- REGMJSI NOIVFOR SEPTEMIEAII ~!Eatp rotirettrent) Oonesc sogseO? Wanl a cursardag pari brrr, job? Theoin atO HST b aei Station wagon and Ctais 8 A.CiI te- quirrd tot SepérimbOl Routes For ltirttat iniormalon. cat 4 Haillon SChOOI TranIt j873-3321 AGNEW NOW HIRING IFul lime Sales PeaIpie Who are able tai work days, ntghts antd weeitqndS if <~needed. No exiperienCe neceSSary except aggresfitan andi a triendlY out-, going pmrsonaiity. Please contat th3e store mana toay .AGNEW 55 Ontaio St. or caIIII 878.89155 EXPERIENCED ADVERTISING SALES REPREqENTATIVE reîuwredlfor Established Community Newspaper Please sersd resume 10. Box 1717 c/o The Canadian Champion igi main Street East MILTON, Ontario LOT 4N9 Wants YOU ta be apart'aI Our Meeqagem0flt Team as a Managerrilitnt Trýinee in aur MILTON SUPERSTORE, ýif you are seeking Fuli-Time Employmeflt, have previous suporvisary e>perience & like custàmer service. Cal Mike KovmcS at 8784133 or 519-537-6217 SALARy & BENEFITS APPLY 15SlidHein suu UICENSED MECHANIC SENIOR APPRENTICE Top sages plua rso.tblp bonuse AQYCE AUTO SERVICE t-TO. Tragapr Rd. at 51.010 Avil. I4orby 87843977 or 878-304 STEAUMTTER/PLUM8ERIGASFIfER 3rd or 4dm Yul Apiprendti Fun iMW posolon Prou Pacisago 878-1344 FIst*urlO Ifi sclae Requtreft a ~4f'sar graduats in ar Chttecttjral stuù«%8,. woarkini knowledge in rooling andi thermog raplty a asst. Pieuse send resurne 110 Fishbum Rooflng Sciencs &».I.s AV@., Iiomby, LOP 1 EOsuea JourfriTo or two-ft-ds for excellet quaity wofr on Nffl(s) ani/or 20 inch 01h01 reloted oeence an ossfet, I4errlngtofl Printlng Acton (519) 853-2401 Élericiens Ie VOn ww a Faremn i ' Icne i tstartlfin, Irrdatly ce.t ELECTRICIANS vie raqérte toteperiomsi jouttteymfl ot ap- -plemirts grin, eoperierice in industriel & con, rneCWa controclon iiroiii ThaS are fullt Irme poillion ri wî excellentt vrges & beeis hical Çoractot 827-5550 Ie PART TIME PERSON Wanted fot goiferai office dlIIs. 9 ae.m. f1 in., Mofday te FrIday. Stertling in septomber or sooner. Pimamie Contact: 876-4726 for interview pOIVEL CAREER OPPORTUNITY ACCOUNIANT sz3,oo-S25,U ÇhalIenttj resprnbltp varrety are eQojilY qnaiing Candidate cr11 ho ,rotved ttt lho CMA or CGA rles,grtatrO andr htave barrd on Lotus t23 tbfPeeecê plus generl accorttr ling and anllysis r ull renetils -CI O.Cellei PAT OUCKMINSTER 845-8239 Oubli»I LUN 3V3 Permanent Position In Milton i011 coopany is lootrtog toi sonriecne OtO.l * nIcei"le in a pet marrtil protdvi witbtn the Mîltot area o- rnusi po550$5 oC~fn Coin .Pureft ,t ikîtis eoî0y iyp,,tg and antset *rog tbf phonres' haveû a m,klrar w.t paproi .. .r coreotta.bte wtteeai oibce (tulles Salary $900$1 .3 Ol Ori otare a tako charge peçror PIPA" cat us ENTRY LEVEL WarmIiouse Ciork Iyp.rtr lb 40 ep'fl - erel Ioedl oralelyto'I bu CallTdy8950 -' 08 Doerai Df. Ste. M.8 DakoiB JUNIOR REÇEPTIONIST Ollretti blaud tNiCtrf ectnmaty baut an apemqn for a li* ý%0 t-ma NNmPIiolO Good tpa sért andA telaphe atxgq ustr- Wiedst Pless am loir. ai tnlIvllW 4*42-102 RECEPTIOIIST L-M.G. REUANc! Wa . maditale a o areotaia lidvdua quittesoil sssMMO qaUt and à lm a wmat flu a vewoma et 9--di ~fi otils A typWg epead of M0 W.p.m and daia M"t Md"s : =uoaf naidga Word Portact 5.0 wad ea a e ntWi.er a cospeatlllwar gy plsa a fll ratigat of copmi boella. bIenassd casidaal» pllaa cosentI Betty O'Graly L.MG. Reiarce 510 Branla Street S& Milton, Ontaria LSIT 2X6 IPart-Timo RN Required for oral surgeon's gfi ce in 279-9971ug Taeln nvolved M1'6 a a, u H HATO LiBOARD 0F EDUCATION BUILO OUR FUTURE W"TI fALTON The Hallon Board et Educaliom n atot apptlcal lion& tor te loong teacttmng position eltoc- Inre Sspérntber 1. 