y Whitin&..- Raiwnhi; du heh addad duat If pinvinclal 'poiicott ti.Con- servattws ma ote!rZrcuh o di. L<Bt in w.e o acamigit pic a two- Ont e aii#d adidates semî to b. in OUn lete agreemntt ont là tihe .S te kOMa sertes of debafes titrougit- out thiertdlng Wc Whiting lashedaoût at Mr Fi- hlot, calling binu a "polltiudan seho never met a ta. he didn't li." lit aceumet the. incumbetît of voiin favour Of 33 ta. tcrmus, igan inrra. in pnovccal mIa. tax,to 8 pet cent hiat7ipe cent menai.. in velucle =eli fm., driver'. licence fmnat e tax on thes,; à new utter Toronto A.,a taZ incemas. in tobamc, gasoine andi akcolol taxes a min- ci.... in personal incoîn. tax to 53 pet cent Ira.. 48 per cent along witd a biha in cipat rneo. tax an Mr. FlIo bt.hdIt of oee ta'if Mr. Whitihg shuld benait .nugîto know tuai te vote against money maitet meant you'ir no inu the caucis." 10 ao vote, NO taîid goverieut MPPt have plenty of oppottunity to provide input on the legislation. .Andi à% for the Liberai terord on fiscal responibilîîy, NO saîid hein8 able to balance thse past 1.0 pin- c<Ii budgets in spite of cutbacta in l eeal tnfer pavitintt la "a veiy happsoy McWhitiM saîd that during tise ftve-year Libetal teign, tihe arntoutt of tax coliecteti bv the Province fhum eacit Haiton Nottes.cudent fias in- coeasetébout 112 per*cent wilek pec liià-tcm as increaieti hy only 52 per cent. i~t"1 "llHIGE * a«Knights of Columbus Project in con junction with Bruoe Hoods Milton Tlravel and The Canadian Champion 41 1 "w . » John Tonolli Sports Centre, 217 Laurier Aîie., iton *7:00 pm to1:00am j -$15J/person - e* S BRUCE HoeO-S MILTON TRAVEL * JR CANADA THE JAMAJOAN TOURIST BOARD ir For.- va a i7-t lem f. tidk lb~,Fwe L w a Tonka Dancers, Floor Show a Metro Tones-SeeI Band a Laghtnung ÈD. a*Island Foods a hisId Beverages aRegge a Calypso a Dancing a Prims a Dress Caffi-beant Style aSpecial Guest M.C. Roger Ashby - CHUM-FM A ~L~'le %t " Bruce Hoad's Milton 1ravel e The anadian Champion * Re/Max Miltowne Realiy * Brancier Jewellers (Milton Mail) * Fifth Wheel Truck Stops - 1iG C Ê 1' *DESIRABLE GUELPH LOCATION! WALK>N DISTANCE FROM STONE MWA MAL Sem ta d.H Semi a FMm3es ,449 4003t.ce*k te rW GST - M~ove in by Faff VRated EXCELLENT by ,~New Hom~ Warranty Visit Our Model H 'VChoice lots.avjtilabe %9 WALMAN D be Clay brick extenor orne At RIVE ConteM ant i h»n yoti Con ttrn MMn ~Wd #Cided opioM*W ... 13-1/4% for 3 yog or 11-11d%Iee i1 y.u - $1296 (P à 1 por meuh. SALU=tNULTANT MO0E: RESIDENCE:- BONNIE WALKER (519) 824-3445 (519)8844130 m-I #0UM& U1uN~V a am*v 1-*MOIVJrftVWSDAV 14 * OrDyPVAw,,war -t .........