I -~ w oJ ooWWrOqAR, NILT~4 MIIm4N A Downtown Milton Weekly Report On Community News, ~ews & Happenings ________ I fi jaspev martiri Ùay q SIDEWALK SALE SOL. Au g..25th. 7 A.M. 12 NOON r" CorneOut Dnd Share the Spirit of the Past - Jaycees Pancake Breakfast * Face Painting * * nox Church Pako Sale -Sparkyt the 00g '-I. *Farmers'Market Jitï-Jitsu *Seof De! ese * Seom comldenCe *Spom - Fun - Flfnots, d~et and tut., myt3tus' froqi somei of the WHEN: *Mon-r Tuet - Thurs. SelM PRICES: Juniws - 6AD14. 16--!moolh Adulte - 828 /nmonft 'CheCk the Rest thonCal the ist' EM~h. MtonJi~J 878-1074 So , 1 310 mn s: 3t SHOES AND ACCESSORIES Buy one pair reg. pnice, get second pair for only-$1 ..00 onaà#/Even PICOn -and Bondolino selected shoes xûto5O0 /0OFF ýùummer Hafldbags & JewefY ?u 4mnS 875-1627 E1 Vn~zaShoe Repair ha' rnow~d to 212 MA St. ~mrijeanct4'e, cShoes (formerly EIseyS Phflur&Cayi ~ W. w:il continue the usualropair service to you the Customêlr On A.leather gOOds. auvioe UNis O VouWtt 878-6902, Bruce -H-oOd smoe aswl ecrid -iravel ,,.WACatered Affair's Café is 00 Ta9* ~ke a break fnrm your busy day! 878'2886 -h~~uli- 140O MWn St. E. P1ion .lIePIe875-2964 FACE IN THE CROWD WINNER mrs. Betty 1,C Frame ConrtuItJcqýs MILTON DEA~TURE THERAPY CLINIC 1MAIM ST E. £ 1 mur-2 F.V UPArm 1