Games Page Wednescfay Crossw ord I CI-g 24 D,.- 7F. g. l7 , ,euidai. ob O24 i4 Is*s1 36 i lsou 'l "* EW. l - 33PSOT- 5 ai~ ~ G...oo 45 mE-..u 41 P,. .. 4 ,îan *u..s- o 53 S.4-n 0,i F,,M 51 M.,go Find the familier phrase, saytng or name In these arrantgements of letters. X * * *mIpa X M"a I Daimub X amas -04u tq i ait I Yp(3a «I m es nu1 a e i(1l as .apNs il 1Iui «S 01-,l &lýa 105 *a< 1 3. mom Itlt thonl 4. n« W. ýwW nd ça il III 12 Church Street, East 853-0506 - Open 10-8 Daily SAV 040% -Smw On SektudL~ae,& Sué cOO Fau Ma Wuuuu ad Chdkra Off W.S.L. Mm~e - Ilik QuinsIsîLa M. . .j Horoscope Forag ea4ma Uptm., 24 AR1ES (Ma. 21 ýApi. 19k B.hind the acenles, devefop» usants aie in your fasour, but do havés yole eys. op-i Ap- pelrances can be decelsis. teIAURï:S(Api. 20 - May 10: New. friends briu8 new . - Wuat i oiday weeoerêd tumis out to be a snaskîng succeu. end ranher oexpensiwý ÇEMINI (May 21 - Jusie 20D- Your cgmpeitive instincts gtwe you a 1 cari topj that' attitude. A lttie tact and Ar4c luné21 ýjuIy 22): You can pick up a lot of fin- formé nosin5'arowsd bellund thse scoes. 1s tl wrt tIs effor? i.EO (July 23 - Au&. 22k Assocate wnih frlends slso sull usave you along constructive IùXs TMW coaspany se k5-Ibll(see3 -Sept Z2) Wgtg Man in yogi. pril- sional ulo. you can malle important advances in carter adoianmnd your standing before lspulic. UBEA (S"pt 23 - Oct. 22)- Be ccnsâdrte of tise cloae lu you. especially thss seho eam conllied for one raison or another Sred y^ SOFO(. 0 Na.. 21h. SérIs co-operatrun frn otlser before rIdng yotar standing ln public. Adustmnscn un financial arrnsgments la a muet. SAGTARIUS (Ncta 220 Dec. 21): Parunmthupmtt enter an ncitn& phase. Your beai judgMiIerIV» cafldf= u lIOlkw1nI;fse latul trenssd' lmPRICRN (Dec. 22-îjai. 9):You ca-bevery efe- film on tIse lob, but a lits factor coul44use you doscis AOURIeUSty (Jn. 20 - Feb. 18kh Thse f ull Moon o ues day ressunds-w tisaI there ame limitatiuns tu tehat cnzb dois., bath physlcally ausd financially. PISCES (Pehs 19 Mat. 20): MucIsactvtty usvulv.s &round partnership inatters. Respect thse ailie partys rigIsi tu freedots of expression, cmiatve or otliemws. WWT Yomkbl- OULer MU WOM. The klWe aer leders 1RASPLANTIN DIARISlids 3Isu H -B -r E A E N R dr, FI T 1 A W G A R E P E C A N K O T H H 'UN 1T G A L L O X B L O O -7TE E RYY N D A I OGSOU C V S Q.G L S N R A 1 1 E F G N Y.C-R U T P H D T 8 V C P T V DDN 0,RF S A 1 1 E NOB A QG H E RI E. L E L K E D T E L DLýYXS 'A; P A A B D A A OA S E O E P V ai T M H E A R A C E >S T $ -E P X E H E NS T U C N T S B N E C N A R U'S N 1 G T Am.a Bandai. lies, Bicof Bcd5 B«geý treast Ch..s Coïon. Cosuaiese. Corses Car.. culs. DieuIr 1>.ý uloc ùîru. kfmenicl. Expes. Frens; GULS Guts. Ila Hale. ileMhti Hert Hospit&L fuance lCudne) Lanu, Lase Lunse rdý sei Ouie. Orpa. R»cr Raugr Wte hababauuo. Sain. Sluuts, Ser. Spleen Tes. Tua laluno Truef. UL Vafle. Vitl] Watt Wsr GET IT GET IT GET IT l