RFzMR( 111, . BEsT BUSINESS 00.e OPPORTUNITY TODAY" Ideal for people who want to màfke their moriey in the summer, and travel in the winter. PRICED TO SELI AT $52,0O0.00 SKOOPERS WILL GIVE FULL TRAINING Cal PAUL PAGE 878-2365 I FRED LAWR EI sains RePros OFFICE 878-231 TOR UNI 8 FiES. a f00 sq.tM on 1lxt19 fi lot> kade extras Asbrtg $283,030 Pleese Cao Fr I Ioniii 11e 00boLFi sâ pR j= '-= o AUDREY & KEN NEWELL, ASSOoafe Brokers Serving Mîfflon & District Since 1974 arld for many years f0 corne Ask for AUDREY or KEN, 878m5339 or 878-2365 Itowne $ealy Corp. )ntario St. South 878-2365 . A RICHARD HIERMAN MCE '~aJes Repî'çsentative i Motive 878-2365 S826-1030 65 Resajerce 878-5806 6.1030 H4 RSELOV!RS - TAKCE A LOOK AT THISI la padd CS. ru Shed. drie Shed 40 580 se aa Workshop puS mdEÈ<tZO 80 yfflr aid botS, rs 081<100 kg battu pAt 1/2 Wht1 and3 LMar~ rnir Noo Iayr mont ANti n2 t AMrao 55900 THINKIRG 0F A MOVE? Chsa-, e we'i f o ydr fYowry anyway, so why noi ci me for an oU tatiorl4ree cliscussiort 0f yo property s value and row 1 mil gel il SOflO uq~ BUILDING LOTS CAMPELLVILL£MOPVA1' MLTOee0EOR0OTU 9900 NEW LISTING ON BELL ST '200.qQCld.tti ctn0n0 d0. 0..00.0 5 005th.4. 0 001. le< 0S 5 ".<~t lm4 ss MIKE MORGAN A.SS90Bok6<1 878-2365 826-1030 (T.Wn' 878-8093 (R-> PsmFlCTMO 8 ' 8 2Y4Ma W-» Ilimffl0 - Osa y540 go.. Péty 01 bfp5<00405 .'4 .do. thr. 3 bodo,,.4045 <000 f tb. . 0 ttte Set 0ý kt tt, .0 o ".t .r.o y-r ft,.d. 20M Q M . btl. egb Qt0,, 9.. hdi . -t11. ttr,,t*t.. "0>0 4 bdM --at h..ae4*hhe IN< "1< 00ttt h-. N4.r. pl- ptrt.'y t 0.00 b...m.n -ht et ,,'w. the . ts8i *r"dy 00 .a VOUA CHANCE TO t' "55 M *65<08 11 'Cababt P.0* EXCLUSIVE COURT $279.900. t' .8fl gé, ac tAo pi 4 t.1,<te S M40. *0 *ruVd0og us i'-4Q Q O FOR FAM£UES WmH HOBBIES &MO TRUCKS 823.900ý Eseet23 h- -h-o 2 -o 2 4so fIt02 0.bng505 wf0~5t.t~'00**C'- 2f'% _M~go SANDRA A. BAILEY Gaes PéS'taty FiE.MAX Wtown. Resti Corp 22 OntaeSi S . kts 1l-3i4%ý JANUARY 199 MORTGAGE Cohe oee Io, yoriSW M-a& oe't. awtcenrlaI trc lCKdê 5588w & or/e blooo i and tri' et. e t' ugo Pt uie cail Sande A. Sali. fo oufl eIwing 879-2388 12.25% FE89UARY 1994 WORTGAGE let y.. «d Wet INs 00 RdIeroteu & tos, Pated Inktraes rue treigI, <to SiY. Afforclabie 1 My Re.ott l 0$%<M'< SFor a aa.ao<saiew 'o' pliancou SndreAk9. wy 1 'IlDARE YOU- 005. ,e hs loait 3 td Io bo tm/ * vtOpI tflflqny I1. 's tny a sinai Phtcd a8[3-j-j 1 ~TPACK 111XCE1LLET VALUE Ac sa""tot <051 e Ci oo -er h Pdb M P 5 à 0 Orhe OREAT VALUE t.~~t -p- W..1.1 C0 REs. o 4 CAU£50CARCI WIY GO WESTI A'Wt4eT...o 1t.p mt tC pr 1' AbSr3 a7 N IS C80 setes h r e"..2 g' *0StrO e iC'tb- oe- 0'1." 5* h. ...tt.-pIcti0rC< . ts1 "c. bi K )C ;tge M'y e 1-19 it*s-s- t.r 40-Fl etme0le e 76% et pencha.. 4 ter 2 ... AeiNMM 0008 FIjiU l Ia IR totto.,,the~ files,' r -, t4 00 *tlee ~t- e .- 't <.toe ha-I *0 . 0çK . 80n 000,5455 e'. s b onus .0.0 ~ 'o lot etad OC essAi 00.1 Con wtt' .aao *.O05 <O Q. 95<4 silO ethotUS 0.0<,.! ai ..çtIioe ~g.s-d.'d bro.dkto.' Cge 0400.0 erti <51 <00h Cee 044<4 9lW'~ HAVE YOIJ MEARD-P <th o.k or Il M,4 r, <bOite hmS tMý Covh'cJ4arad.1t bf0NbIoxrn 2 fi opo.ott. 4~f'o 4 tednt rs> ttsemeh.t comçoN to'er*i Mri.O te 12,9,0 ea9'ô$ '. Satula A Ratret tu /JV-t j8eai L USSISSAUGA HERE 1 COM '<t ri l o ut3 /0) Sa y atio. .ewNs trot 4 bedoro tf004Vrt, g'rl txCia00"troat. ftgi fflted, L888 0<8 anjCdWN»dCted y&ed Ptoes sgt~~Pesoe ase ee*tç<0S4U -v I p C