I'YorMan talks his way into a $4,000. haul, Hatt mpomctl Police ah àohe mir. od p tr«hn cabmonta . Th ie culpmi. hows'u o DusinuS kWv à tfite mal*, about 40 vtcd evdamicfkop, unlerW à vlnced the em thh. wn woapparently malkâd himadii into dn&dae idmovid the casht eOrbung 14 Men h out tiltw Wg 4.OIX at the Mari4 Milk osn %@"b Whîle the cashetr -ai unautafe of bock don P lceivte wh Avenue mSetuday altef mot the ndent, poic &d arh . Pesdeie s i otia olueBlte JA>4E Ifîê.c mord the cuiprit a cimndy empIoMe meho lmad coe su nt mk the 1402 pounds. with mediumnst __________ 5 ~MILLEF4 îippîMi quiaîy asic the ec cf "u dievospot tdu man et the boni broten hait ind a shmIe be@d, He uui E oma 119 ______________________ WOi brouit pOafl ossMWUISfien ILosers are Swinners in ~this bu'sinessa Tne avmrae client la feynale. mt- ned mitih clildren. bettee the agS it of 24 anid 19 prar and Mels the ai u Thtym¶.p for ittum cf tltrîr tekly t gnocento t NutmflSytem à buiinet thfi Wmll the flcdy brautiful Tht1w prcoolmal. i"thme and calor P ceunird moult appeut te thetS fur cii d convtntiencv it a lait-paoid Ivorld Anyune wlii fiai rad the comeplez melnu plant for varotus dv.mii wI rwogrtie due importaince ofco- C ven4tie tui sucrmhit h won The f cd, corobiitd fflit client mu- pttnnraulaie inia &IL ttur Ivpy a ea r ain the Nutri/Syn- tent adverttitt. map Mltin loation manager Caroil Crasnt Tht erIl weigl lis crotre cru1 ratem ist first annivmaey ew1tfari month Whtn it optimal ts doot Lai Augut a client bâtie flad alrtody been etatauhMi Milteniait, o tem traveling to centres in Min-ý saura and Brampmon tranaere tu tht MaStSrmcentr'. Tht fant that Nu leSmen mai almady makimrg a liante for itsil acrom the "tton flad cMnAtem an appettte fW tdus mm- inglyefhtîrniu wrtghl i km imhomi Woekly %feflavicur bmklflrugh' enaient t"a cuver everytrîng front 1t fitv ointunica- ton, htlp keep clients on track, ttttu a korp thttn ntottvated," r.- nttiiomtit In additione to the 1po- tion controlled br«skàs. lunchS andm dinneri. clitents mumi puirfiam Nutmlllyamo proteon aitd nutriat su~rets as trl ai tfte oten 'tvegetablu sand aldrn *'hetrick. if you mani tu caIl it à tricki. i. portion control." sayi Mi Grant Wflen à cliet i. initiaied ID te pro. grain fi, (Milton fia. 25 per etmale dlmt. a comtpealively hif ,twnbem' er gS i given à -tAct of fie àctivtiem videi Thro"h the Mec., cbenti are encoinagrd Io cf unI à fliglil of stair, inatui of umltrg the efevator snd te park sonne dicianc front a destinatien and malk the i of the eay Thwy are suppomed tu- tabîli a malIklng mutlir The clients evenîually inalli ngflt lOto the nemi vmdei. mfiich introducoe low impact atribuci TI heltm gem rfd of tfatlamt fivrorl10pouT and impri)vr ntunce îm'ne tav% Mn i'enple matit tii oite and îîrnt up mhîlc thtyrr lo,,ng mrrght.» dv managýe rplaiited Nurffytem ue a ctinptlenrird amalyîîi mc dernt tri ani <rIl msglit, .. flmenRmte cients o"e alita cf fe pefect mm.gft is con- aSfi cour lirai goaV tt sapi Clientu muat mmonipe a quemtin- naîire and subnt a heultlt flutcy Il certan conditionsi exit. lîhe diabolos, the clien muet consult mmth ber dc- km e tg and voduce due