· ~45» -1: er ce a P opsm Lsi INSIDE: POLICE 2, DATELINE LS4, CLASSI FIED ADS 17-21, REAL ESTATE RE1 -RE1 2. 1 1 et P,%Cffl No solut'ign in sigikt in Fiu*r Grouhds sthndoff Térismm b«%== the Hahon Agriculturai Society and = ,H= " 'Association continues La m 1, in sight. Two more kbada of dtrt mod rock wene dumped écim the 'r= lh'e 1= 2= tuking it i. ', . their anouls on the sexe. Borny Hwdenon, the apicultural iocwtY% lawyer.. mid Sun t= - ha# bSn takm in thue e 'l stnp of land in the centre 1:1,01CIL Meanwhile, the horiemen. clainung ownership cd tW laind, are planning iD build à Mm &round the 72 try 409 font pince pi pmpw1yý sW Cord Cartwright à epDkmm» Mr the poup. -It minait hke we rw yot' ww(m of the puits in this widL' Te lance wouid emn Ou land wouldn't be acmdbèr for the SMin Ert ehow on the Labour Dey wedtud or the Milton Fail Fait om omM. mie Who rame bofdùq bimmu à dit, fairgmnde and train ' , for haches@ racing them, were evicteil by dit tocuty Augias 1 but am reftudM to buve. The agpécultural socisty lm ohm off the hydro am de Waw whÎch le vice dis dumped thmeboode of dirt on e2:211-1 " oeorsh. Holding à deed détad 1899. the bortemen have miel thry will only p their cleun te tW if the à= %il «Kwey provides itim equal bc what the nom now enjoy. But agriculturel society enemben, who nuy oeil or upgnsde blie fairgmnds, limites thm arganua- tion owns the tend in quqatim Thry hâve ar- 'd the Mikon DdvùiÈ Park Association, = d in the deed. Io à dillé ai group from the horimmen tway The Hahon Ap"lh" Society end horminer, have shamil uw of the faugroumais for nwm than 100 ymrý, and the banni wons bu* mm thon 30 yeurs ïgo. L 1014 14Vý-4 1 === -wwaar =mnre-marsu m =m:ssm=uamanz masammann ær ===== su e=wm a en. sme=== .ma arre==nr:.o a Coupla die in knife battle Colleague is shocked, puzzlçd A couple, well-known irb local real estate circles, are dead as a resuli of à dornestic dW pute. The double fatality has sent shock waves ripliing through the Milton business com- munity- Nancy and David Turner Imw behind thm ddldren from eight io 10 yeurs. 1=11lige " PIM in tbe eatly mming hours lest ThurmUL;e (Aug. 16) et theïr Jordan 1101m, in N' Ott, which they purdiamd abouit à Y Â%:;. Rq-..l poil- è-- id d. tb. ti= lý.= mi, Who were homme et «uý mme b... .ared for by the deý rnother's Wodair ih M-kh-- rotaly urwxp@cW ... de&nWy à dwck,» WU the macom of ont colbm. Imm Ïtoya, CIRY R-ky 'a mu- tmwbo&"hisna notbewW. Tur. was bded wfth dS kxW =-W= "m' "T.M".wodted out of the Toronto am, whm he hâd buik contacts durin a 20-yimu, h* 1 w-h4z =. Liémimmugs. Mr ý.a hod ( 0* Milice office, tac- =Y=Mhoe mid they operawd as a latin with Mr. Tummr appuendy doing à W 09 dm legwmk white Mrs. et. led the office work and koW ah" thetr =Ô= He.whebwwmr.,TU7 an Who totW bong bouts aind d b,= Poikk «y an autopuy hm culot! out suicide and they .m tremmir, le as a double homkOf- ' Niagara PAibml Ptt" remved à call frum-Mm J,;Z, ap:è= et the assaults unbkk4 and -= @ad Zlo homne. arriv.il, the = w«Ww -9 ob- w tyW in the drévemmey, toi hamvily. Sbe died hier in à St Cadurùm hmIýtsL 1-m 4&yw.M fa" .» spotteil running frm tNe He Süpud à ehort distance amway. He wàà ilemil et the sceme. both mgaed nummub :=. A louis was mwvaed. the Not HOCA ofiâ neg ting to purchage Lac Minerals land . Dy NORMAN NV.11110N maint Pk%» ho explainud. It wu à duim to P (KEEF) thm spruq up in opposé- *riaw Land use controb on thot tract An 1 out for Lac «pkym thès optim réel- thm corainuin tân 60 Company Lat Mw4rawýom " other hand, ara 10 un M Nd hopud to otrip, = whm go orwe wu momy sure vu The M.Wfany = wqwt te expaw ils du simme daignation on the land thst aie au of;:rm il commotion ni" wouW be." = 4%iem dm bout 173 mat, on pi!z:dm b= it Audmity (HRC.A). LAc sereine vicepuéd«d of - operations SchailLàw cm dis se wu= luttait emme 'W It am dwuK HRCA am" nm"w Cduidd GàutMw ê1m equeuW optimison om rt"..,,Y - dw wm vida Vary vé4bèe land. If à le -, , Our ha Muets» Suplm confinned the »0 airime ééow the duel. how~, apphed loir as mwdmnt are tbd," Mr Cauddu saisi in April WOUM be the authority's . lèvrot et- -M bd Ws la ov«ybodys bug Jméemmésý" elapoq dg»w hW coiva (thm wSld e AIUWM* Tumidays surprise quielitéom, imm ocly 10 dm 09 Ha" Ftk% lu " -M - in à -y . - d"Imity Pl w- My foom yet ard*w ddoy situmiom. Th«s mm Mtporm d*W ta 60«» d"* of »= rbwwyb. y iý-ý érivoked mm ù» SW mu ýwd W .-,: am7taway :;jý' dudedjumûrAW390&cmo(Wàowl by hm lits orist 'atded w» amuxaxM on Tü«Wley et ** dits woi dm %D %M = = date 61 tri of à « provincial hurils b*q He MW Iws ai_ f wiR bu lm N4WMal& = ci ý LAc Mùwmls), KW et Mm To» Hall, and the Inating arrived et TIme pmph 1 wth lait des Il wu this mmdwtm dm Tu»Mys Guz*tw wrnw It "l DUC. il. HRCA), %Vq» v" Md folle ... MW 1 lhmrw4. * on. change bmuw kt no comillrnwd Mr. S Il là thélek camommar top wah ait aquiémble éc> huriog would beektity pli land retortins Win sa t tu the HRCA tenant th» lut am" 0" à , - » twt m or -b)W obuirà%à = 49 gabier pmw - bKbodw4 Hm V Îles la §W F-WW Nndb& «d V. two pama' M Il pu tboq;lt would ad àk K= t VomofbbbmHd»P4oom4the *de6 à@ bottela wil am bu mmer uW du ---f Ze =pdm mot twoywimis ci 011mma 11 9 1 il t Nqm secwpvam COMMRIM" ad tw il âWes 11) permuta« à tbm fa bio m PAOM commotion Authcbky - wk4 P6.." -. MW W" bout%& 11t, Nke- &-r 01111111101 -Immait lem hm«wmtbm wmoukbq m~ wbo owm dis WW." ,