort. #.-s.. 4-5 pu. Test yur "iU ai t 1IJRBOCGAFX- 16m GMlE chalenge with finil showdown on 11IuVB/F. 7 FM. maej show ptrfomied by a'magM )na n< Torontos "A untie Nit Magî feaunng Bugs Runny. Daffy Due and 1TMnan Devim'~ Sal. 2-3 MN. Dtnhdarparty for Rap Bunny wnth his frien ibei party fMatures a m*i dhm, dioerkiedm. picture wth Rap Bunny and blrdbday cake for ail On Sale! Specially designed Bugs Bunny caps - proceeds to the Starlght Foundation for critically, chroiically, and terminally-- Mi children. On trin MilsParkway ai Eglinton, in Mississauga FUN FOR TUE WHOLE FAMILY! JOIN US AT CENTER COURT MII TAKE PART IN ALL THE BUGS BUNNYNm BIRTHDAY EVENTS AND SURPRISES. at participating stores in the shopping center or send a self addressed postage paid return envelope to Bugs' 5,Oth Birthday"' PO. Box t183, Station "A' Toronto, Ontario, M5W tW. 1 request per envelope, postmarked on or before September 8, 1990 No'piirchase necessary. Deposat entry forma ai the cenmer court ballot box or mail to: PO, Box 1477, Station -A': Toronto, Ontasio, M5W 2E8 by contest daosig dlate of September 22, 199. See officiai ruies for omiplete details. OnIy one entry per person oerday permitted . TRORIlF81b 'ACCOMMODATION ATSHEEA1UN- UNIVEISAL HML. h 50t1h o s àUadAnukI of Wameku hIc CIM5 1TeheimIo 16 L% LmfrflwA id NC(aa.Inc