Womm told toi euse, on seIf.crkicIsin over uppearac Foiwtér teacheirfow buddiàgjntveutor ah.ayenm m' lb. mik bM O ko, m it Un Ar "tj 1wamip M U.ivwml= to' 04 lasd àa1 daisi of~~ ~ ~ dmaI J,.>Jmçt'P gw hvl wmoe . hm~1w =49c:.Wn. Otm #mDydan ossiiasse e Poiad wanlt4.*e .hli Ora Pm pr. IIGWis by IUIB Hb.ospital pswb. ga.mc ml mu 1ciei= dowa't kbw.' éie àm ahmwhF $W bWatt lu 0usga la L la .Maosasll. Il iacar 1 bhe m fliu~~Ut mcaie fidzi aut htah plaier i., mrd Iùm wih.8 lo o f fit-i cawt bas én am dw7awoiàw=r a a.hqurmiciftttuiiii maW Mo acd mi., 14 dam md à 4" atheçold wuw qi«0WC mnriss mc wce't fra' wur. h "d yoII th ai, Wl Mh, mmd diam Mt*iev m would happn if tisere was à ah a »W 'h' w i. Ir nudk iar us mmptqA~aSa>~ ,#mma ni an *» Anot,,r nc"va; man, ais tim was isiciW i Ud St. Irml btay isq ai sAmit 14Uhy *y Ca>sadian but lcll bw - ihrailijai Of h, madi mysmm PC .yW havýe auicEm SUC"ia.- pele matl s Io the «inga, 5ome- 1 was'a pM og isovel Pýe«-"' adto M.%wlui M-os Ycul éon coemry *bou the. o todi. H a M dffiscf efigs mgcm il tm&ult" idt is fl. trmform y ourdrivewayhxtyour u av ota 65% ofwhat Vait noir spcf on gaslinei with convonient on-mile îmfuelliilg. * Muoids living in the Hiallan rounly areat havean exoellpnt oppôrtunity. Thanka ta the *NGV Fuelakar fi Union Gai. Ilcy'll ho mble to la cli their iighitrucks. vans or cars on-aite with Naturel Gas for Vobicles (NGV) fSr a fraclion ofieir gasplinecomsi, In factybu couid runisahoavsnaof up I to V5 *~ HO HOwYwCoEG inM1oSk * Fînd cui how tolap inta yaurhoeneor businea Natuxal Gai line for truiy autotanding futel bcinom..afi Union (Iaa today and sali about the NGV Fuelaki. 335-73.19 - .4~ judIis hidi oeumst %Par. 1eMental picti. ymau res ci for ive homa wmba1 he b.Pcgram yowr etdy a umwa0ht disa pb. cnet siad, ccasau)m .cs "New l'm wPwarisda bout thse mentaJçkt s unieltoi top rm tat% ra~it ,(%d'det: maidone earid * mambca it of . dem.~ ahW.v an liià 1 PMl grùltt'iL.eosaad -body' cab bnd tw emm . and. moeb~w.pble about nutrion dingatm dwuhng. Fur mmii m ansd «hIli habitta, a ssii odw theb rhaiti" pursuit of s=mel mAsse. m etdig aIy 010lb. mds to mrlous mW4i, dilrdo.* diami. mu si anr"mamis or buibM. PQmfi rgise.50tie le ro .Ms MacKay mi& tem sugr- g,émuîIlmciiliitly bd ions for,& bene body iissage; i.oms ce beigbhl tu ae *Bmisd yeurmelf of &Hl the iblmsg 'ébus >uisitmi m aC you are bfl* a body. "I tini weme Onig w s.. gocu *So bhIisgta tui, hgs ar nieaswar.to &Il IiWs probisel. W lwth adme %«ols bàsi Qu rosi istuasln your file - tocs as. reiatoniisl y our job . Sca.isb.icog oii a fi~i J tir wuaibyiY frum thua. tôtüy ppalcu tae iai. dctate iÔsesr oulos. e Do thingi ltai vou would have dcii. in tis pan omly if ýou were 0 . Cive up Jmiits about cu bcdy : - et rid cf aiH cicdmm that dciii fit. W.arlitg cubt ching oisiy i- phasizmiiow ilfrtg r'lr boy * , Dd#*~~CroeAgyirý Li