Relatfrey speaking, the MFFL is doing very well Wcolytwo sela icà te 9% ri damlai Gr-. =etum but mui opiy muté l u iegs wlu lwo PAU qa - 4â h33e his wli a ta laq élMualbly Milaneu Fondu rm"al t oeMa0.Mr ehr oplte~l lavo.é. colua lue - du Wiuey -l __ 5 ýh P"ld p oit twgogg a'xiù " Fooba1 OOm MM, t -'ib KeVIn Pt.mdeae wicbmd ho du ~ ~ W = 9U lal*.dwtéreél hI ! JIM MONAGHANI Cali uheMknFnD tut If *iifr int du m d e l baird cg du Yodiwood St )césui and dutd daaispdelmad m utk wu ame paoe wMt du Rauaermr wkdl Wu. Puait Monaghans. 2=i du=0oi du flJ's rehdia otit atm kée moé.d in td" w»l Maltas Pool Thts yeur FW Frééldys leetùte.tdu Mc- wlurey acb it.lilm uls wlthtb i. tasPoolpa ofla9ot a m~t T'he pâteca wltb alimt ra Manué baya% Daitôuy éma .d DI ra u 0 thelo wOlm hmdu a/9= anim~o jC4ay ielw obmt lazj fefrt.wac id due dymmnl duo of Kim amnd Ma*i labap ~ . ifyfu acdwum am.a uth W- =~1t du. Peald ilu adi, irbleStu. oad - mmdaareDot. eomatledovrz duTtua.1ie4 la We d9t4.f -molo Hoa; oqaKr L.. 0ev. and Mector Caauphill Thougb fleltax fi waî beck Io buwtiMa or the Ohbué thés mmiy. eutmd r GPylrated air an dutlfac apw taMM b@ miii oui lin tié wik es otu of lbe paml. auie.two combina- lnui attWoe nly &.111.tacdosala cfî ;24~ daue uil, il bac COCU, ta il* rep-oa% et- lins plii forces ta double up tbe stugglit olv4y wua a ChiiBloo= la=uid finit Ciad's 12 peinta du bit rai due urimkns tatta dut Ken Coude. and larry Daird Falm aqued. qaé.Roabl lamois Crébtulid W ce" er. thedmm Paom" WUa iwo vrec r@elu Wmpemé ai bhrtLt QI Ray Deeeua robhm a tua weéi Hé= 's ollie ix palmé. an à humble mmitet go. Difieiely, Là"~ Bmd made, blé lée.= w big upsa nd tle svacatIn mllborti hllb bl avoile whlcbZ «upmiuléed bi$ caltie iln. Saiue liduing tilmib Intercptin wblle John lao waikand es lb. 1990 M= tLollturuuy = «v. dué >aim Tor Silkock ta due tune oalte Odrigl i t he aduird place 1'olumý Carroll braie blé utiu yair séItuà wltb e ae te à succaeulu close 0uic saocial diaiwoddowuic Wo gondi meesures chpped w.. bdClumié Av. coniverti m an àat IM ird quamé.r pichoif. 1 guai a trp ta Scoilam diruero Drua Roberts. Fanie. MMR grut lwo balle tbrougb dut lhe sty lin due pikaif by. who eh. - laff Conty. cmt do rnralup . Ron Rie took lau gra haomis, whlle huni la ibe tcoiu cbamnpiauibp. Deagrde TtvdiUent ronce gapin dans lin by a lu u iv rdtwhr lW& due - du V -é M IlryDa f r the d loir didnluuesp brftercst &W red maer four poar im qarter et duwy gave up a qua 19 Ma=iT'e ore mari. Tbaye baiui pleymg 41 = W Tf.ethobwud a m ae majora ta Amita Burmataukai, Deve Der-p. nat saln. Wben dmy w.en'i nu m ltoi olld bail uctder due tmldlmu bemd af du puçin for -Kx Kovin Peundugant dut lavéed intW du birem anid a pair ta dop tibrant Mark =beitthe uool, Buce Mood'a pivot dui bld, Rab Su. Beaie uuig in one use atmupl iatdy Ndrup mimalled ta baée rpo&lenaila Pauli Tar bluail. Sotatw isu, m*euh a ta Dis sa flà !§ noa, iluolygraiîco - dust T bei îmatmta maiibkp un ailvea lu=" in Zrlu = 1 o Laeemd vlsen Mle ur- Holuttworth a&W Mlkel IoL W. due leé's praldui ledr CMp.I hm aken Méps e t he gema up ta tb. bail lm bl.l wau bua Lnd Poad ie. ~' .fbeiigdthdldffence lui due -. Kulib encredu ,ilee Iemlb ho u wlll b. clé.r duy reud play tbai lb Doublé F Cbou eth.ecorhla du hever.