Phone Now for Inforination on how to obtain a Certificate to vote Toronto & Area 321-1444 Outside Toronto 1-800-668-2727 Eligible Rural Voters may sti11 be vouchedfor, but if you wish f0 obfain your Certf cate f0 Vote, callfor information. P~à~.hedbs heOiYkydâCbi Eh«u.~OffiWdc~~O ~ ~.cuul ACTICIECt1WAU Can You Vote? Those persons Who oEctiofl DaY *Arc Iyeas of age or o%'e *Arc Canadian Citizens e Have reside in Ontario for the preoedng 6 mon ths - arc elieile to vot if thair name is on tise NEW LIJST of VOTERS for thse Elecora District in which they reside or on a CERTIFICATE to VOTE as imsed bY, iheir Returnung0frime. El b e M reu la wwo mv ~~pleau awna A non.piftêson Ago.fcy ëf the Legsstative ias.mbsr KEECING YOU INtFOlmEo C-G/35a te in die Ont.trio Provincial Election Nmir naine illuist be on the NEW LIST of VOTERS 0rolici 1 CERTIFICATE toVOTE