amouant cf finsulun mhey equire once t cliant ruclin htr goal mr4ght. duà le nia OMbO the main- wmme plan. gradually replacing Nutelyteu maillm wtetmf d du piepar 7srti Comnte ta ma'n- vimlt, bmoi w lua Ireqmet lei ithm'eptad ci In dibuutmmessi due hîi ame ar tiaafy the t nnse ý ýfe P ' Môcýesearch for van police arm mrching for à lame model blut van tndivonly itvoIved in, fatal accidenit et the Trafalpar Road and Higflway 401 interctattge ~Thuemday, tuly 5 Otn tbat dite, a blue van tefhrf flad barri p.rked on dit een boider ni Trafalgr Riud pullnd octo the ucad, fcrcing an oncomit' g nitoeloamd trotor tradler tu smerve mt the sSetktbouad laite on void hffitng fi Thetrco trater m ai u tick by a tobotkind rit. fially in"w'ng w maie driver and senouily tnpiung a lemait pemsoga Pol"c *te ,oekurl aity tnfrmatton that witli help loxate the a odel van, whwicfl led the scee, The van i l ieved tui fe ettffi yniouth Grand Voyager or a Dodge Grand Caravan. Atid It wa wven by a luttakith mii anuale pomt se m o " e eig"bL fot a enai resa'ad Y"n -isd na 4pi -oy~ n id >'ouee1.1 sii nit e oi a comploa ai ity PLant ---I F'eature% pairt-c tariahIr' v!atittl, 18 Handsiree mobile phone min easily iransem'able 8 1 - <hafnel tapa il%. 14-numnh*r mei rtur Buitin vpeaker motnitoir and I nnatt otput %%it iiu nti)g hardu ajrt- hrai kî I 110 fh Foc ket--4me %pdt eqlier ,o i olllo.î ird, î %%I'î IO foi martk, lt Ui-s mii it'ciît)lt vîîî~ R., - ld %MI qq Brook. enter sud "h. A vacatio tiarid tour lot a 4.:> ymr-oId1 Wood«ard Avenue ýma uflo reported a S10.Oflbk, ente and tiieft tu police Antang thetm§ repoflod tinin me ccllecior Mec an& sterm "wment and a timali qua" ofty» Polic m alied. about 2 30 a in on Aug 14, by a conceriied citizn mito mat a male mandertng %n the flouse Wlter police am'e, the stimpeci .ad Rfle and the moitie mflomed le~s ut a brmst-n. Whtn tht oem, eunlo Augitit 16, th conftrm'ed tu olc rtât a lumable haul had tum tac-n -A bituf. ~n and dufi ai the VoNt, hm"'t trutck plant On 5teem Avenue nettaf tltiven 20 tiffl and nim veltmaf at mt far $10 (W th uo the tauad tm ou ru - A $5,OSt> WYSE compumoe symon as repot àtti trmi on at 91(o5Tuiietmait during due dav on August 15 En" wau pîtiaf -trotugl aà mieuudost - Mure thont sIý Xi) h m otf hont enertnmtnt appliancua m ment- orîd irant a Third Uine honte mone tine last Satuwdat I'l"bc SMd enti «As gainod by bmcbng aM the tint -'A Hondambtmrd mmi., vaiun at S1.MX). aos temenaf front a boat pariemi Ai 76 Tonmnit Rond nontt- t1tri overnifllli on Aug 5 , Cuiprits causef about fl dam- age as iflen <mnmccemottlly anipsal w hot .m a 19M ;ma parfied ot a lGngîlev Gitant tnudattee montetint overrigbt laiît Sittrdav Th% Iapltop m(tnputer "makelhe pem il obiSee Tuti (t 1 t hav a Il -21kf. ik dri% hu(îtj Vii f rii t r-lan ';-iIl hn i )tt%%r t-î \i og~înký fi 'Ab' 8I4-1,v kî-< boiard kirallt-l O ve-r il pt ri-, lt rgr r-a. -r-d - -I*r rt-or, Re,< ha rgt-aîîlt baît-vr% aO dapter 13 't'f I) AMS FM duil alarm nitemt t lit k riadic lmt t pet iît' i ail %% a kt-' t-pa raîin 0 t aselte iui', rîtil Oi tr htm' alar ni 'tn uiuzt' il BIfatr liai kîp lal'ý%îtn 134 1 l - ueta GO BÀOKWITH ~iIT~ 11W