fe te Commu*3ity Ail aboard' Noebok Take eveiiing ride mo: . oedl R.i at railway museum. Publc Lzmy-,,t«Pr, ;.y (ed y KARRN SbMh nlesdayi wth aAI pry i2 taPar- Ail aboard! Tht Halton County Radial Raîlway wilI hMAst bseond bcpnamuaove it or the final Summe N4Mb Show of the mson Saturday q tcfth,, bok ub tha uetmd a At the lîfe-nze working museuin. on antique elqtric<ai car bult in tittev hs Mr. mro us 189 ai tale evns o ide will be à peuformance by rdstouhame pin. Tititts cout Sj and arl lmitual in Adteepre * numbw.l -me ub of &il levub 09 auiiy Win bave a chanceJsajue rao i ta aiamne prizes Sunday duins th f GelhLn annua lhrapS or tegaita ai * Ieiro Cons uervainA . Unrc a.uiaa bitia ceattgoadi baion 'la .à* <naIglm a h ganr nual the ibidily inmhà aigie participnta.he darkntuloe bt v- akuppr< nititisat 10a.~uidu ~ The railaiaya pro$art ai voluner (mmn the Ontario Eiecetnc Railwey raeMs ai i a n d o u mouei ic about. Hiséiacal Association, festuru many classlc radial cars. electrnc street dus Augiait 19 euent coui W140. , cars. id wodt car.- U1Il Show: Te~er patr Suai. Têt oumcs vebhie l 30 yean old aihile tmont cara are &Sad mit RaiaslwyMwug eimu Vuaiea ta umerCL Niiihwat &thope a sak pcbar li trich altr dak. glnu r.dcr a v T he11 giAt shap offers a ulilln of railaay nostaia icltPte books, :hrumatftrn ll.1wcvai peinis, crf, and arthfamt. buflk le ausm fi dtverel by str car. auiltr Idnsaidcoar Saved Imom the wnckcras hammer. the muttuan', Rackwao Station uit> th, lt tt ocasin. 1w how diaplays damal Ioran Uys Ms Johns. Tht turn.cf-hteemury ettkn* run lusf â 7-10 p Sturday Ag1. aardatdiomIsiialste In Rockwrad. o koi l 59 A vehidle storage aiasi hoids many on.galng tesoration projects. Il. aifcCri 1 nta outrcefsiana and artisans refijrbish and rebuild additilonst the Famtly Cota Fetstival ai the OntarMo -el i n&ui tîme-honourcd iethods and materlas.. A rcuturat Mtuseum util Mart cooking Whiit the muteum's sam la o mocre due vedldta to their original air1 an, Sunday Azg. 19 and cotinie operatiitg site. gnaft atention k f1ld 10 detail and Uitanticity ta en- unti 5pin. Cora.cn4heeb il u> ha re hisoalO tacui wy esys Maen cooked the old fashéoneli aay with due n.h Sommaer Night Show Ssiurday ruite (rom 17 ta 10 p.k Admisaion' help of a omm engins. Tht day wiIl aIm ratim are S3cra ll.22 for aunt* ad $1.75 for chilit aM" Iasuibe-appngmusic andi demno- seio c, tin". Saegci o nlaid wigrd ~~ * ~Tht 1uaut slaline cwod16 hioSlrsnt> wi Higit- Uimons ad ffil ise Coumba.,Lor 1armo, ran qulte aIhaWh"fra ea oid <nm ad teste WaY 4. eit 312. Rffula houri af opertian a&M 10 &.M. ta 5 pin tg ne~UyJa osa k*aratlan Pueo in oEdunon w)ttf1 il calirA ie Iti ai opoq seuyday during Auguait andi Saturddy4 Sudoandholkdayi s oeuy din e CwwdLa e t nuil dumd orgghaâm fil eite opet Village constable puts et the bt59a t5tier M ilton on the inap -~ya aeqwyon"us Regiur loolcsouIlBM MU adtbl nisz for special children du9, flhdu Mads in the lsrda ailmaa fort l hspain i. U a ai Ofdu osf ce-vataft I nd li Othe ug. OUIe .iri àru IWW et4 iastn iavnyc pro: pe= by a resoutcer aiWho Tht en. towk mIk bie nbesm wu attended by 'aiibStiUiU IOt - schciaeer itclIdm ed2- aiocha < v, i1t peints an abouta 4.00 amateur l=a fro moue tItan 20 difient =13eitm.rnnr 0= du= 5o - vrs whh l *p ueisa. Cml Cm inIo mm du curatrlu, kiIsruei ~ ~ ~ ~ qLbtU liteq«w <1W a7Cii «C th lmL nDY pi u tence."@Mad Ci. Maton 1. pleawd Fr» ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~a 9esvin <inde BD met cedeuteOnai eno h oic ae o Mdtlu m nspeclal sb m ne d rw uga;e taW b--iai a" P-',aum J.~ 1.m 0.« haf hoe bwain a @Md eadain he du$000-sar mac te lads peu an miaa e'as àmig .awd =M alln d3 a~ aueà e1,0im "d0 11w ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ' buis mich 1ac Sqss aDh- Paua ncs, bq0ai Tuma% ept il et 8 Pai et du Ilalllust abie denugon Imendal du kW ai Mu" ghh 10,014 A eli goeui dl1u iyomed bye à u te bep hhape. la du Feat kt bui FPFatc4ie in tama mca am andreblor nt ima e b*mm.. stsIM ogid osas a ham Rba ouc Maea Mededmi eMhwda A= Cbk m . Mami or lath omdm usi eta hldahsq 11 1. tbe 110 firesZ& <IUyMst êMCanadin M.h*htee amUd.wy,'l. mifflh. à%m 11013. W1110 b aide. W Ro MILTON ibfl*91 =2 ANYTME, ANYWHERE eAirpori SpeclaMta Fiat Rate Avalable a wv vOU MM~ DOT DmIV -- CAU. USr m . u8,75-3015 or '.875-3016 -N%.