It's neyer too soon fôr family to meet bride's family .1d,.' Ne %bb, le st a wo- weekl vaation. Folio»ing ùa à itint. hiota W1 smn of hurr immguil puti Dtar Abby: Our only ian. Sammv. à o anderfail young prttmsona niatmwbo proctilti lanoitr miii He receauiy beamne, engamad ID a Ct lacmN lîve where b. pracins Wit metni htr and Éthunt, shes à nti ydun~mi mi. ; êr waadennag mahatthud of lamîý ihe contes frotim Satrun rtphoned last «arelc sayang b. mamatedtch brang the girl and htaamr héW tcftbeet is I d1wouraged ha.majmag t ai as tonmon -tat 1r, nra to -ait Unti1 alter uttirl ts.thn hem. Tcidav he calldcia a ay the y fmaangl i mas ihaclittoi thînli abat th,, girl and ber noiaihr auid uni amide lommafitit anmd caine *vMaut mv peiatal tnvitation litan sot thtv pressètud Sommy iniDai 00 caure lIlI b. hoipitable. but inhat do vaiu tbtnk of people miho miauld cota. mittit a ~eanla vIatior tram the honte., ýdri Wammnd.a'mg finir Wondmlisg: Afltr Ir couple las annoumned Iteir eagagametilI à. narwir lto muni' for the fanwlin te, meut, lin lad. il$, Cmlomaiy ta Muetb0eort.) I suspect you, aien'lt io knnn on Siamnmy'i gli yoor pnl.enrcetol mait« reaii yomar rrhwdami ta M. «epi htr. If yO..a don'l usant t Iao" yomur lwendtnfu ii .n. yo.mM better m,.l- loue lfait, Mother. and forcga Ui .fonnahueb.» finir Abby,. My bovi nend askail me if b. could bvau' my car, mii %Wm akay iHl as iun the shap.) Wtmnn he brraughti O back i noticod a cigareute bain math liputici on l ma lie asitray i asaind hita how i gai them,.and Wmimd b. didat kimom Do you beliinv iii possible that b. donai lnoma latt i gt them.' Or do limu thini lie'. iyiag tanie' Yomr anslfas i. ry ini"tnt te tet.on piale gtvt i mcan. thougili WIl [lur 'uwt Dm,. swallow doti matte a aprd.l, and me cigarette hidi ilomldaîl aaoe.srily hnag.6 i W's"ld have. to limon iMo" about yow boyfariend and hie ved or riabllity baie Fla to.*it an Diu Abby, Our awidwel daugh à - ijnahin 5O, fecnty rentaz M nw ltiway actoi. the comiatrv Whe ma" vtisted hmr rauiily 1 notau o aly ltao pair of papouis i tile laiandry and non. m Dnnati it miike "o as add, il nae inipropta. Wa mialdle-aged ptoleta muar aighl claihe. only ahta lthey havoe " I ho'e Dcr Simre&d Whm people aar (ca dot viti Io b.d latw. Tht clly lmproçniaty eau lause tu yow concerto about qometlng Ilit ohoad't coeu yeu. dI~ 655 Min St mi Mbltin =épI WhM WSSffif&875*'FORD. 'Dairy princess seeks Ontario titie at CNE Halton', l9-W D)auw 'rnmff Sanadi 10 datrv y ia ii .cuat &andi will .»à the p uittaill iiet tht ta comin 'n tin qeîl s Moaday CINE icauiFtw contestant, mait niaI, it tai the final% Vytng on laaorm. Onuno Deay Prnces, Tuesdav Thv ill lie jmdgtd onter the lbf.lrld matt omprta among 47à kowltedge oi the datrv nutypr CuUmiatas Iamm reposan ou Ontni %onalty amd appaae The pageant. mabudi nicludes tmerAw Tht w anntr mali1 ,wttiw a chace an mark mmdi spschs. awili b. held In gala Friae math the Onamt M dl Marklntng Biuri pailanMiaas Brander ts the daughter ofQ and. Thfrt stra ge ai the ccnusi wall indude we.c Brander of RR t1, No~il SSnîa mb@> i.tanie ntghts ait coiapeing mahéch at cannr 'n tnaching; shat plas ta aittmdt the' CBE. momnarroma (fhunday) et 4Mii prn Ovenal., Univmty ai Gnlpb h lafull