Dateln inané ntt * *M te. rý* tin mdiute W.~ ide ff seB.pll W@n ow eni pmaou cel -ef et -umi Ib& Wa wthe dm u lu at Ut @me.i igol. donitdw aêe I. - .am en Oa. i i atte ii.d. cgo hi. lu bu a~ ot l Metow u 01w %l cien teu iio r.a 1 er Maai l ep. go, ona,. aice. No mtm tu. DeWmtu bu kio$d bil WiVsi Thmrsdy Aug. 3 The vt tobCarm Croup glmma % Million iamnci Ct fige Canadien. Catie. Smxdy, 751 Main % F, hmiO7-10Vp m (,loup digacu.- atoeOM suvd mtba pport andi rraclka or"dane pow me, lamtip and wirte C.ii*,2 or 97&. fflday AU&N 24 il. mmo w.. [aie lu rtgaltr lev CligllA 0*W CLIa1W touna. ment. «Ciilb ii~ atth .1w ofie Ciolt am. Itfataon Car, on Northt Igroin oed in (blkvlle Dirrar &Mi a chariot wp Win !u am ê41udod liita GL & EagUG+4 Sak en&~ SeMnofber 1. fil kwrces Sn %Ims 1101 hhomm. OUR NEWEST PREMIUM PREMIUM ALL-SEASON ALL-SEASON RADIAL HIGH PERFORMANCE INVICTA GI RADIAL WH-ITE WAU. EAOLE GT+ 4 a- a 14- OUTLINE WHITE pI-TTERS Pl 5BOR;3 $ 69 74 $-si go p , 65 offl3 - 849 Pl/ 770R 13 flO0124 p/ 81 1"13 8849 P186 7OR1.f 112 49 [P;8 75I1 93 74 P 1:8 70914 1149 p 596 764 96 4 P195 70114 1449 P205 7114 10349 P209,771814 13349 P205 765116 110 24 P21566P 14 13049 P2 fi 75611' 1174 P?36814 138 74 P2?5 7515 1924 P225 70R815 141,24 P235 75116 12599 P215656115 138 74 Pl86 7OR14 10649 P205,60R 15u 132174 P205, 1014 ...f il2 Il P245 " 1 5 16349 inurtwtlI a.go the11 Haitlon eterta ofth Cà.(ardian Mental Fimialh A. lakt Coli %don or A4'. %o"4 for mm ntrwkmn d, tr U.itumdy ug 3 The MliII. join reakei Poil wîIll bu hld duflng la.g.e Mjin 111"1 làyCffl Irodigt wli bu kAa"w boWde knox Ptobr1.r.r 011urv liai the Party flavwa ot raarbw SHOP & COMPARE EVERYDAY LOW M~CED ALLIEASON RADIAL WHITI-WAILL p 1 b6,oS 3 #44 99 P 166,75M 14 6899g p 195175R 14 6999 p 205 1759 ,4 6899 P2Oh 761116 6899 P211,76116 7299 P225 16R15) el 99 ALL-SEASON RADIAL TIEMPO WHITEWALL P155,808I 3 P165,87113 P185 8RI 3 Pl86 761114 P205,751114 P215 7515 P225,75151 P235 751115 Sd. lIsa $5.1 99 6099 6699, 68 99 70 99 73 99 7699 82 99 8699 92 99% PLUS A WIDE SELECTION OF WRANGLER RAOILS FOR Pidc-UPS, VANS Ak 4x4'8 ON SALE NOW. Go0 fEANà .1A A K F 11 < Il01 r - - ------------------------dl---------------------------------------- ISF lp29.0ig>AIC EVACUATE AND RECHARGE ~~includes Freon I S Oit, --------Ch----s-------tio Inciud,,UpIo 5ULre@ ofOQuaker State 1 0W3o Oit SPECIAL $21 .95 45 Ontarlo St.N. " 000/VEAUW 875-1502 Milton 7 ~ JE riv, biu.1Wrxm oîrange nmmLad, bonwi and mapi. .lytup on packm mlii. caror M&W 0<15 Cue %Former euudea an.d eOfI MI Bruce %trac ivlwol ira invitd go atend a mo.i»u at Immr Twlî