Park» n , phe A G. .1S "ALLYQOUCAN EAT, Specials include: Soup (2 kinds), Salad Bar (25 items), Hot Food (25 items), Desserts (8 items), * Ice cream (4 flavours) 878-8814 459 Main St, Milton ALALE Suspiciouk< watching Polie amv invrsîîgating Complaints lthai a mani, ervi drrvng a 'an , i, nu licencr plates, has benr Pceruig ai chi drer on 9h Une Ailn area redciii warnxi police, the =u~ appears toi h. watchirig the uýring aemoen hum." eldetli th van couda poaaibly bc a Comiica, and deccnbei the. driveer au havini short, dxcii brown hair anrd a moustache Diaappearing mct Tw oun liendlers - one o! esapd to 1hr hln c eE> ai- Mîonuitieu on Thucaday mcix, naibuai by polices a 1c houri laier. Police said they mmre aittnding Milton courthouie, for a bail iieanng onlic7y=arl Duriglun Young offender - conidered dangerclun by - e a pichd Up about f11w t« lein fing il. flc16-year.oid O&kvule yu;2 o(. fen froni Oakvilc wau pic up &bout eight houri a(ter the escape in Onk[ville Boali are charged miti escaping laie ci lenody owte s l c mer. cu en u mwti. x cape occurred. aaying only tht the pair "wm laui ob*erved in a holding ceil in the. building with another, "lIe Young offender who reinalami aith xw."ln - Charle laid nA 14-ymrold E.C. Drury studenit îî up for shoplifting chargea lullom- îng an incident ai A&A Recorda ini iih. Milton Mail. Police iay a Miore emrployce Wh iervedi a culpril rermove a caissette lape front a case, place il behind a driver P liet oer Walkman and exil the stor. a A Maplclrurst Ininate faces drig chga a àe guard. laie Friday niih.tincnupciu of iiie ac- itrange odcou,u,,,,guad ord ced aech rid iuueuely or.bieii inic a 25.yor-old WindioS reident - as charged mih drig possesion. - A euclin&on mari han, bn chargod with impalied dniving il- omin a igevhceacideai Thirsa Chenoo n àiîi 190 FordTBr nldoun Appleby Lire in Mitéo. Crime and miadeffemnours o Bcokvllle Trading Puai mal ii j, Tiiuràsd*hIo inai . nierd il %torle in pxi&hie cigarettes. Whilcý one of the. parties paid for hin. the other left mulEs à linait quantity oi o The dog days of awnnncr nom hai a "er d ifierent invnini lu tmo airel rendents On Sunday, a 7?-yeler- old Harnilon itther omiptained ni bclng bill byadue mil> malkisg in theau à i3 of20.erosd andrFii Lin. >AJd on Thurida, a cyclisi reoed .ng hilto by a mhile dug un~xhUne. a A maliei mai slolen ri à aFord Tep parked ai Finit Liése and 10 STdrod on Thursday, about 9 p e. whule the owner - à 35-yeorld Hiamilon rellideni mawu fii ng. 1 r0tam Sr&plnul S il 458m Guipai Sarvici y Mu ce d 0ne . i. -« 1 1 1a 15 ~fl- -[r M ILTON A LL 1A NÇE CH'JRCH 2050 OiRRY RID 8 78 5664 945 arFarîé umx cO 630er E.rNgSxr. Niaaay Fac019« ai aO services -7Y First ' CommIýnity Church of- Milton, -eslv sercale cMUidM $@MW lei. how caIsarad §0~. LAUIfleu EnIs, riNér suiDff Evçfryone Welcome A caring Comimunlty Pust«: E"<y Jenkhis Churofi Off lS: 878-0354 sal VM.Ocie Drive Unl es i;ANADIAPi BAPTIST FEDERATIOu lesîlor: Iel Te"r Laine Sunday. Augusi 12, 1990 Monmig Wornurç 100OCarn J.nnhm Clinrai -d N.,siar (lOIN ROSA<îY ROMAN 8ArO 'C fi, IS35 ar iO30am OUA LADY 0F VICTORY ST PETER -S CHUFICH lan.a 0.,arý lea£0 1~ur.A Ri wdai Talai Da Sialr A.led.. T WTKERAN CIURCM CANADA lai Wiaanriew Puli Wouderd 9 00 11 ons et ain.w 0u Sà.a~ Sa Lom lSW.llr r MetA4, AidaieCh dmCe'r ve WidiWy nra Re~ ~ ~~w a3 i.10pSuerd GRACEWAY BAPTIST CHURCH P..b, Wal.r I.."a 876-229 W. yauu ..i ix It ma . . -ii 407 P%# SIffli ma". ~l-~l i. IiePivr A i TH4E PRESBYTEAIAN * CHUACN IN CANADA KCNOX, MILTON 170 Maisl IL. E. 878M. ki.m - Thea Rev hlliè Dma leuTirelu à exais Sundm%, August 12, 19M Oaul Ikdic RAn M 1111v"d élse a 874Mf maEi ints, .»O, MH 317 Main 8OOam - lOO0am - SALVi Ail churçi Royal Can Ch~ Services h al AUGI 1030 &-o se P"U moui HURCH VO> MIT vOiJm LI 'i 8S! Milon. Ont u ets ii ..'iai xxx Holy Eucharist slO t ~i ma c -Holy Eucluarisl xiia.t ar î îim . MON ARMY IILTON -. h services helI in adiarr Legion Hall UG arle SteetCHURCH 0F CHRIST Mies Sreel(Milton) 1412 Bîlinni Rd il 1air Lins) îelI every Sunday 734 7 00 pm Bnd-lAriii 9 45x -ST. PAULS * axcevwa.eapreava UNITED CHURCMt 1 23 Main Si ai James BAHM FAITH 878 M85 PO' 1097 Rex RObeu Hyde <.J 8839 Pin Elm Ll4iand -e DO hot bumy grm.IVe IUNDAVI la-jour own cc t,; let UST 1 i M90 your thougttsbs flxed upon thet wifIch wiII iWors0uç Service' reIUbNItot U thouluns o f rMWn Thiel manlnd." is or Sièvrn. , LesonsIonwO1ey Avon 0 has 14. l9-3 '140.10 m* 1e 06_ 4-12 e ? bà hm 14:22-33 VISION TV, C&Mb 33 eyieuî2s The Ro8osetRbigio - ~ - the expetrierloe oi Prairie lie>vamian anaeBatle - ILJ~~