RECIPE FILE Fresh corn, on thse cob Mix corn with sausage salad' SAve.t. trdr. ewM kernel buru0~iit d bnghi flavour -fm. corn on. th coI. Mii,etink,no othie Fromi mbd.jly until earty Ocitob«, % mei" ti. tarin fSs. and médilv avalabic Wo bo.lî..g. barbcu- 'aom mamîogn or froeiing hidi ot off the grill anr à u"v way tu kSt5 your «ol in. the kikI.... during the dot; daysofm summe Crill.d Corn. and Sousage SaLad cmc 1mbs con otq the cul. jrtI Italan-icyle muta am otbcr wv"bo for a uatying mail in. a %&Wa Gritfrd Corn and Sauaage Salad Hie off rtht , fres 1 corn ou the cul. .ummc wegrtbkq* a Iltaluao-tyle uuuges am. combiord vit. a liglit vmnaîgVcttc in thiq rm "wLa tht k"mp the batcht.. ceint *2 »mtse gr*" o. ied poppers. 311cab. corn, hialwd. 1 i b (500 g) Uatlaotyie sàuMyg. 1 lage luehinî. * eamitonnut, *vagetable oU, 2 "bp (25 ml) Cd.u nga si ltp (5 mi) drtd ttl>.. 1 l4 tapl i ml)amM d pw. Dintm in aMaSu rot. Sbne nnetam~I.t Naco. it :: wpMe Giadmia inoi ueg bfeded Sa * I Ci .hokt ,wM p..ppm 4 incbh (10 ,.) ho.. modiue.4tot cos. iauung oit.... Wo about 15 t4ulw or uttil c)oarrd ail ~, bu cool slhtly Ral~v.. Pe aid tand%. ci fou bibé4uod pM Mtiwie. àanig corn in o la rge a. pt.« cml *o.> laid u0 k tot. pêcha P. mulae it Sfflal place Cu ,maxebmi ioto 1/1 eshil c)uti lk &hbm S.w.s in bait( Cuil cor.. pacha, for 20 IDW mîote 5 n..i mmdc CnImuefor 15 Io 21 milte or tî bomie anid cm hrougb. brusthing .ltb o acid ilTmà acca.motraly Çr11 zmaccit. and nonol 10 10I1 minhtes or utl wmdoe and bvowrwd. turnng o and brushing b1bhtly -th oit N uni*"a cm""sdcicl. oaI1? nb1 . megb lc tq h<l u h îgta ag THE SUDBURY REGON. WHETHER YWJ'E OUT FOR BIG DAME OR GAME FOR A 3 TUUqwIE. c xi I(the (okîîf ~l()Lfîî il t Rlt j f(( ioi uîîi(-i f- it uvîirth tri tit i -art of Rd'inh w (uirîlr y ('iil 1-800-465-6655% NOTICE - re G.SIT. Milton Evergreen Cemetery is a non-profit, lot-ownier cemetery which has been operating as a communify service for the past 109 years Pt has to date been exempt of any lectorat or provincial taxes. W e have been informed that the 7% G S T (Goods and Services Tax) beirfg introduced bý4the Federal Government in 1991 «Il apply to the sale of cemetery plots and services This tex wfi à1so b. charged on pre-n..d grave purcha1s.s afler September 1, 1090. Vlewever such purchas., PAID IN FULL BEFORE SEPTEMBER 1, 1990 wilI net be aff@et. Curent prices are $400 per grave (or $500 for the Cluster Garden areas) plus $ 100 for a set 0f 4 corner- stes marfîng the property boundaries Changes i the Cemetenes Ac, propose Io corne imnfo eflect later this y'ear, combined wîfh the new G.S T, w l) likely force grave prices f0 rise by as much as 50 per cent next year Citizons wishing to arrange the purchase of pre-need graves prior to August 3lst should contact the Secrefary for information Roy Downs, Socretary-Tr.murer, Million Evergreen Ceouler Board 380 Nlgheld.e Drive, Million LOT 1W? Phone 878-2133 duyu/evenlngt L