-à a 'bp' Somme.vllWî - huu a a " kt me irenuanclally li thaïr gda yaim. mulds't pue a deuit lin du Dbchau' élut 26-21 welud stItam for à bu. tbat baeui't md TurttbeJrs tbm oeiuee ies contibuéed Campbell bat libutd e penionpan imd. Ri Bateei rettrned ta due b.lm of the lin lb. standings lar wai - wte Rlck Cood. ta duir lt vtlry. W. iront yotar btuinens *NILTONt!. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and wel cou. rlght to your frot door; ' CMAWt ANYRUCK RENTALS S p o ts a ONTARO STRT N., hILTON, ONT. Milonpilot to fly in national Ironman ai BRAI> RAUmI The limr.c teuilai A hockey player Eve, wmldi TV and figur you fus bSn treining éiue a muet, lar could do as weil as due gitys yu .dte veant.iamyeblé lobgvel »Wu? duetine nSssry ta train.M um Weil. Ken Rusaill dld. About four &boutisix klloteeeacb wek lat yaigho &a bruadcm ola tri. adlia t ycln iî hu r>lu.a wi uli mmuig, cy. klomn ar nueug beiwtuui 35. - cding andi ruuiig ombirned iuitaa one 4 kllaseiu. avent. and bu flgurd il wouldeit b "y lourthed harde« t lbntq, do oo tougt. là te bald backacmthe cycling, Rue- The Je-yaiod Air Canada pilet oeil aymles my btegnt. Yeu buludltîlns te, b e à togh «a maka op a loi of ime oui due bibs b Al n id flsé beetheb chai- beraume of teedu pan d the Ma ha ethlm ai fi ave, "tales.tdu longet segmnent. iyo éie. bave ta be caruthe Ibre.le Russell, à Milton reéldetit "at marua t on -. yué who grew in MldtaaM&ta The Beflhih Columbia lrnnau la luisWM= n lob tiathonsin-rg ta ou Ruusell la leu, ý1engÈRey c&&e bilon *. wuta dalla,"et a et in dm b. atIon et Keieo rueently. "May léu bu ta put birnueif, blé wlle and liro papida e mawbo expect ta wln," -chadmnet up li batelé, pcy du MO1 " t 's t.laJt du omLetllion andi entrance hand gel i&i lénuly ta the dm challnget oml a ou R.mial bu eéldo ta enerl ta hetlng soeinoti right ta do i Dudueléer gronnian Trcilato as dhii ySm," b. mtid. It'd probebly b. Aug. 26 lé Brtish Cohumbla' ( t he du nly lronunan l'il mver do, tbomg Vle mmncounpetllout I wili defiltely continue 1 c àan e evehtatos aitll- sport. ions, but Iheyre t&uglwr lnvolvhig Accordling tu Russell, people be- louif,duetancai. The standard tri1- Immun the &Ses of 25 aid 35 suid in &th nclndes à 1 _"-m lui., à 401- du endulénie sports. He figures dte kmn bib. ride cuidaà 10-km rom. cwilous hact ti due ta the lnabliiy af An Irasean consp.uitn demande laic inclure batdies ta bardie due a leur-km swlm. à 179.2-bs bibe etmuofetdumno. evenad a marathon (41.9 km>). me 'Younig people are stili develop- Irumn cbamploasbp ln beld eh. In he ays. "I alto Wm àawblle te uiualiy as d big ilcuit of Mamaii buid lb.e renn base ta Sn and broadcat &round lbe worid. meS oto ubl alpe noan- Brkiléb Columbia Imuonin la c quel- cr aomie 111, for due Hawcaie mai. =u »lisy$ du idait Wa du humn- 'neagpsi lin Hawaii and alimia IbTq fiands tn Hawaii, é.lt a propaseuit àP dileni endurénco man mas barn. At tii caine, tir" 0 '~<'~~ltere uere a nusiber ofcoumpeltlon, * ~~lnvoMvng tiro dilret c Y dun were gmutng lIn i Califorie. The tua tiég klnti Of RtcIéystWd ultimata challenge Catch a rising star lé a uti is erunallImta as Stev Deebln, sEPsuWoody, Urllia Cokml amtm «»M hI f a Juioir Nb undér le »hbl bib.I m naeT uto wbt m musnd eedd JtieLami -s London, Onitaris 74k 44,01 el .«Ua70 mai. tai t limIa do't wtt bvemt genu kil e flWa m»L Oni 0gl " mlI.Meoud fodéti melut et lenb,, w l oo d url u t e th t o fi n. I'd d u O ra l m d k n" J.y m m g e h o f N o atJ V m o u v e, 0 -4 , 7 -5 Io il e h d u ll .