NC. M mSIN HOff4cAR aa ua o MI balal an ôib.t= = .rldarctp on Two chlidren ontp pronodas, ons-on-on. arlseracison Extadont irrnoe C4« 875-4248 LOO<ING EOR A -BABYSITTER. obiing fia day' 1 &en a nOn-nrofn lorna, abo .mIeod fr1, .l faux cara of trouer son or daugi5b on my apart- Moen Worn CalI8762916 ahte4pmn MATURE, eaperinusd Cheldiare' nedd tor gala ages 1 il 11/2 paNe Enid of Augot oonel enrd ol Sapteonbar, iordzy - Frday. 7 30.à m Io 4 30 p ne Pr«&*@Win m borne, Sain Sherran Sohool anui %fmlr#mo.e reqarad 875-029 fin ie ; 1 NANNIES Profosaaoonalip screen.d Engloso. r oir. Filipioo Jamicarre anailabie for sponsoring Minimumo cage Porsonatozed CHERISH PARENT CHILD CERE . n hom Carm for dktds 6 ceIma Io 10 Prolaasoonally screenad and monitored 1An alirnate torm of clair cure closeî resterbling te cNrId le o-n homte Pronrotrs offer a sarnoiaeng an-d nurmorrg enoroen DO YOU NEED DAY CARE? WOULD VOfI LIKE MOR E 91,1FORATIOII ON SE- COIBI A DAY CANE PROVICER? FtND OUT MORE ABOUT OUR DROPI&N AND TOY LENDINO U8RARY Pleaa. oeil CIIERISI Parant Chtld Contrer roi Cous. 186t.ino iiri REOIJIRED CARE for 1 hoot ditp cormoencng Sepfrrber lor dseloprremrtaiy hapsdhaooped 19 pair nId lernale $6 boit 876-2001 RES)POPSIBLE BABYS4rTER îmodes lots of T L Cmals> and spaces orPu s CaS TF"co 8785674 WANTED or borne babysMtu. 9 n4he ,Id boy Camrpiiae area parI sera prelatr RF.r *ces; resquwrod 1154-M22 afler 6 GA ARE Nlu spau avUabi In ou progtmm t« CUI11M Zi- 5 Year We provide a warm atmosphere, Caring staff and enriched fearning programme. Vour child wig be happy o ,id secure in heir'homne away front home*. 258 COMMerCIal Street. Miltofi 878-7552 Acceptlng appications for ýý September. For chlidren ages 2%f to 5 years oid. .9 il 130 arn 1I 330pm .A sumuling <oducationa eitperneoc lor pour 878-1397 RELIABLE CLEANING LADY taleng calis on lho Milaon araas 858-506 or 876-2678 WANTED Ctaaao portion for a thfflo b>edirr bwdrfooa 878-360 1M5 EmDlovmennt Wanted I BOO>KKEEPINGdomnrmy borne AÀR &Parid piprotll Fui net of booksa Io r Co bilance Plrase call 878-0079 MILTON GWAHIC ARTIST rady ai acceot challenges on verrous media, încilai ifr.aU. ere lapoul and passeup trr and pholography Cal 878-3613 or 5-02 A"o for JoW"mn 195 Instruction LICENCEO DFVVING SCHOOL INSTRUCTOR case $15.00 par boss Cal 637 2148 VOICE TEACHER Noc mecwing satidon for lhsel (Acoeptwg do n an d nuicc =a )una MriL Mary Janse Camae"dsl, 8. Mus. A. ARCT Ved aud ffog Aaaoome Cell: 1176-4M6 Moai. ThotpV haiblly classas ae sce ATTENTION Io il race produios aiono amc ai fiaaV« Of tm pMbcaen. c Mol roy o g6 ena a cui Roch Bluson, 878-OM8 PHOTOGRAPHY BV TED HI.TON seimoa illelib Wsddrg Spaciai BOatiipois, 1961 eecddng ne. "d 1990 pÇrus amc Gsrmwwfid Pluai mil pay tie G S T Phor f lo 0 brochr. 874Q23 205 Cares Tran ac MILTON ON-LINE 878-068 FALI. POGMAM p<rnooCroRY COURSES 4 WEEKI SE PT 10Oor13 LOTUS 70010O0 PM SEPT îlot 12 LOTUS 8 30Il30 AM SEPT I1OR 12 WORDPERFECT5 0'700 1000 PM SEPT 11 OR 12 WORDPERFE lý 30 Il30 PM Jý BANICLEY CONSULINGWES 342 DRONTE ST. S., UINIT . O 210 Pr=sonal AB4JSED fid aIrai' For help cui 878 8555 or 1-800-387-4027, i 24-hosir cris boae lotr abuset corycri HM.lo W..n.n Place cs an enrgeicy atreler woaitabe lor abused aoiren and erier chidren on Haltan Region Ail colis are confidentiel 1 W1LL NOT BE LIBE for boa entcurrnol by my husband Davion mpn reeas cdJuty 1 1990 Airoofl Dairow PREGNANTS nedai a fiaend' Fiee prngnwocy test an-d nKenUM ne evice cal Bringrit 875 230 Vehicles for lei 989 DYNASTY. 