DAYCAmE AVAILABLE in my &hKm. Ciome pley. grue vni" a e1a, uum play. lot af idys aidim of alm. 1176.410m DAYCARE raudsd for Sephaibar Twe beys, ac and m. au Wies axi Pulus only. EW Fesir ama. 878-8008 LI'VE OUT CAREDIVER wah r oaad miton Heiàts duivce &M 2-1Il?- 5 yoas i Tuoesdy, AIgs5l21, 7.30pr.0 a p<emsaby dIo a dr it sllwa ug 7 phione 878-S 4oqvid 8S3dyn LOVING. usI poiso - amd fo Ua se alaycai? of~a 2<hNI &A Lyoau pwrW«dy ou. homme. aid lîlil am eg Seoiafl P"». oei SE VIRAL caeully solecieai Engliaha Irlih Fîiia. Jamaf Naisses lor sponoring - mlli au ge Pelsenuz.d Domesblu 840- LIOENCED DRAIING 5C14001. INSTRIJCTCIA waaih4 $15 00Ope Norf Cod437-?148. VOICE TEACHER. Noar moelofig sttlesh loi lis lafi cui mi nua andi ffma baclagmr4i.. MrIs llsry Jene CoffsUsIN IL muas. A. Cam: 8784DM 1 uusée Thsoy a&W halry clases ars ais EXPERT SERVICES ..idM. loi Muid 'Caamng, Drss allhrsioia A Rupan Col 678-080 PHoToGRAPIY ir TED siLyO anas 190 Wuii g Opecli emola four ¶091 -ecn no and 1M0 pmm m Gumnim Plus wel puy the, . ST. Plion, lor oui brachure. 87942». 17 ccrn 180 0105 DETA M ROYALE BROUG44AMK mmsa whellisLwal saset 1984 CIIEVETTE HATCHOACN. Wli, suvudai Sagndelim 02.400 - -0sai11644280 1004 I-PGNTIAC PARISINNE WADON. 'iiMaa aie (hua.e hsaia hum. v*iemn car. net les, hianaMaf. 1 maion, VII. 4 §M . ui. lodsd 9 souli.rMff ad o8l us uaIil by aaean 610&W CanblIl R" - KOA Wea Taimnaf Fhae (418) 854-240 Lavs massage id r elle. 1085 HYUNDAI POIIY. $1.875 malb&i 43,000 oe9enai mie.; 1 auner 083260 or 416-1m70 78"2 ' ¶98 0106 CUTLASS, 2 do«. Cala. 306-401 lb. e $2.800 1178- 2M.0 ,1979 CAOILLAC SE VILLE. gray ailh rsd 10aliar usinair, gIfla man roof. -aisi hitda $7.900 Cl.e.cca 878-8540 - _ 1979 CAPR 70.000k onaa thu mnoialalai adimdo ada a*, 32,500 C@111 875-150 CO t: 416-2274087 1079 EL CAIND., -onç'usy rebut PAint b0 smee 1111M 878-7070. 1078 CREVY TRUCK. I Ms éaap. Phone M7 1970 FORD rAiRkfoNT. & cyhres. 4 dme. autamatUe. in ead inaing modrtionln*W bedy, #W b" ffeDdisésy. $1.W or 1977 PONTIAC. GOOO COPjOITION S1 SES! OFFER, 878-31f,1 USEO CARS AND TRUCKS Cdq Gary Nilon 808370 em« MakeiR RICHARDSON. .CHEV - OLDS For Vour.ý * Next Car Or Truck Purchase 23n ser = dmaidd id rail 8mai lant Sais ane .5K. Sep- sinbsBl W878-718. MCo rainin R.Iurm-To-Work -. annci Ad viobl Isite637-415 Finr" W mttale placement AseWlaice A8UOD aid ~iai For h cd 8704M5. or I100-W8-4027. a 24-hu 4mw Mma for la iase momie. PHum Wanmn Place ta enlg mRim chifairen In Maiton Ragian. AIl cafte aru ADOPTION. Hnappip nsi .is chncupes l b iploavla laaqhomme feyourh~p mm"sa homsslu* avimu". Plusse 0d o Gai cellsai aI (41q> M40724. 1 IL N1.POT DE LIABLE lar bil uauis y lsh.id0"iaval meisnc.l m . 000 AnM Dour PIIEGNANT A vaud sl blni? Fus. pi 9g- i 1246. 1087 SIJUMA. 23.00 im.4i MWa pacl- -p Vdei opwam i wm ai 8s 18,000. aidai 111112 SUPRA CM;: ZIL 6cy.. DON.. Sallsaif. poe Idw.locha. dli m. wmaawe. -- iIAuulaio AOC. AI&Ua u. vM 7-6a" =I, m wdW mm@ pu b. i Uhu, 10181019.é~~f A' - -'qp 8gIl~aUC'offS0ai ~rSP 4S7~a. 531or 240 TruSt. mOl oe- TIRESO0F TENliING - ROMu a lil OMIPP$d W acs w p w*i of foae ss5k1k Aal-e ~le FT SIJNRY 01118FM, M h.p. CaIs flâm. drive. UklaaMi. fuialdar. -aa - wM bleu ,W~ glés. $l0.000 176.40 -m yoD am bsmus «W d ho ur m bs wmu rm I o.. 37102 siidusad 0 liifql *o ea mot Iic .(708) $M0 Chalnpîon,'i is the answer bj ALL your Ctas8lfied Fleesi Cail 'Our CIaoýfled bespuit today MW a*k 1« Shtena. 