I. Our Readers Write Horsem'a next atep là a lanc l's dm t. te ulumn me takeuà stand r eue ar mati due Mu»e Par Iia n itau. i Tht alarutivie of dti year's fuir boad bav - fit le dmputh day4-4-y opeinatons a.du o uam ube tant elablsat thdu hoor.aoecadevei n the bur thed fair board lurtul ai du hydre &Wd dugipeil lent ai garbuge an due t& It sbeull be mnthet baI, due barri andthed trucit wmre bulit by due This continuail harasmentt by due fuir board han len slep imnediutely The fuir board ns tuai. the harse- mni hlId a dueil to part ai th>e luîrgreunda duht lbe boeree beteeve is hgafly bindîng. The horse- men have badl cetitinual ute of due fa.crud w moett îo ymi nd have ne intntine igu due dued or due rtgt o a tone ulto wishes le drive hormis on due praper. ty or bi a mmber of their associa- io. I would suggest the fuir bard ar- range ie doe ulolwing: 1) turir the hydro bockt on mn due r Horsefly in fair board's oîntment houevur harn. owiuet Who tmn sables aitheu tltrufitndutwtlen oi. fruliudt rahaus te sip on and udVla ths Nou le duth e Of due hortenuia comnu muni aacWuy tbeyW ned intention c rof ai. owÀonada te uuem n h mam A.iclwlSoit badahy1itut vo Mrm jehoon's g"eu and the hormat wtdut fur- != .". u the d hydno dmi noeadms 4. umthdur d"y Site malna businas. It sun this sdoylcgin utibwuyl PbutpUf. Ama.,SkWoffd teutnve du horeraiun und ufmuuetailing u M @00, A hoem 2) raev anl éhu g fronth du race tra&I 3) arrange le minstit due hotte- mn ini an effort th runelv =) = =nX~nrg du. poperty duat we don't believe thty pwii. If due fuir bocard sfini fà%lý it' non C le todo ny f teubove, duey off aur an.s. TIis uWin, of Course, dis- ratSZ .ErEa and dm lien fair. fI n uti opregret thut we teili laite tis action. Howevei, tii fuir board liésgiven usnodiolice. Thty can't sel it if thty doii't aie. it! Gord Har*o MM M Ummo John White wins with huge majority in Halton Wed. luue 2& 1%13 Millon West - John. White han bSn rnuron l Hate.', Membr ai the Trovincial Pacliament aller tu dity ofplge =oda and Ttwday His mruprity aivet formner Slteriff Leyr Willnon uta a dr tc813. Wht uwo every munlcipalîiy in th. couity andI dlained a total oi 1,116 votes le Wtllso.r's M. ri Milton.tdu vating uit, 98 for White le 16 for uoe tucrd inor Moments " 'hil"' in History j W the ne ut h JIM OILLS lhptidT. lar te 45. Nelson and Oaltvilla yen nlîglrtly mre evertlyb =llioesa The official declarulnn ai the pil ull b nStra i1 o lMr. White star bading theul(tefnt da ofb vtng havrng accumnu- tu vtraerssm htoevt eot o ntefrtdyi h. accountheifortac t teo t, oitt fainl reul w hout fini achati te pei inplt lie ao du ar ietu ntab erilit i aln uhaaot htits chncu rny Cainad à ln e Candado a ol of7.» rt.wl jrnt 7d n pe haenic itada b tht Romer Caa E li ecnmu am yetut te ine alIune Rformr bul upit ted, ainw th. plta .l be aout76 dmm ull h. etseraite upt rdugvrot 19the «obl e n1 urnittI lo e meied hIurlnl, focal crrevà rarun 1h 5ote f pp aiada nd er Cnda the orlmgiatan uht Te Wui o theti ascto rinf Mr.attomn wad aonid rduud sTîtn m- meut o aidtnkt opOntseJMc. Whie nsi aphrtUnig iuwnpupthnninef- gealed o the a t r y lue 13. tat ptine 1 duvte ani il cm tuorard