?S5rag 1ai45 Geerai Hel 14 eea ante i 7r » ntî GAAG SLEWu are se.kiwg eauereliable and S.l mmC à lma MM closvab Imms ce to1 gl PULL TIME fa sorgu- 474mCAMIENS pomooean co ur eaf Samn Due OERAt . - -a. . 1 u f yu ar intercaaitd Otfaa contai e_ 'm o n 3R Fumi-SU #Mnmg . M upS £cuiet e. 0"tra fî Nos hilifl b nse -y uaw MCi . oproa n 6ULPR 10ME 878-841 U EAPhIA 0F CANADA INC.. lateelin eauUUPR TIMEANÉuUg Georgetown, hm ouoienewt opifllgà ore *KITCHEN STAFF - - ur aircevditioned and senoeless 5oho4x Utpl in mi S IPPEANECEV«gN- Somn pèclo ups lord 876-4731d@kVaias rffluae nuit Our omparry von. 87&4731 L0 ýSteady dates A vahéd driver'& licence "d 45 Chia Dri:. Wbhneli n e "plm pnli sn bet eW for t ptopn _____________ulc H.aq g- son . oofg W alli, m. ourail ali, rat. cmi. and 401 (Ualtatd FuthIf Tnackalop AECMWSRT T ga»RW. -e I u.Y or -m 0' mli ,~ 0- oearrpieoaCE Sa Ut. 11 ila rocstot chrlt V "o For un ilViw Cml Soi Jr. et 391 Setok Cros.f PEOPLETOkaa. 10--2 paaar%t n-30 "M.41)7712 8 - 1 pmn 1OO% gmnrbad Eure auile 68 100 b". 1-416- or <416)846-7700 ~ 55002310 1OIW VIAL _________________ ART STAINERS NEEDED 3 FULLT1M CASHMS 10 Pouce ug muo « 2 FULLTIME SALES STAFF Lubçation Equipment PI-ORW Evenong shif Mmr - Fn 5 30 p m 10 30 35 recurs w Inall PC ORO NlneZELLENS Am you stock. in~d à i no Mre. Ii d NEW POTATOES. PICKIGCcUoos Set à Sun. 90.00rr -Dm, Co$ptnt Saiu GaCi Dmng the semae du pli dayl-on tend day-ouil TONATOIES, CMA Noexpéience nêxcesay mmloa Mou Wu mmuàga îaan ceopoynt n eoad of a par- .et .Excellentf wanlwr conditin nwawmI W" an htéom.bn pouston CHAS. GREIG FARM $7.00 AN HOUR This pesbS raqluires a person whocmor SB à M11ellet Duo Cou Mmn.- Fief. 0.« mas. - l P.-oile. flhe dandammdurcuapide 15Sadooad. 1 mi.e wolof of Tralega 876-2625 - Élanir or a cC uie ' saie fou, bout ey lu do fie jo liytt Rd. 2rid dnoveury vrsi of R R trck Eveange un - 054470 - Kim. PART flM CASIERS Expertice an=ar or lnAsrng sydasbnis 877-7484 34 OR<S.<7nee o î Auua ant Censset Y.' alee cempottva salery. OPENa. Relpe . - * PH.DAL Seplemibor. Must be willi> tfl 10 orf 1 pakage fie ille cars«er indied appaemnefte, 09514 T ER . S.aa CODIIONS P mshif per weedend. Day and afler- wihzI wo0k lards a 9Wa Ool"CAFETERIA HELP naon shift available. Apply in. persani Pléàse phom for An spo»ntmmt: çe*ke a8>.*TmViiliri HAY FPR SALE, in lioMO Bfiangton <Appiaeyà Fui Saie., 3-11.30 pa. Monr. - Fil.« CHULEGN9S ORE FARM Balcan Equipmient Iné. inumm Abiat or Tr*Wc or Clev in rmuni Poa *l5C Merveille~2 (416) 8267 bottes rs= Cl S Penlia.:« il.4 FOR SALE -22 Caaiwneroa Slraop plue Ranres 7857,SI 02 O aie coo e-ecem Cal allr 6 pa m 53-4334 MOP NYMSA FOR SALE. Raalane daplsd gray M AmabitionjS *Nfî$iM ArE o PPIUN lut motpolAoyugl àdo Gakhng 14 3H Loes b ponte A ruI trmer - qpuIl uIpalO a a Wde Re.ae 12 Arebiafi 12 Weah cha, nut teillaa Divrs Uit you'r doirç and m idsr if you ü««d Cartadin Ire Mllon bat ot axin macad i Large ponWa-. Wpo.'eqomdtDrivers îaialacOng e PA, rmE 13 3H A oual ~pofe porti and levasc people ob .yqxq0 er W* AT7M Great eo ponte club *vents Aiso Tock & Wtth c>ass -AZ- Must have senne leow good pleola si who Cà chllenge. violtte AUTOMO1WVE SERVICE ADVISEN Z: Phfom (416a 751841 arSoe0 dumip oxpertence. 