Will Milton be Halton 's aforabehousing centre? Tou cotclia ~an osnanmititnina lisnisu hgltt. W wmed tirai Milion. nay iecrnt. the He conitided thai bot OakilIl. I"afaidablt housmng capital of Hal- and Buriagtatt ore doing theïr owtt tan" studits simply lierait, they bcd Fie charesd that Buvttngwn &rdI ,tatid thon befiai the new ptvn- avi e hvenpenntd suliatan- cul gidelitun were annauoe. cul growth and allatodny a moia They are aisa actively aitepting ta pont tu, affordable liausing. impkinent the 1nomctlpa lai o 25 H e Mitn nlated lot Haitan's piercn afordbl housinfi In ail nexi niape expanifiait ,nay b. tar- itew residenttal develapntents. he 'w=dtpccutt5ib adde. j Hi, CLs -ta Irn ms.y H.l- Milin and Halton Halls, lie »Icd, in Uton 1Reion tai re-forin the Haltin aider ta avomd duplication and ta liouimng écdvisay commitia Bave tan a&M rmey agrurd ta wtim Thot commilitst wfIll draft a hous- Iller hauung statensents pointly wth un» -cy tate rie t fur the Reg"n tht RegMnI c ai4 H Mia i the indivdMual ,nunk- MrMian e oncedied h tpalties af Mit and Fialta Hi» trc «w ia of a"odal bousin Ourlingt an ad Chflie haveah "aCh jl mwsictaity miii 2o-~,." ~ c. al,..ady forend thtur atm such tain lia% yet ta lie dite= inid But i paICY cammrtntm .tn.s.eI tftraci chtr cl uI- Tht ena omnuittute i meeûtng îîmatél deteemn the amnourt for it- r tiwectdMr Penunan ,aid Mil- self. M ltt tgile hWo h kb lItMMasI»s of acoolI deys gotu by, you wes a ty cundldM for the Brun@s tan shouald hase reprsentation filtte Tht pa.bilcty ai Miton hen»sad- Bleue Sahool mailnlt. Thme eret la elat.d Iloir S.uirdoy, Ang. 25& mugi. ToiseNt Sport* centre. TicMt muet lie tai "haut ind rhemns and git contrat." dîrd wuit Halionts aBfordlable hous- bokdb MondlIV Mondait ntght tatin coutncil agref ing Mr, Pinnian comtended, st ami decied tl would onsider draw- thte lateit case in hichn Town coun- inup iti oiot housîing statement curas have boen usurped by the Regioral planning tcomiistone Region. andl îîe woohe x Rasit Mohtammied doucri t buiese amples. îuch a mwvis ci essary but uaid Fini the Region ha, made avaîl- it's alngit ivth m, . able a portion of it' ont-' Cimuncikîr Penur.c uggt4 that opeed landftll in Milton tuo cthitr Miltonsý concuros may flot hi ad. Tonto anti municipalitiet dres'ad bit fsas'ng tite ICgion drati Scod. thte 'big pipe' studv Muiltuins housing sîai.'nscnt lie' origralit iniîîatid ici plani gecith in pcîînted outi thati n theuBtrlcngton Milton ha% been diluttd ici look ai and Oakville dratt,, ltot munic, gtvwth îhrcughoct H-alion. paîtities will certainly bu looing out Mr. Penran marnes that 'týîe kîrd fcithiMulves. ofl Coimuflttv ive Siatt mav bc lcist TLPà HAF I CAAi tgAn PmA là DASo A O sS Tickets stLI available Bruce Street alumni gathers Aug. 25 The schoo iccicii s% Iong gocin but scîld but hi d lckc'toi uec a% matir as Dinner/dance ticuket% ti 540 a there art, hunrtsds of arce %tu- 4(X) Bruce Street alumni ai the day- ccuple. Tucket, arm available ai lira c dentsof Bruce Siset School long usent F-jood's Miltcon Trasuel 1it Martir Si Ilis tic tuîdc'nts tIsai Larr (oui- An aftc'roon ut rmcning wili and ai Ncîrihend Nî,sa, 101 Martr ion sý Ioicg for He's one ut tite or- tart ai 1 poti ai John Tonell Sptns St gainers ai ,s Bruce Sirmt Suhool ( entre A grammar schoicl, 13m-i Street reciiit en Saturdat, Aug. 23. That wcli k' fol tanin by a dînner seryc thetîown Imm 18357 îc, 1972 b More titan 10f] tickets hiave heen and danuce Gerrit Arp ard the cras lcatc'd cn the site ofl Miltcon lashbackc wiii bc supplvimg the lise Public Libaarv and wuir titi'lent- tmusical unturtalrment. building wa, 'laied for dmiîî' The deadlice tii urcitase tickets atieni weic made to cave i tnn' foîr the' dînner and dance i Mcîrdav, thu mrcker', bàcll Ar20I wa% detc'mined hci.cscr îthaî tic lcs for the damce unlt can ho lthe building wa% rot (oth sasîng ai purchased ai tIte door for $21 each muci t lthe stone wcik ca, ruibhle son= #M.M 149 POINT IU1W.Wrfl'WrMy doos Midas &We a free 49 point brake m mhu inspecteon M iost cars and Il trucks? Becausa 150]11111l 509,MMeWS mloe ta testlng your biakes; thoan puwtng the pedal up and dmf. 444 1/2~ Todelis nt-lmc and o&«u advv«cd brakun 4 . SYMM Wfa«M dWUMM Wbut #Wv'moeffPlx. I And inspocting dlim or worktng on uen dumands tihe kmd of skis endi attention ta del tua Midas Som I tmEm*W 49 sepell se ndali i d u l tù uti' h M tcui Ste7l W i f