n a Thaaitn~Wr idpe à tarasai IT. ta V 11 Wansd ,im Taieda iIl am E..01u end lu rdanM$n leubiasiuis nooa: WX S myb n.wapaparflt tht<e cool ot siens "Paed éty th*"ar-am Oiefrt if .n~l temt Msts b mada pnror te tis. lin .OIcaO dae o 4 G CHU0LE1GOH4ARRD-JéOýhY Chudwei and Gjann Garrard of is sag. aie ptennd i la %munciiie the bath ot tien daughlei Chetbea I tahenna, weigtt 7 tirs 5 oz et MilIon District Hospital on Toesday, August 7tti. 1990 A tîrtt a iecea te .spoil for Uncta Erie and Auritie' F;aeanne Prend ttth tâme grandpaiaiitt are Nenuie and ti& Garrard et Inesissauga Speci thantîs ic Dr Koatogite for à tong but sucCostoti Mai-,E_"'Je anDaf .l ockO are pisased t. altelifle "r birtti oft heu daughtar Stacey Lynn. weight 8 It. at Mh e isrc Hospîtat or(August 4 1990 Anxieus-ty awaftad by big sisier Heattier We*re all happy ta firiatly ha.a haea hm. Thantut Io Dr t<oatcutti kW tus cuaet of tuheut ail, and Io Ilieue grit nurses at WoriDistri Hospitat Loea te Dad son tman d Outil Pairel tnoa Dytostre) borri on lu erago gu3. 190.ao ri arn.reJames 4 P Fg arael and Meoic =pîsr lpca lak e Dr Jactor anid dma Milon oea ptaisaite ainoaic lu bifi et Ilhev dagi egnrane ttatie. eit 0 lis; 403 at Mi=eDistrict Hosputal on Auguat 4, 1090 Proud graniperints oa talt tifst tuilas> George Doucettaet M4iesiteauga, Sh.Iby Doajett ot tlotatn and tKey Stibh. Norh Sydriey. NS. 1 6th graat-giaridoitd ot Jasai Shannloni or Oriltt anid Bass Holttngswoith, et oskwite ara ptgaaa t. autvine li burt i e lia son Stanri Tiomus. - sighi 7 flut 20Z al ~St. D,astg Hoapetetl on Ang* a. 1 M Prod % aupurafts oa Bruca i Donna Richardsoni. ab& Mérilyin Cottiact Grant grandparanta Gtien and Frari C~t;i HM&d à Jim tHill; Ivan and Anrie Richardson. Evu & Eart Fittpatricti rtlraaî graslnelia Loume Grin Special pm*àh t. Dr. t.yrir Rinson. Dr Jackson anid nurue ow -Ga l aretaa t rmunati burthi e tw son Kyta Alexander wegt 7 Ibe 4<'tMto District tHospital on Auguat 11, 1990 Preud Wgraidarn ama Kauiy Bond. LaatY StnVrOu et St Caluérmt ont. Ion Gray eft4migaa Patta. Ont end %pth Bond of Nova Scoa Finit Woaal- gnrsdeen for Eva Wilson ACCETTUEtA -a a" &a AM u Psiiidaiý ndoa un at iet0 ilaug dnate taomy Sarah Amn on JMy 29 . etos si22 &mi autgig bis A msW tW Sauh.tdue & lamas BEST -Aman and Baraita hem bup> ennairiie luhets atwil of lus Un. Geoige Alan on rlay. ilht Atigri 190 sI in HoapI4111 vaonuvi A matoni fiud orb Fr@&a et Wicer ad 11111141 arion Dai.VX0 "GlE. OaN a t assd no liaerei bou lu d a it t e t r t o i W yt %r tat Bario n utiIspt nAga .19W0. gio 711a.l301POt PreOdpreiUI idWio. i Vent Idea t grripret Mr larid M m o nei tegg. 1,1r and MW S. mta.ri Z==bid9t lir G Cea of tOtahenu,ç Spot la