<Sonday-Thureday. 12am. -8 ar.>. Reqrm1 loi grnr4r honnei n Mkion kmr yrwt)r r 1 2 Io yeus soins erpmrnor. swlng 0,1 roira roquved Sé.' Psbume Io PAIN WAY8 7M Gi*êu le#t Cnti. UMM 0ui. LIJ 312 COfuPANION for a plsent 75, yW aid Lady in %cange i, nim our homo. in fin oury, mur of MIani A noansohier shossi Mes b b. a member of or famoly RP%* la B«' 177. cio T% ewbada Champion,11iMain et E.. FIFT14 WHEEL TRUCK< STOPS NmFrInPtmB Ionsea Mia.mu1 h, in 51 Deur En- illasiESUC P*e letrlI a rirg Ufaiçie ni, pi unS FMI Whesf T.m YoureluaaU CoessIrel u rontu.l u.uoodWe. CuQnUyr we are rscvulllg: pbo otc Gta Thsi 4tEn ioni HAIRSTYLIST renfurmlo Wu PiNed parn lim poerbnu In Wa lian alon Cal 878- lb78 HUNTEOVJUMPER Show S tbergi waalusid halis ID sot i daay i ca h deriffl of n ougr Psat. Lookwr baie Due Io eilonsion in lernatnla flm has openinqs No ex pefieice necessâry, 'Wll train MgI op"o lunileS A~CCOwr9 ap OIiCdtiOnS lifm studellis Fiex howis for Çdtevire açpoInl tient caN. 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DAYCARE AVAK hn mi, htome. cieahve cenrs. Great OMM.e iniécl. outarde pMay ReKob faralab. Abc- elerce avaSUle Ocycuve avadbie-h irn psA-Om NuirbAa hanches Mid smocks. Loba of fun aclrurîrets Receeps, garnC abe6810 OAYCARE AVAAIt!. LMof fuIrn à acsnrses. MOUSENEEPER (Coach> requmicI MiltIon omsde enSgin Ues rb. 30-40 HoWrspa moine 2drlde. âge 14 à 1 Cumiaraictr Misti 3 30 5.30 pmr sruh limiid pi-uroM taquinrmentl Exscellant mtages. Reterences ieudAPPIY yIon 1779. Wo Canadien Crilu.101 VIr Ot, libe. Oin LOT 41,19 LOOIWU for persan Io oome fat mp homte MWblyalad d a ee la Aual 17. cms e1a 87S-3213,dd e PRESS OPERATR Jazn4Tnc2 or two-Il9ds for< exoelen quolty woie on f&iII(s) crid/o< ?0 inch PYOU. 05w rslalud expdee fin atout. Herulngton-Pdntln Acton (519) Its34d1 eshUm hA»i li homte Phoer 878-36I0 PIMARY COt.OkRS PRESCI400L Septiabnir Ragisslo a11 nthh dnpla For mormorg or allmoo pogeI.W. aise, have OaÀamg 0 l<= =ine Ptga rTeaportan cmn b. '- aia ed Ca8 74-5992 or drop in any REUIA8LE n o ar motws ci ors Wittes fa pratrabTrý 1a 01i2 ailrin pnelsably i-in or einsi in fir hormis. WoodwaidW.lson er a Ceé Joan 876-1407 Wl 'ayin h rw-mme Nny le Flldy. agles A P?.2FESSlOML singTourw wim lmdpOitdo leli. a o ou o fk Wbe are exiipeneda and reiable Avalabl. senti or bi.ssl.J Pwease ile hiaobona urblauaar 673-7070 MATUçÉ sOA euil be ligh housacles, hald=r R s 1al in No doge Ce# Roael 078 12.. Asientai Te -acl.d Aaadu Cgoh 515*19n se50 September. 199., 878-955 or 878- 0637. 2 U ew eest S h ax an s d i a i u c a n t tic h uis youl Erporlecet in Painting. Deshine. FPeerchg.Lmn c».e but ana do anlgl I CaO bave 878-9741. LICENCEO OIJNG SCHOOI. 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