spîfi Centre An .ftevrm of rM"Irill mmli boell i i pin irw M dori will foit- Tkkm~. iOSi k*) W Wed cart bu puni.ami et uuKod Triowi or by <.111.15 Donne. Couliiet KY97841170 or dra Sitepherd et 979 2197 Tic.. fut' urth dance ut.l cii Se nvàmlabi. ai tiv dom fr l25 eatuday Aug. 25-26 Tho Cirtario diviiîr il fige <autediasq I>ialortin Ariotl«. liat airrd fliti inp.i tu Matriulaiid lialt th. admi..iui prio. miii bu doraiad t., t1w C5eoioiAiCi I-oi Mun' itatio.ln Cai te Uakvîilw 114bai 1181214 or, ( ath Mois,. pn.rog i ofP4A A'l', Nunday Aug. 28 liv Mii.. r.14alan A -Ctio .11 N'i iid vu"n bunday ag -twhe li olfi (ai loti The .'v.qn cli tnid.tet.u,h. ansd guIf tirnam.m t ur .i, 71i hînnali.îr ait, Co.!rin.-Y a 87815. i Brol nwn i 14711,41247 Mo.iday Aug. 27 liaitor Cuoeaià MArin vio. arpne iervient tu ptrllitiiM. in à soppori OU oupr p.itWi îar,ngTh. dgOig matlyi. front Y' PMllu. croup forum on the oueds iii th, =s.gver I-or mon' inornait' <1 rie Andrews a 471li7-4141, rx 16.7 Informa tion Milton Returning to 'the work force tnfo.o MahonC la youf evoMnmUnîy Cnb".tun < the Ctaffia .alo essouie ,udnaM,tnday La. FndCiy f-o, 8.10 a . litdüit C.11 875 INF) (4636) nedrop b, Ch. Opti-.o Cent," u 11 (., mftwl. Si Th elunlroture que ha.. .11sY bren àuÂrd Quesslion 1 amn planning lu go back into thebrk t-r dite 15I years, What is the minimm mage and lmow many bout, rn I =î. ,c t urk' < iceMot full-i i., and pari lime UorkrM Mu iv paid àminimum of 55/tir, but there am excceptions. Plcspe who uet've luquoir mmn lest and mu- dents under 18 yem of age woking in liv *ommer or les. than1 M8 bourits M erk during the schuil rt) arn am $3 /ht' The normral numivt' of bouts pur dap si eight and 4$ per mcdk Il pou woru us a rrCul utiît'e for etimple. o, coni tir t'quuird to urt 111 houru pet day If pou murk more than 44 houts per,x1, you must bc paîd at Icat one and ahall lime* pour t'e lir wag for each àddîtrtai ut' worhed Bp govenmenl rui..l, pou miii t'vcrive ue paid hoiday. pet peut' You are ali- enttled tu tmo weeds holtdays atter à ymur ut wetvt< rt tour pet cent of pour daiary feot' he tirne pengod Qiierlin I mart tii regisie' My chid for (ail acltîv.î hto do 1 èull' AnswrThe Tomn of Miliorts lelsure serie tinilk liguai many ot'gatiiujiwm tlit ollor rorm lhidret. and targi- Phone the Tomn or intormulio Milt.ot' au C ofo hio bSluici if pou have not rcrived tl by mail A cucnsunitr oper boue mili lmhl iMltotn Mai Sep A More thain 50 mat'r Srgono lion, mill dî.piay lrlt'malu.rn abut the varlous tiret' sur- vin iactit iv offrir Spoti =%us wii ait ellae rugimbre. in diefye