Fiee shopping spree Nu"c Liai (-stee P pt tesbt up ah1sf hopping 'W Whi dropped *5,00 s dm wWmn of11w 5hOou 0BIOPI g MrW. h apmnt b lning IImaoaa Uooa sl klcludg front sisi Ce*h Pal fUNo idow... Saa ad Weiss; ekvnda Calain of Ultoun Vanhty Pair; Tom Sait of Or%- tari Dm oorlis Mrs. Uuil ès alnlnbg an a pollug IoiHlo Poo &W Pilla. Ai" dispiayid ère tainwm gahahse daM op~Mn irt W mma puzapw md OFF.ICIAL OPENING Sat., August 18"' 9 ho(e ~EXecutive & 18Çwfe' Mviniature Courses FTree Rpu uiufs ai on eitftcr course Sût.,~ugi j,~ 78-5355 7 am. bo 12 ng DON"T WORRY - BE HAPPY! e. M<J MA BAS ARE J#JST SE ING RENCUAED TO SEUE YOU BEKR SWRVE Smi ~ ARE STILL OPEN * GRAND OPEN. JNGDETAILSI SEMBER NORTH END NISSAN OMIntw 878-4137 __________I Canadien Fashion at it's Bestl *Fali Fashion Arriving Daily 221-225 MAIl .fTMIIZ>t 578-;47" "For Thiat 8ipçciaI Gift Corne ln And l5row8c 1Town 8quarc 2r7 %min 8L Mîltn 87&0050 FOR BUSINESS OR PIEASURE ln the of Miton 116 Martin si. 878-2886 (~TONI.GHT Tonlght Wednesday, August l5th 6:30 - 8:30 Corne Dow'ntown tonight and sed world class cydimits compote in the Tour du Canada bicycle race. The 10 Iap circuit finîshes on Main Street near Manin. Beat of ail viewing la FREEI 191 Mawi E N41ti .C fo 1.9T 4*N9 8..78-2341 tm. 878-4943 R. 821-3837 2 PMR 1 SALE! Làdles Shoos JX P'eai thte mgiàpm 'aind gmt Vie SeOel peai for siO 212 Main St. 8 75-1627 W.lcom. Cycke Fansa 9viftoune 'I-anity FTair - Cycles - Clothingo A9cessories Auguat )th Mostly Bath, B. and Table Linens 5 PM P.M. *Wheoe Personai Serwce TMZE is blA Tig of.thiePast" 190AMainSI.E. 246 Mam SR* &ms. .7-4244 At Dmt litiM bý*