4 dmr ideal famlut c m air> foc kmr Lees for $2 1900 par monêr OA C Doon payorent map ho requirat For more details plosre cat Peter or Gary al 876-4747 Millo., Honde 310 Soeltes Ave. Miltoni 1988 Mustang 5 0 litre angine. -shocroom Conolition. varp low lune.- ay on die pockeI booko Leese for $196000 per mintme Docnipay, ment May bo requirsd For more detsaile please deill Paer R Gryaet876 4747 Meonm Honda 3 I0Sbe Ave. W UNo 1%88 TOYOTA PICI<UP SRS, 3 blet V6> 38,000 lom, rMI bar, bush guud. fog liglrte. tub bsimpae. lise sono, box raids, 40 mones leIt on carraièret Ment sel $14.001 cml Parti Câll Amie at (416) 8154-0839 1967 CRX, ment cotrdon. foce koe. bnished en gleimong blacki Laiser for $156 par montr O A C Downpayrrt mat, bo required For more dertaits pluso catt PeWe or Gary aI 876 4747 Millon Hondo, 310 Lteeillé Ane. Melon 167(15CTLASS; SUPREME, VIII aor or cetlni oordLmoi Beet oiter Phono 878 03 1987 SBURBAN,23.00Obn ci -traderpad condaon'( 87-658 1905 FIEile -GT Blacboîs beautiool 0 6. 5 speet super condition lac kor Lérae for 169 99 per monh Doser payment rnay ho recpured For more deliol pease cal Peler ary aI876 1985 MERCURY CAPI;I w38~ aui or 416 720 7692 1984 AUDI 50005 gond onndtn .coei 5-4000 Phone 87S 2453 1984 CHEVETTE HATCHBACI< bak. standard talramsin $2,400 cerbbFet 854 2700 1981 CUTLASS SUPREME 4 door. 6 cpi auto pe S p be limiteni, 'exceltent condition, Onrlhfod 853 2696 oer 416 720- 7692 1 M0 FAIRMoOUNT, good body ruis goodl $400 cash 878 2915 1979 CAOILLAC SEVILLE. grey cMe rait Wlether orlorror, gla monn rold. aler frodi $7.900 Clansosc car 878 6w8 19)79 CA-PRI V6 -abil; air tcoioÊnRog. cerofet $2.500 416-227-687 or 875 1503 1976 MONTE CARLO. I omForý great neolind car. goot onLamr ne bras S950 or teiss orier 878 7072 1977 PONTIAC Gaod conditian As es Best Olier 878 3849 SMaksiN Ri MRDON CHCEV-ýëLDS For Your Next Car Or Truck Purc hase 245 Bo & Mtrs 19 PT SUNRAY CELEORITY, 205 hp Cobra lern denve liteiackb. fishfinder, traiter o1 brabae Watweraos $166901 878-6883 250 Business uokw MODERN busy point seiop Great apeort3%ty go Oun pour oser business And be pour oun bos Siendor MIl train poorclase $75.00 orocbdea ai equopmarrl Vandor mil flot forance (705) 878 0663 TRAILER STORAGE o aub ý A Traier ei 27 or Lease STORE IN CAMBELLVILLE lkt Iaaseý $600 a morte Call Bout, Ingle Rlenas fAlto*rie Rleat Corporation 8782365. 280 Wantsd to Rent 2 BEOROOM HOUSE or Apar"yt.rn n kMoo or Acton area Réf,« mrnu ettraable Phone omiect 519 424 9682 285 For Rent 1 BEDORo0M HOUSE lor Fonrt. lronting on Peu finch Lake. 30 minutes trors Enn Milis Parowayý L-ogroonh llrepLaoe dinérei roomo nec bulcien> ne.w 5 pi bath Melf casher, à dryer hoooupa. large deck cealout, doco à amp IsharedI ouldoor brepi"c îshaad pa,,ed parbsng $900 encre Plus ot1lîfl Reraoce 1 -651112518a 3 EEROOMA TOWNHUSE 3 appuoan-ces. finshod basegnent Fait md last $1.050 aene, plus ultoo -Avait"l Sepbrnber 1 878-1036 3 BEDROOM BUNGALOW, garage sailli Sep' terrber Ist Firit A tt mfelrans required $1.050 878-1789 50 ACRE Hors. Farim. Guelph Lina S Carmploolea 26 Box st",s piocos. Iradi. z fainifiy houile $2500 par mnre Cui SyInia. Coirycide Cainpbekeibe Pel" Estase Inc ffl 2294 or 854-0657 ACTON Lairgit 2 bedroomt houa.e unit. 4 appoancâ, $900-per mûreo pluis ubltas Sliern 519-853-4627 ESTATE HOME on Crawford Ces$cent CampbelRlle 3,00 sq lit 4 Bedoomi. 