~145 G orm Hel SRequired wîlh o n tractais and dlump trailers Steady work Good rites Benefif package available Cai 858-9740 or 878-4193 TTLSERVICE ANDSCAPING Requlires self maotivated and respan- sible personell for landscapîng andt snow remnovaf. Experience required. 878-7805 15 amHD MATURE PART TIME SALES. HELP %altted Good colour sme. and ant inairest m Ant & Attua, ant as"a Apply Io; THE6 COUNPTRY GALLERY 875-1751 SALESPERSON We reqiv an erserges Salesiporson for f uit and pan ri letteOloimeflt AppIcata iProul be experenoed in eorlurrg w4h pooiple andl have at aptitude for léaules fashion Excellent crer opfiorisinlty. Guabfiaul apOdcmtra apptp ID P.ggy aMitlo 878-1414 E XP E RENCE D ADVERTISING SALES REPRESENTATIVE niqia fir Estab4iShed CommnuMîty Newspaper Pie.,. nd ,estene Io %ox 1717 c,0 Th. Cwrad.an Chamion 191 MantStreet East MIaLTON, O0etnio L9T 4N9 POSINSMVILBL WsW*ds and evenings Cashiers. Salescierks Apply at ZELLERS Cualoe Servicl esk 110 fIt 'TIE CEM1TRE ZHILOIYOIJTH COORDINATOR APPlOC Mem -N Imme bo weivrual mita a cfsld can, eorfugroup eader ba"grourrd RaaP.mbâm Aa mil udit çogam plat -.-g tend sviçiemn kir youngwars 6 16 yrsini amanl group settiflgs. parent gmeisg. liaon ve schocs nd commwnty Th. MOMUab qpcarr shocid p-aes a djepeelelome in cNW me moit or social mo ,itl a eaimar of 3 yers, sacWa goup lb. poass reuiam a sald niollellad. erur aaorrgexpiatpio aStiik maNn. bit Fndey August 31, 1990 ta mm"o Cilée. MW Veule Cclia tlaian Mm«e E. Ml.Onlarfo LIT INI ELECTRICIAN jOURNEVPUU0 ai W8Of Must Se slsd v»5 couit idhaire Inteast in conrolai aaaTRl Flegt Sporvusor Mochanlc Tvuclung cornpany in tHallon ïRegSo has an immrnediale apening for a fniICdec*TyI expierienle - Prerîentative mainflenance Pro> gramn schedUlîng - Purcfiasng - Wiorfrng kninaedge ai hydlraulc - Diesel endorsersent - Expevîence wîth Ministry of Transportation rulîngs and filhng requivernents We affer a Compteive viage alOng *41 i a f bentft packnage and over- lgnte vrirk. The poarf On requives %flo worm fl snterested pleaste send resume la Fi Supernirsor. P 0, Bon 9439. c/a The Mîssissauga News. 3145 Wioiffedfile Raad. Mtssissauga. On- fana L5C 3A9. .laxneyrnoi or f'vo-ttitds for excellent IqUw oon "f(s) an/of 20ichI IRvobII Otflreiepoflonce on assef Herrington PintIng (519) 853-2401 INSURANCE BROKER REQUIRED Long establîsfled ge>eral insurance brokerage in Mitor'eurspra ta deal witfi pers al lues Brokers Licence an asset. 'epIy faý Box 91782 191 Main Si. Milon, Ontario L914IN9 SKILLED HELP WANTED EXPERIENCED WELDERI' FITTER Required for welfading alhop. MUSI be labile to do own layout front bfuepenta. Cali: SUPPORT SVSTEMS LIMITED VINCE 875-460 STEAM FTEJLUMIE ASFTTER 3rd or 4t Yaer Apîpreni FuN fie Position Ber"ne le .871-1344 Requîres an expert muflier insfaller. Top wages. Apply I 88 Ontaria Street Milon, Ontaio 878-889 Expuenicd Order Ouuk Cleris vie ate a non Smokiîng office and ie looln for o atr responsibe Perimrieuh gond inimrpeisonai sbi Outien nclude pincent ing wdoiii luben Sp leleOPionffe. rUSIomter et vice lreeping records 0f Mpeptual înnnloip on à mnua, iyttt ordeiîrig, aeinteris mhen quanlîlîrs gel nci and t nher uriineeavouieý ToSfytung 3s45mpm mequ.redi 0ev tanspcivlslioi Sterling slep S21 000 Aipfy euth resurn l0 s 3M2 DO GinaI haver tte liee . fotille. 1 -tt LU 134 1W Offce He1 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE PART TIME S ECRETARY CLERK AliraleMW n Saivip To sar fIntermediate to Senior Jack or Chyile Expenience in computcrized A/P et 113 plus gencral accaiunting knowlcdge. w.J j .ansue. Red EsSai. fine. If you are a conadientious. dedicated persan inttirested in a challenge 170MDavcars within an expanling business, picase forward your ffsume toi ACA AVAIABLE 011 per n 5selmb EmPf-a or 9-d speiss no51 mTV oher trSom.Sian.w A salirèr Wayne Habon ,aum ,t nds8v dmm-paix W"~ or9 wepne Habitaistoile« elc a upercimhrt hefocppa * Offc Manager balae lte oide hNde hoiuse I