'Interest rates blamed for slw wnn sales Salas uit bomas in ils Gute Teok)mabtlcdcl intr uolis &M 11110 "Wdsiay uisi opful ! Cuadn*blmo eauat duciUis omm stands aâ du enulm = , =. Zrk Mi nusu panu" deaind Mt d rismp Jitusla d5 74. dmu 23 paer mmi mos~ Hoign D- Repoed TisaW ,iuslo lamiB-oa os.b1s ~.~u Im Ithed 742 sal duutog Muy &W dloun 39 'FII anye ulopris s aig ga Ws Kmasua ayouoepls- lnls ao.pspsib& c groin thseIo 937 boMtM sai n Juai du dountuuas la nUsdy a nacuaaéry mWIrer =esa byr Mal=, aMaW hu.1bliartsoisa anda a ssied out 6 au 1%. MW due fin à*o-p ofai aildu Tor. tdon aie mItake. Tile mmmy h-s Ui motgapl Inrdowna ami f8vasasabl dousxb aass i34 rsil om ass14 lidiasa'ýwÏ AIsaia ý(rH» fat beyood an>' oenaciost. VM1 soldc nscry payosait acduu - am iew lldm asis Wd Cnt of mars andi 160 ondominiums 0 S "dxm dte uigtefntsx3,WMWhîé nl mjs vrF ot.ot.n comiomunN towp is the nasash of 1090 3,M2 hosus wons nid. 15.000 ln 1969. *wl lieSb lortisai to sel As= ionas homulaar ame toliiig ai-vPNýbzlf W,&0A3 dmr4 due srne gl in dl.frasiiold W«la ulil palailasi >7 3 * 109. =okul > Norths 110, Eut 73 sais =9~ ~ ~~D vouaio thet bestnees a"W Ilm NO mdk) c aneSsau con- Doy uneed h b s in' "uauga M due Pm ln du IM wsao r imgs uhmhhia nub. en frai air-conaitioniflg hrhl eth S gi Wt,2sas lb. oeusrwmdis u he*111 li Canadisans ame quallly-an(ndlpled aa<odlioln unt uIC OC di. oae b>' Marldsm wh 21 &Wl inucalt i d balls a d We usually pilier ici spend. rather d hc i n aspa1i qualit>' Io b top of duhewira uhis MO _~3a atsdam noccOy. Keasin ai du theasm worry. Tisen cmn N no argument tisat lime modal - the <CC Clmtm loaTnhed 3sls.Otae Canai Moetgag andI Houslxg Corp- case quilllty la du monsi Impontsat oui- 108AC douant hava ail due IMtsarec bait uth 18 Maid Pickering Mds Wisl tb 11sl I srilm ominoas essi" on houain sidsk ati inuaiui an air-Sois-a owie m happy Yodi landu Caxtul ua Scrw oto 1, Nad staris omfirm sala thse ilTHA sas Nus Whether you chtot isie .~s ther ammEbca eckdi11 m WUia Oi bout for mtits, = . lts important k) difiarendiate product or nut what ta Importanit la si) slsldl Country A nd iyèr ps, noa u bewes guu ami quaHtlW If yoiar get due unit thats due igli d$i for yoirw ulsi 117. I1W.tIe b> Central (45), North1 cowsuy.Ami otsaiegolm isuhas Ist = la tih you. MII>' Ni able se do houe. f tas tco n #i t uain't get due job ut(1 Dapon- Thse affect on avesioue te enmofnu& Otawa Whioa caai Ilua butan Eou ca)n donponie. S -uu Matrs bois saisis on 55 a"as kOlowd byMiimamuSa nust at asow, tu u ndeaamd ommy neve do saltm qfl. If ifs~ taS dteun"it wo't 43lcn Sao cri .Tnn) 1h eual bkon track, saici KaL MC. ciIneao. (4s3k, acm Me ) rmoahalhy 11as TI o rontoIl (16) , em Kain a id îthoughsd theaM esabc Cu ( nsacmla w rmSgoehmc 1)adTonil() ne Realty Corp. St. South 878-2365.