3 years' higtlway, war* 19 cortéair owi mm and bes UgO Evanringa Se10erdaloa Applv an parea1 ean orclb> ean abstreet. Good income m-,da al Ou semae Omst. 111n" Hasard l PtkBenefits Steady work, Cali: Wlo v0 wieU? Ws eue Theo Co-ops<elar., SoieS Manage lî q 52kCurdas* fargeel., palvalay-owurd midi-in 20 Ilelo Iit ALTY CLASSES ha liu and et& limai Ballus Carrers Ityuu*ine Inudal l rsica -e .zUmm suvne Pureboud and an ad breeds ausicerne Io sei pioeo quelly prCduct, o 0< oue m Finr 416ra 87-15 858-9740 or 878-4013 -n--glrelam.qaau.m: àERMAN SI4EPHERID PUPS. CKC regsered. UnM 4g3¶a bemng ofierad for sale to sllct, responsbfa CAPITAL FORD IN ACTON o hamaCi Bue Parents fhm encepuorici pedigree. Licensed MaIeaio - Clas A, pruferrebly OVC conrfed: fMnpwmavi t.sted lIta 856. Fard eupeneince, bncy sIrops Contact Slave SUDMARINEonà Wating. FULL TUE/PART IEMIGHT 514FT .IACK RUSSELL PIJPPIES for saie Phrone, 826 Parie Paloton - Ford.dalersp pans ex rsdsafl o 2m8or 876-2725 patience, mandatory Cuit Gary Sots. 10 0B BOB NEEOS a gaadxhorne Blackr Liab anr. i Exotne Ba@ Pers<n - mnoato gretoO 7 A new/used Good prafhr. excollent iiventery Good wages Apply an porvon lu, yest aM Grises pesnudl Fruo 10fotng homa'l Cal Siens Waring. 429 Main Si. E., Col 878O Gêeai Nla, Ta dlean osinckes and do Hâion sors ae mYu utaiv gaod dv. wlêertuporUiors ne Iro &M L. - a P. PETER CRAWFORD'S ingreord ________PhuDurent. .- DO OBEDENCE CHOOL We v. opened aur nanvesi deaiership en Recluiret wWMf awn tractais Ia pull- DOGOBDIECESCHOL un. and naeod goci people Io ales asur- senhr dumps. Steady wark. PERMANENT FULL TIME 20 Vient Exçanoio in illin affla successlué Top vernes aid bernd&Pois Goad rates. Benefit packageSA SCLR Noie Sesion- SWIMIr si ci avaielabie. Ca4:SAE LR Eqaapntaae addian précis (519) 8n32370 elenoit 858-9740 or 878-4193 rqtide (416) 33&M554 0 fou ie eois, -~.i Mdo matue . arrI Statlo.nery Ltd. W au laaldngor MAUIIICE PE R. W~ yoxi -i Sn-9--ac repo si en"era 182 Main Sro, Mfon 87OM921 @WM 5Oiie tautrup.ta40 haes p.r w*L venele,- w havea ePART lIME STORE 138 lomImmemntN yu mrmrebd "u ontct, LER poitin abla flor you Smae cash AtIR CONIUNG Seat oovd Sericeu Io ad, cores "eMdo experWoce prelsired but cet risoessary, as wn R"OJRED MEIATLY aafs 24 uis cnae. 4i6-4a1-affl, wu atu ULL TIME Id trou ai.* Ia.siatC besacntc:WATRJTRS CARPET REPïAIRa iiii RIESTRE TCHES Ai878-8441 onaOC=no WISMO T RE Coo UxoAk gIiWCd», ct 078- 53 ay lune for e Slh . WhdTuc îo Foi CampbalfIe Rastaurant No enegs 145 Ue«l Wntc LABOURERS Cl yn -- Owno Opertors For- ilonpy and ounsiQniv KENTUCKY FR1 ICKEN DvrFusU ia Required wni cvrn traclors and 84ia5 oui 1 storeNaprlne h ihepdte dump F trailers Steady work Good Ouku111 » ile mw " SN.cheelrn.. rates Senefrf paclrage avarlable **U.UIW Cail c i 7 "S.L SMO"d M1ton.For lutter informnation ploase cdi: 858-9740 or 878-4193 * DINI r., -,. pitbue 88S17