Somr 11e1111 s Fui mal~ pSvdi 49 Easlm Avenue Cal Caa nt 8784882 Acn Ontario L L7G 2E6 BABYSITTER NEEOED MILTON CURLING CLUB ne"d a Sabliaser ei te Crling Cflub PERMANENT PART TIME L THFVYMCA OF OFFICEJBOOKKEEPERI îooyr lff ýfie ACCOIJNTANT YUCA CIlSLOCARE fUti Se familier iis MIcr Çompuli, ad p A 0000 PLACE FOR YOUR CfD TO GROW ford à Spreed Shffl SolNoeav'. Fle.ible In dtuoarng YMCA ChaS Cave. trou are cdosas- hours "fbedt Io mutuel agreement ing lie ne<y finest Clay care servibe anaglbl Contact: To us. cPnfWs play is sanous business We've SJOSINTON beir prowKidig quaidy Gare fW 20 peffl Ai PROOIJC'S CORPORATION In uur centras. as combine à stimulaiting SMILTON learnIng e.periance mISh a Sale. scure an 875-2588 roment and thea expert guidance cf wei traîned. ded.caied staff W. cri programus for cricten ages lj« FINANCIAL ANALysTr 12 à E Tee Comm Eleciric lmc, a eader in wtiolai BRI IM CtL F 12 JR tale duustruton of sala e raception ITVRO) PLAC flIAil AIERJ1211 AI2IJ epuipetn aid consur prouicta. is sealun CuilLR ÇAU L AIQ M2AL aFînancial Analyst for 150,1 haad office [T fT T accounting department Ioa " ît.n. lnai/erllaeSoian Ontario t* This chilerîgngPositionis rvsponsd to I2185aas I Months.-5 pmI -Monithy financal statament and analyps 567..f-144[8~ -Aroual budget pveperstion Wa offer Schipol Ages Chl ae fchidïrle4i Suprvson ni ages 6 -9 pears in the following Milton *Aioountu Peaal schoors: 567-1448 *Gnnval Accountng E.W. Fadtef, Robert Baldwin, I4oly *Dufp O vaSaclisdST Riefiarda Roaary, vlory Candidates must ha collealuvîversityr buvi .- M MtE LC E naus graduales. pr.e»nl enroleun a recog- BABYSIVflNG AVAILABLE in mir, home 9 pans niaed acoowbnrg prograrit Tw0 ta ime treas esperiance Rateraisces, anarlable CaR 876 of euperience in a conrputerized fînancial 1969 moporsng aonmýnt is reqred Pralerarss àABYSITTING @valabile in mpy homte tui and pan e/Il ha gînvnrt o those willi micro cumputet arme. ages 3 and up. Clikal D-r9 waa aie <Lotus f23) lirotoedge 3342 To pursue Anis caree opportunit. pleasa foir ward tour rasumé in confidence., sîsîrng CARING NON-SMO<ING Moire ot t me ID saa espectaromet provide lovig dapane for ôn. cfd i fier honte Peronni Amtnstrlor WooâadiWdsan ame Ca# Joan 876-1467 Tee-Ceeus Elcroih kmC DAVOARE AVAJLoABLE M_ 'My homte Creallu 775 Main Stamelc Eesi play. griais mtesta à sisaclis. outude plt, loicd Milion, Oniario tapi aid lois ot fiun 875-4011 LIT 3z DAYCJJiE aralele in t honte Fenasit yard - -- -- -and tap maint rsan*-ml atistesll Relerencas SECRETARY andm116eia87111,771 NUR PRODUCT GROUP Enpanenoed Seontetary reqiari nmedialetp rire euaoeeàl cardidiale virai po" w.o We. nm ri"e Ilow f - Ifasi nam orgarszéal and inairpersanai sUb ta i abirermltpvgKoride a nd &ceve of spots In car Teaidier and Prehool eilpoiuio miid WP ma0 aa seal For mot. infoiwr or àeveut p"mee contact Stsoub vnta asw edil l odS uaei aes a i cteiatry Uisàseogp fin laffion. h&Asi 878-121 sfsosild wo kr wolgh ils . ai, a saIt 4M fia nd moitis meN aider pressure HOUSEICEEPER (Coact) vmtp.red Guelpit Lin.. Wet Mb. a pilmat non-wrnlun morig en Norescd Canipalb adeNgan SeptwmSw 30. 40 vironient and à comprehensive banefit Homs psy motUs 2 ulsidri. ili 14 &t Car packiage, Interastad candidates ara te- vereii MeSy »30 - 30 p i w«miotfd pro queefd Io apa p in mvtbng ortlp pies.. se/id àcooi rerparement Exceent mages P4ferais- ng coispéle resaiea mili luilarp veqiretmenta ces roqisimit Ap= Bon t17n. c/o Canadin n confidenota 1 Cfhampion. 19 Mt St. Millin. Ont LOT 4M1 B ffiOr IpkobCW")fsl AM LOOi<iNG for arvalable me ta Iocte for hSU eru «Avnape neEada>r by 1d. an 59 MonaIc Fro Ci boy 858 i Ulala vsie al reroe tar ha broughl tnand flot. J M. Deispe LI lreafferncon mfnait plam cal 878-8205 166 isreers16 a r 7701 WY RME OR., SUW?! - MOSUUGA am e bhaq inir 4 hIla ue DapIrna andt Evering Diplai Pragrams Aved"f *Supenor Ouehty Educafoti -Job Searcli Assistanlce MAME AN INFOIRdEO DECISION- TAIJ< TO US FIRSTI