uas Map1eu A e th mupotw aUito u art ao aoi 888 she a 2 lèseinf rtesfw pead Oted oltf i n)iayd iilsn iing that duicaceta bý SetirJo Whb. et suent as proi v as Hal.e* u. lient amuis lre urne Avne 11e.t 1w IhtaeLegitlatureèrd fora one n-i n dmig rai for the06. uu tIingdu of the , NorthlestWreduldèutati Cnaduin ronera granits an foreutnduifnal Lmvesglalatuae ai du Giku ovtun luma H Reom wlsuppor anad antI eak la t is L nouetd tir lait duanea i supot fudr the iua chalel S Mudoaldbi Te onmse mit haie aiuli Ctl uri h a lclrcaonuoigueive Levi iliyn ati* as. rif eMr. <Aaaût ha f dernrai t aonstîn a urd i auugiuraniant tan ru oto g 1inS puksurA ait egasent "mg Jtâ Char aînsAie Ca. !lqe onWit wa sf in .a 880 of0) o n u. 3 Falrgrounds belon g o Mwilton Our fair gruibd s part oi t lu,- leiy andI heritage of Mülan. W. aie concermeil nsidents wbo waiit le u due hornernen, remnain on thtepr ty They ara part of the ruralchr- ter & Mileon. Stur-Era. Millen FAU Fair the auctiauit andI the dog shows tech conttibute lei the unique utmoephtre aint the enipymnent of the grounds. The current dispute betweien due horserlit andl the agricultural noculty han deterited liha w schonliers fighting over a Sarmdbe. Dupn Ftna tracit in nothing b% hldrly. Thisbowever, in a suieun marter. An cotteedi citizena andI neigit- beurt ta the faîrgmunds ut ueuld like tam uthfit dispute stela The mraiter of awiurship of the porion ai landl the Itorsemieit daim n trs nhould h. tIil ulith or uliot lega antI/or municipal or provincial sieenîmnt. actien. Raponsible aults sliauld h. able le remolve tis issue. To help usitue part of Millen and Haltounscultural and rural heritt inpae = ée tbtttn avallab at oneFrieMa le Saturday. *f euddt aigi itdu petitienl aviat t,94 Robie St. (corner of fl Street). HamyP Dte* ffl ue &.0"h -saso Fan g uiuetow Why we nedGST Dur Editor 1 hatI naeff bothered le daim the excise tax refunil for ganer I wsta enitted ta baioea 1 uit, und stil ar, veiy use uit the poreelCF so in Ja ury evenift rbe wasn't urthe du ork.Idcdll do aIl the niaetaary paperwart ta claies MYecl tex Ma y cul. cululfo mlcau d$17-.. About tant entendu Wur 1 mvod audit . ia.Jid napit i huihomexpWuning hou Iaifna ut My fiagure udh upl f ruaip e ^:,i W e par of About i saixsm ler My ,flu a urne "alt bact le me at a cmn tf e $4 - with a Inuu stating 1 lid b.at allowud a daim of S14 ard leld bote dueafralpnccud be pplied fo. ou ny Iaculudeona oudi oen ut le an uvun $14 if beyend ,.ycamrtenieli iusta àPoluy. le caduce a chaia by à few dollars and meurt it? flle radiation didn't aven puy for due rturit pontage. but laok - sicnenu OCttawa had te write a lun an d tend -lthe daimi le Humiie.. Soumise in Hamnilton had le write le me. tl tl un e.nd thetephone. snmd an heur and à hall ulith me. tmenn wrie and rearti my linvoioen. They aIse lad e Witte Ottawato infect dum le tend mé $14. What ditI it cent Canadean txu ynfrthèse civil seavants letae .359 (leu tian the pstale> and 1 thinit the $3.59 uan quite d"itabh. it stacteil avec, ut the mont, S17_59ý Why do we neuit the CSr Ont af the inany restons is lepu for on ime cornpetently Rinagi civi service. SOU. Plukam.y, RM4a Guoaoaf