3 battu. lirnshed basement $1,600 par month Cat SyKia. Cowrtrywode Campb.bviia Réal Estale Jroc 854 2294 or 854-0657 F1RRENT $1,30000 Plus uëlits. houne en countlry Cali Rom ntesm or Lorraine Kanrt aicon tury 21 Golde oRadEstaleLimat 71-8496 FOR FINIBedroorn Borogalo Plause cati '178,M27 é SPACIOUS 1 bedoom aparonent in orban fMain. 4 pc bah. frdge auivne. fireplaoe. sparule en4anc suulable for non limofrers, $800 pur mnnirtuidng uOtdes availaites Oclober 1 CaIl Roy 876- 1317 THREE BEDROOIM BUNGÎALOW man tIowr Dishwasher. jaccuzi $975 OQInro , t plus uUW Cui 878-1878 TRAFALGER ROAO, privais ounatryJ apartireo' I & 2 BIEDOOM APARIMENITS FOR FIENT 877-4443 ahler 6 p ne 1 BEDROOM APARTMENT, available immrediatley $60 pur, enctre 638-9028 or 416 283 7508 AVAILABLE apartnents t Bedroon $625 pair Rniche plua utoiree 1 bedonm $600 pu, nmnrie plus edoits Phone 876-0638 ado for oel, BACHELOR APARTMENT in country home Sultable onity lot songéell poison me11 no pets 1si& lut nsSmary 875 38W3 fray message LARGE Itiacoorn bâtonnent aparlrnent lot Font. torepla.c». air, ail utilities included $700 par manlh Foret aid fust., non-ernober preferred 878 5606 ONdE BEOR400M Basement apalrrent, Melon,. $500 month includ&ng utilitias. saerats entranca. cilbl lVý laonrrLa etc phono 875- 4248, aff NON ShIOIER cad foi sist lumlied houlta $400 à mmdril Finit med tout Rellehers 878-493 taave fmleig aotwcrii PI.K. lu rani feriM ura à lut Cal Shre Biaai17 BEDSITTONG ROOMS FOR RIENT Cos use of lutchon. laindy, and bail a9 Ç 4,,st Maure asp elsa partor 117s3106- RNISHEO RO for m vnt firU, 7,1140k, ~bdI5a Cuiafte,4 30ple878-83 ni;o 'URNISHED ROOM tabl for Gnoan ROON FOR RENT mel use 0f f acrIroes Nom' Iglr pralerred 875-4011 ler 6 p ni RlOOMS; FOR RENT, lurrshot.d, lacfimes 8789017 315 Commercia-& Indust. PRIME COMMERCIAL Restait Staa.LrLU on Main Si Nec builtdig Basrnoi'9 Mi Amu 2 Morell ree fllnt 878-4713 REASONABLE INDUSTRIAL UNîTS gor ranI I,600 square laut Secl@ratral serviCes On pronisos 875-1200 or, 1-275-6834 32 Office & lusiness S ace, FOR RENT Office Source on Main St, nec buddog 650 sq fi 2 months frtFont $100 Par ,sq h per morl 878 4713 U ST IAL OFFICE SPACE avaitable ten rein W £w 5J Sleelas 250le 3>000 sq fi toi su Froon $8 net Eroire at 876-636 NOW LEASING prolesoral office #puce. confia locatio Milton 500 %0 5000 sq fi AvaàiI able Oecenber 1 CUarr 876-4607 OVER ONE THOfJSAND squale lsert space for office or stores on Manr St Phone 078 6818 322 Real Estat Wnted LUMBERYARO Warrt lu Buy/Lease lanod co7 Rad Siding. soeaable, tor Uumber Destiretion 416- 274-006 325 Real Estate HOT GPP TUE PMEU conmtact !ICb se - ou ýarooa ras =1..y us eciss Fasto . rmcooansge ~~~~0nOra e r, ocina rh cnmb g-m arVnn dorogroon an c0,iariyionn, colO rfi. fine.hied - «o roh .0-0 n il9Ooor0 0,0 Aalnr SM90 0 fat ltia 64 ONTARIO ST MILTON $76-1154 r TOR. filE 828430 FOR SALE.- PRIVATE Attractive 3 Bedroan "idt brdi home collr detached oubale garage. on large lot Asking $184,Q00 Phone 878-2440 FOR SALE 4 BaiS-ourn Toonboiai I balins Pilsait comprts Ocoar fmnanctng aval"i Cali 876 2W97 attier 6 p mi TOWNHOUSE FOR SALE IN UIET NEIGHBOURHOOD 3 Bedrooms wîtfl five appliances and finished basement. Cali 876-3381 evenings. TOWNHOLISE 3 bedroon masser enosuite, liai on lootchen, pool and tenniîs court proiedgee $157,000 878-824 or 878-9337 327 ODen Hous MOORELANOS CRESCENTr 4 Bseoinr Solesphl. ptmurato yard. mrground poot, large pille, main Boor flarnîmrtf. EvenInps84f9.627 1976 CHARGER. 318, 40.000 original mide«. p S.pb. U0 0 0 075-3106 1971 PLYMOUJTH WAGON. 440, pe. phb. air Excelentondtion. $700 0 80 875-3106 USEO CAR ANO UCS Cil Gary N«s"a 878-8379 douleur -111 UMM