78-2341 or 875lm00 6. - wil b mSvWunPl 10ut 000001110 Selptmbor 6, 1900,. by the Houslng 16K<3V3 - Wphmi (416)8B49M. Tendec Doaomi cm~ h e m ood tram fill mak10au>o sectom 9 (l office P.T. Na%-11iN - SUPPry ' UTMAA1OF C0 M MMI upAMIIIYSIENI MWr meo av ferier i "MM ASYOMGE làleais. R#£ inh 2 SEOON OMl or Apkhmm in Wra or DAob n a o 0. Phoc oisa 510-42441111111 3 BEDROONM TOVlNUS5 wals Ocishar ft $1.060. Cd ark MIR&O. Ruslly Would. MoCaijdoa 876-1533. - 3 BEDROOM T N4USE. 3 applisecés, m km ad lut 31.06 a fmula P kauWýâWmb« Seplembf 1. 878-1035 ACTON -HOUSE FOR RENT -3 Bedo Bungalow . fimeplace. 3 ap ncsfini1 buSinsal. gsrags. face yeod. q-utap hjpub spiiabu 4a $1.1c0pamnipu 19m p-m6-1387 1 ACTON -Large 2 bedreeff l mueui, 4 appliecea. $m0 pur manih Plus aihlas Sipsea. AyALB IMUEDiATELY, bo».i aio houa sausfor sèvge poison sf25 par mnli i- èkdes ailes Rdarcm 1 - COuda Desa Sème, Salua Amp-. et 878-1133 or 870- 0026. R*Mly VfeM W. J. Meudsai Réai Ea- DETACHED 3 BetIroom. 1-112 baft. tamély rmn firsçhce, I car oisn boraM. Çhléoe ailes a98"ý mal m l Reloiences. Cul 878-07 IMoaise mmésge, m FOR RENT: $,3% Pluas uisé. hoas in couay Cal Rue ie or Iomna Ks« at Cee. lary 21 Gaden Ruai Es»0 Lamisd ai 878-5495 FOR RElIT: 3 0uamBnao Issc HOUSE - Somedantou quai cgaâtfp Yard mais or brals or I hild, $M0 a sala 078- MODUSE AVAILABIE SEPWEE lOT. 871111 7771 NOLSE FOR RENT on S Bide Rad $1.400 a mmii. Pdmu cou 84-6M. "IIJE FOR RENT - Oui msahoiourhood. clu. Id bal... 401, eSocd i large bm* yer« ,e * a ir, 3 '+ 1 beâba., Ile A Lut - i1.- $1,200 Plus u Aval" SspIsmkbr 1. E% hséo' apa5n»t Ns1* diee > $7W nmnlu hAvéluiu le ur 1. 871-7031. COUNTRY hoe. parlef for han4aae w140 MMeWad tg.2 cugau -$7900.hnaie ud"s. (416) 877-0196 (Casys>) (416) 8u541OI 4 aplowow.m O ai Moe cus. $1.000, rslrosus u~*S ~ W-74131 alle 4 30. TIIRE etoAloG sUWm .omm IN Pt.OCR DiSbWAOfER, JACCLtU76.S 00/MqTH WU e usllée WhllPeoW. S ceglaas. peot I SEROO APAIMIT. vjlahl. lm. ss par MW& 4t400et 01- 1 EDOO SEMENT APARYMENT; h Inurao idoeegelewe Illm pluse itmdlle or 873-2400 evsaings. Pod.W iumwa ames Auiiido à pINs I. Fer emors idalamias Co M7. 3 REUPONSIBLE INDIVDLIAL8wii à iem MW couney home 10 rneuése am" ai Uam Use a-ins oa. .>a~sua ai Singés pme~ Io aIme large oaay paperly MliIN 1 lie Mmu a0" uswab Ressonabls $78-8018 WA*NTýD 2km à 3ud psisO id shmi homme. . ..^«im Auajél Sepsboeb 1. 871-144 WANTEO. fsndy nonia-suo d plu i.u fm in sa b A Wu sçeO mIso $325 ddufte. Cd& alle 4. go 870.0m872 mMERNUWkichs fui paring. (MNA 875-00 ROOM PON RENT, ehers balweonA/tfl. o-milf fr. $30pfiaplons Muai lo m élvr. M7074110. , RKOA fWea lni large dmu hous Use of mm- nm as en aid eay halles Cs Vai 876- 315 Commc il & induaL- prop. PRIME COMMERCIAL Au Spai. tu Lemme FRRENT -018ie ps en ai St. rasa hing. 650 sq R. 2 ma-i -e - v*etat SI1O0 pur i tpur meuh. 0784713. - INDUSTALo OFFICE SPACE wase lai mu iMétn, May. 25Sistsh 250 la, &0 ail f eFe a iduit. !ra $8 et Enquis et 878 6363 NOW LEASING professional office space. ou"ia *dcdoa - Wo~. 500 la 5,000 ss Il Aire éls Oscamher t Cali Ken 876-4607, OVER ONE THOUSAPIO sq, lss ope.s li efice' or sione on ainh St Pliçe 8781-u818 PRIME DOVF4TOWN ILTON office spans.' âmndl ui gieI lms for tant 635 par manalmee 07040 IIALTON HILL aR fo* kam u n mm késoqaq»#t hoe&a ulei is 0_ Fto 410.14-?30. flOUSE POm SAE. &"07.000. il Budan Nuab - b*ffl wame mmw hqse. meho Iff uce" Là"geOblatus 13130 Oui @Wd dWýb 00g Cal 875-2621 loi ai PRVATE SALIE - 3 Oss - ambuefs. TOWNHOUSE.F01 SALE IN.1E NfflRO Cam smm' àmd31