t. Dr. souillon Dr. Chu nid OB 0stf HAPPY SWEET 16 CHRISTINE Love Mom and Dad i7fappy 8Oth Brt/hday to the Most Beeutiful Gali n the Wo#ld MJary rflîornorrc'w Love George, Bob Doreen end Shirley &Familles HAPPY 18TH DÂR GIVÉ ri ÀSHAKE! LOVE CNATFlE HAPPY SOTH BIRTI-DAY 't. I i 't md r..t flI~*a I £7 flFdtUtIi 29 ruuuut u.eu'.sve ont- ANOM! M. 00ETTcEN [Graduated Elecronics Technician, Shidani ICalag. Brampton Aaeejraduatad M O H S IAndrw ts nue, raaaOr in Edoon >Jbertis IMay suOu sawys ba yaris IGraduabmd B, Er9 (Uirii tigirraaiçgp"v ki-Way C~eg. t<igstn 2nd ULE «ch Mltir si prasenty on courte in Wnnipeg MunitobaI He alto gradimd MýD H S L Uontti tit 4ff t.eva thari a,îd Dad THE FAMtLY of lu ta" Dors Evetyn Lewis would tui la a pologuea tfin neeacg te mention %pu" ai liaa te0m dma friands who h"t2e Cam toi er twougt ier long illirta In hosçulal andiat homne Altio t. lhaitu Ihie uho caine Io lu tunera be sa gocodipa tei a deaty laved wts motier. grandclotei, tster and tirend Re John Perlons, Patibearers. Cernstabte John Lyver Ragionl Pelice J Scent Earty Funerai Hom V 0 N nurses' tirs Anine Pred tornei Cars nres ai Milon District Hospial Detbo t BNt Lenc*aay tor lue use cdthoir home and Wrichl Burniett Demie toi his valoirle assistance at homo" in loopi nUMrtday, Or Pairs. Dr Bradtey, O? à Cerne. Dora Wtieeluhan Panents in 44Mn reom wIrh D ,rreisn tutad stren naaded Mary ttisers end donrations aGodisisea you att 1tith te muntis mti tamity, Joanne and Aden Beulian ot Etraura and Cecit and Marion Patteiun. paidcnkkuri and halliers for hot"ri a dMtUl 8»1 borhday p"arly mias ai Balme CGa on Augusi 4Thans t. M n" blionds ota i lu k w ieed s ut carda. gifla and e pia t- signit orlovean te-Chartes Bocett et uuetaààa nihio taed lu agie dteaoan tet- ilvisie Thé& dey «0 be Wq l ro ebrad and WaiutloogI vidée.M A Ionttt i air made. Aos àa hemp er toaidatdlotae (416) W0155 Et B I - il McKersie Funeral Home J. Scott Early Ftincraj1 Home Per.ofll and Carn&i SCrvtoe . rief Counisielitig Pre-arrarnged and Pre-paid Fivacrals .Cromation monument Selectîor 21 James St., Mîilton 878-2669 BAULER-In ten mnmoiy et Oui brotherý Joey ilOe pasudayAgt lOB tht lova tieuir &lsters Marre and K<ata bretheis REMEMBP.ANÇES i tire t 01se d-baint be Th@ Milton District Hospital Feundabioniva MROSA Jý LAI<ING Paad aeaY at Mit Dutrea Hospital cri Augut 1 195 In loeing memnofy of my claie ttjband At lot ui "d art.luv yaai Vont absancet froid yoev urr neom Sag toead. Sul tra said aver d-a Lovfflt ressemrbrad v r TtEF MVot Neta & Dam Abai wouid là 10t ^i - - r7iPru WMOU i *Happy 4Oth Annlversaiy Ray, là Joan your classifieci Ha9ine, Ciassifie________ CLASSFIED HOUAS: -Cia s ie o.Fi8:0M-»