1990 .73 INTERMEOIATE MUC n SOCIAL fiCENa! Plase lappiy by cabbng Emiployeur Servicss eri- 2050 Guefipli unis, Iuurinton. QoL Phone: (416) 338-3003, sot 3327 t yn are a d.cbaUd prossiona wbo irtrool tnen oai reNntti5tnt. alle Can oefer peu *Outswx«ng stin developnilnt antd *HyNyt ccnlPsliu saléay and baIeras *Sinon omunwt support aind servirces pluetg Encalenlain Editcati t Throu0t Comn tOard Servat. thie Co-opeâtO1§ [CAREER OPPORNTY IN SAME Are pou MW. moN ppp Do peu gst §mn of OfOt pour.e dct. end gionder fipou filould W$fttoSa Vitt*iG110 we*ro asissin a les good peopleuI who sali dulisme. alto ,aen Io control Omir orant cae lan ta gi rSv.ud ai flum lte nui. Whro are tas? We ust The Co.oporaflr Caud lal lgeai, ptoly-owrid mu%-4nS if prou hamis a 039 epW=tc. or a kain daub ID Bi Prol . quadiy productif. or trou are aintsng for sales tagernet cul: Und@ Hrnyak 87740131 or 211 QUM*IhU l. n L7G 4AI XPERIENCED C.S.R. R....license aStarting salary 26,000 + depending on experience 9 Plus commission RESUME REQLJIRED Contact Penny Caputo KELSO jINSURANCE 1INC. 143 Ontario St. N., Milton Ont. L3K 3G2 876-4665 pRtMARV COLOURS PRIESC4OICIL SOPWtAmra pi mn atc noi %lnt plecu Fer moerai or offerrco9 allo hava a juntor Kudg~OZ:m*Traportmo car ls waigd Cal S7*M9 WANTEO mn-horne rbyMîr. 9 tvynES ai boy CaitpOlVi ao& Pal-botsprd10r Raeri cm raq.iOd, 86e2292 aita 6. for dct 2% -4 5 YUM vile provide a wanTl atmosphere, cartng staff and enrtChed learnin.g progràmme. Vaur child gît> be happy and sectjre in then "home away tram home" 258 ComlWCa strient. Milton' 878-7552 AFP EC110HATE.REUABLE OAYCAUE AVAILBLE WinA oparin in Spitbu Eertdts on goto 11or0. gocA Mann, led poufitte agsteurloffOt DaIp ornirg. Mo T V offrr t'ui 5elmrs SWi A bals andt happy w ~ utsOeu*dry d.*brn Pmu fflu w protde toving dayepe in her toiuts NutiiosS nuotI "i muids psorded WoodwMthOt amait 876-4518 (Jcia) OAyCARE AVAILABI-E beutin raid &hW. -11 1004 UVimA S@pwetisar Alaio t/2 days tu0 t<t.da gatf dsddmn Tm~alaenflammat Road ésa Cas 078-t167 - MA RF 4 ,~c<~ <pio1 YUCA cHILOCARE À 0MW PLACE FOR Yom CHLD TO CRAM fn dsoo'n YUCA Cffl Cm,. pou ara dcom- Img a vety lineui dur caor seo avartabrl To us ' chdl ple a él Ous businessl WanO birat PrOsi&q WàItt cair tor 20 reavu ln ont centres. " Cotraire a slltttnlttg klrt.g aêtence wtt à sla.e seCuta en-o ,onifl and fins e.pirtt guidantlc Ofatt1 rad, de&d.aliS1 WaAIor programme fer &dmar 0901 à NOlli IOntamlo'err L g So/Main 2 if2 -5 pearsI 8 Monthsf- 5 prott 56 I48 567144e J We ottoer Sctrool Àg ar7Te orc rem ages 6 -9 plI s in lthe tottcutog Miltoni sctoos: 567-1448' E.W. Poster, Robert *aldwin, *ioly Rasant Vktory W4OUIRIES WELCOM 77 CITy Cafifl OR., SufiTa mB kUSAUOA gaylwns tend Evontng 1>00Mtt Pro&ati Av&#"e .ueor Mmsly Edutcallion %lob Soud Aaatne MAIE Am INFORMEO DECIDION- TMJ( TO US FIASTI