TPeewee Selects wmn Port Credit co.nso ,championshiP Z = =a ,aagd a l =ror in .wln- l tht firtr san e M tn bbari st d tbing. f attuo d ,a d D ry Miter w i rtl.. klh A a t c mr~ ,igi ngttoaltol hiptii anfd OeMoa Mitec started à single Coy vouMS attif à watk two -o rwigru~dawrdo saa« rewjIg< a le otCrit oramn. for Milton, pîci ki up tht wrn Htad3vi'~cIt uct bo nbu-< i îo' 4 i h ira =Zn Thin . hc b. Mcmc trc u sxo il haittffl he two mn doub l.e N;e1rdî lead- Ungna w tfln ôc Jin raed tufn wh-4. uanda seon utackd Ou of p< the eanda 9 nbs a1 Inl tht fourth fraina Milion SMot<ha WaSM~ dI atadrora teoir ioi q»&ud croing la pnus ag ta thtâ finlp Récharditon aMd MUt-t Wt 3.&. r tuie bte ruai, MaI, 1 br. atriuont la e sht ba3t- eoah oet A dei ht r d g pm tîv o fre in la th t <Mmd lnnmg Mi We Pc&e a Utcin a <ott m e y m 00 a It aiy M ai r t e fi"at woroa tca a singie and 1-Yea onJyDak'a single -g Millan a 1.0 Imd ai the end o h I~ Intia. Intal th.t <ird Dourga ,,ttd it ,ain wlth à tirel Jmd NoLan Miter and Blak follW wlth 0% ufati t puaih a Mn aum- Brown- lngbtata a two Mn ingle tripu * 0MIS tohn up 4.0- flar the fith inamas Amanta" ro lit rui on an arro aa 'or On Ixv SHOP&COM%%E blni s , b.ý Il, ALL-SEASON RADIAL pàn. on popda w u O ff sa sin~~~~dgle tov itn - ed HLIALL Indi oth t o o f the fifili trame ODkvwft tnad <o raily Mnd inM&ga St pi. dowef try = th îti ee In É d G L & P151U13 $&99 Milton <bon tuok on West Moun- P195/75RI4 9 9 metnt aid claimed an 11-1 tein. Dar- P205 75514 ~ ryl Mite taced Il battern and itrk 4P205,75I5 68 aqnd didnt lbw a it Fagle GT+4 :m m: P 2 5 7 5 1 5 8 19 9 t î h e m e m P n n S*l ends Sepembe 1 P22 7515 81 = Pin.,O~XabtS i,.a au PICCSOn l7C . Smrmfl.mranaged two rua; <o claim & 2-1 C O foREM n i c' II AIw L e AC. lad aer o0me fourgon ldofwt OUR NEWEST PREMIUM PREgIUN ALL-Mdoc baihid an ALI-SEASON RADIAL HIGH PERFORMANCE doacnd or<lickoijd a h IVItTA L tAIAaI theth<ird mîng Black stood on WHITWAL EAGE G+ 4second iter . ledoff double- À GL EAGL GT+single by Darr'91 Miter ad a walk t S_ ~ Sais Pd.. OUTLINE WHITE LETTERSthonma kigcwlow' p155 BOR13 $ 6974 ass £W.~ tht nt ai rekthe bas" for Oh- p1658OR13 8249 P175,70R13 $10124 gfildttbetema P1750 8I9l15701 129 VALUE PRICED Nyttiu.iOadoiPr Pîf175 1 9374 P185170Ft13 12149 quetbont Wo a m. Rirado OR1 19ALL-SEA-SON clecrd tht basi w:tb a <brie rua P195/75R14 9674 P195/70Rl4 149RADIAL dultloedb rata P20s175RI14 10349 P205/7CRI4 133 49 IMOsntecoeacrdo P205,75515 11024 P2l5,60514 130,49 TEMPOr SlsI<ittRîChd Oe P215,75515 114.74 P235'60514 138 74 WHITEyfAL.L agkW àlge aid ru vb ou P25,5119ý24 P22517OR15 146,24 banatoon thet1.oId. in = P235/7555 12599 P215u65515 138.74 111lOR3 $19 nmi the rtm fd tiit in P18b1'7ORl4 . 10649 P,205ffl515 132 74 P158A3 $19 pa l <bn hwag Miawath P2057051 11249 P45,6A15 16349 P16518M 13 8099 ning and Mitfnte wie h P2 4 1.9 25ýS5P185/80A13 65.99 mrcy Win. Pi 85175514 68 99 The fourhl gante of tht tournanEnlt .aw Milton but Bboot 7-3 - despite P196/755 14 70 99 bavi'gi but twice <bus year tO M00cot P2017515 8299 iic«hod four StriSuts. W1aïr pik- P225'75515 8199 ad op tht e win fhttg 12 battelli P235,755 15 9299 Ia the tinst inin& Durgon pnchtd aledoif triplabefota Mécan. PLUS Miter aid Brownifflch htUCbd base onertrus rs scored A IESELCTIOt4 s rowning on hi, uingle to give Mil- WRANGLE sorASFO t a 4-1 tad aimer oie. DarrYl Mil-r PICI4JPS VAN & 44's stasbed a bomertin t alus il -1 ON SALE jî4~~~f for Miltoii n. of ionir &gàa t mnake m< 74. Blor r <md tri corne back ia thse sitb. but alter two mais Milton clriiml the bu"k on the raly and kncked <bn out Of dut turitainttsth eni Kitchener 12-8. Noian Miter «*atd agala for MilIct and faced 15 batten G O O D /i A ta ilovring <bite munî Miltom<î other pîtcher gava up aIne min on il hb aid a pair of arm T A K L E1 Il 11 F 3- Cnhtid1.themg lti tr *e casH :ow~ ~" oa: MÛ«a &Md Dlak dngWe ard twomsteb~ ile hoNigu b"his home two _------------------------------ - - -- -- -- I d-rs both wfthà ing ichadso s>'v~$29. A/C EVACUATE.NRCAG 5 -#Idu*s Frean ---------- HTH'*Ii"04H1TH 011, Flier AÀf8SI Lbicto SPECIAL $21 .95 ______ ta 5 oires of Quaker State 10OW30 Ci1 45 Ontarlo St.N, 875OO1502A Mito ARPORT SERVIC;E OPEN 7M.t :WOP.M. MON eRST«&~oR