Our Readers Write Mayor should lumMayorrvenuattsMlttn Ilte"V e Inl It appau ditat railla titan be à faiirgroun)ds' 411,1Pute wudpeerote oun you bck on Dea itr h te sau-payit~ revenuegewtn 1 rua sai dnmav tif the position resîdentt Of 'huit dby ou takaen by MXr Lor àrntzinlu your nont-inttervetionti t#city appitive f o front pall^ AtW~ &t Au heditte the actions of the tas teceving tati ftstrnem main jlsrgrsisuda boardi hnlip Mr Mavor, bei ànediator andi sot a OYCordîrg 50 te %tosry, Mayor trminator, andt attenupt te get btitt "Kranu sid the issue sl a privait sititi te the table fi the betteuntent matter tndtht Tows carnot inter- tif Our comiinsty vene'I You aie not the only politictas saitc If tie Ma"vori rgot aseare thin ht es hiwptng bis distance, Mr. Mayor sitoulId hi enligittenet te thettad tgut Whtem are you, Malt Ellîtt oui M[1" tite Hilton Agricultural Socigy le, nos Titis issue bas bies dtxcui1 saiith a pnate club bu a i b tdv ytiu as seeli. don't abdicate your .hitih nreivea thter fu d h-togt reptnslltss govercosent grains, pu le: eig Mr ElîKtt wu tell or assoctation Our tas dollars are pavng for tller tnttbei thet you canttt intervint. lasaver Tiey mnut alto adhte in berause the master ts ite iasds of the Proviencual Agricuftural Act andi laseymr tbe Minetr of Agriculture anti Food Me have always bées "radt to .crticizc theti' opratton dicis, the situation saîthout Art you aseare Mu. Mayor, of buse la wyers isucit mosev the business coin- Me aie asking ysiu. (publtcly titis imunirv in Miltoun aill lose if the Mil- urme> Mayor Kratc andi Mr. Eliot, to ton Horsessen's Association n fomeds gel off the fence and help resolve titis out ofi towat' issue. Are you nito aseare. Mr Mayor, oif As isottients te roui psriiictions buse muct inoney et takese te feeci te desierve your assistance and as and equip standardbred race itorst taxpayeri we toit titis marter s4soulti A3l of the feesd andi veserinary sup- hi teslet ai sain as possible andi pltes are pumhlssesl ight here in Mtl- saitit as littie ofi the taxpayers' monev toi wasted ai posesible. Oui trauterle live in Mâlton. as 1 do. An expensive court batelle serves nit Homs osaners cme to Miltonc (mm one's isin s. Me hssresn are St. Catbarnes, London, Torsonsto. and responsible for oui osai expenses elssItere to se their torse train. but since the fair boird bas accents ln Mile in towln te %hop hert andi sthepublic pui îRcn attord'tomrly ira ini Oui rentaurani, on littycis issted tif negotsating Met. itomever refume te be înttm- idatet itnto givigo ur land toithttn 'e nt.K Million Hoeae.sta Show you care; foin the Unitd Way Dgssr Eéter. Me often Itear itît Milton is a bntlriom commusiqy, and p"ole have vetv lyew concrna about saa gosen en sitei osactoss Me do sot bleve thIt.is Ms have biitlle bien tnvolsed ins events in Milton toi a long tîme, Ovei the suears. masy tif sais bave cortactei us and voîcet yu con- ceins. and sae ltveacodo your "uiýpst "Mve lon 550 Cam. Milton bas% producet masy dedi- catei comnmuhsty seorkers cn the ,puast However wtth cutbacks in healtt and sossal service prograien at aIl levels tif govierninent se, as Tht Unitedt Ma, are htavng to pick up the slacs and to do tItis we senti vtilusiemr Moring with the United May dmi nt tuecmasnlv main knockig On do,m You cas axit by htlping out at many fun-fllled activittes huke bar- becues. bingo% and auctions. Yo eu l gel the opporsunty to met nîsa pnrlad make new frsnds Meroifening a gput oppoutunltv for letaming anti lor perte"a giosatit Conte on anti ges tnvolvnl ten ytiur tosan. Kilt thigt mytb tit Milton ts a betittiose comuntsy. Caîl Rit. at 878-2185 or OUI as &54-23M, in dmho oh*.d Way i 11if~1 Spanish River hildlng centennial Dean Editor. Thte Tousship cit The Spinist River formerly lutosa as the Town.- siatf Subter, May anti Hanrrse lTownsitip t116), Townsbîp oif Halluin anti the. norgantzed Townsship tif Victora. anti as one tisse includeti the tosunq of Massbey Mrtowmd. anti Malforti Statio, es celebwaing as ceritennial Jus t, 1993 A botik %, betg sntten about the history of the tosesship. Ativone seitit pictums stone ori inttrtsslng articlest si donate or enti for oui en- tieavolU soulti be appeecuted. plitase tend youi subrnitgstons te: Townsitp tif Titi Spasisit River, Bittit Lake Rad, Massey. Ont* POP 1PC) Altestiôos Pasriia Suten. hfi*fa Siwt Tolesahl 0< «jomieh Rihsw, onti. Group fighting ACMP decision Dentrditur. The tttritge division of the RCMP Veterans' Assoctation uîll challenge the constitutsonaltty tif the fedemi govetistet's tiecisoi tsi attse teilgious syiboiste a e tre religion rotpbtly funtieint- sotutions as religîious symbols ait of- fermie to moie peulie.To moaite as exception dotnt show t&atic bte railler diapLavs favountimif of 0. religion oer oster Il Ka therefore.a violaton O ur dernocratic rigitu. e: e ie mot ste oppsets of turbans -2 .eho ame diîscrucinators.I is tht sell- meacicg but misgied proponents The largeqt pesitton ever ~etoit nr Canada (lmore ltas 1. sga tuns). shsit wged tite gtivernmonen tsi reconsider, ba% been ignoreti Ac- cordîngly, the iacision eill be citaI- lengei iii court. Vie ù]u assise the Lestbrdge RCMP Veserans' Assocation wexth tundraising et titi maine The finan- culi support tf ail] cnceutird Canadians .%Il magie ut possible tei contenue saiith the court challene coegay.>4ot New washing machinea praised by tocal women Thot Aprit 30, 1%3 Mit Weai - Tite Victoria Masbino Machine, wbscit miscet fini prrse at the Provincial Exhibition in Losndon, là beîng endorieti itvirîupuoftocalaie Ft:4Vmncn iîon mu, tbe obtuino] lfiot Mis John Wite, Mis Thum*t Rc'v, is ZMWD Lyone, Mus Jul Martie asnd Mis (Jutige) Davis. Titis Iatsur-savlsg machine wsa tcstcil by ttc Bureau oif Agrwuiium'atid tielare ou Ice1 tht best yes itrought 'atne M om ents 'uti Il 's simple" wtth JIU LS Te ka thtra1 id actiont tuf the-&taer le tht' machine asticot by prsure of rubbisg, tbereby avoWdisg thse siughittnrury to the tisnt fabric uvîit muct less soap Iban untier the itanti sashing systetis tiser, have clainset thas the machine i capable oif savieg four-tîfths of the lie- anti labourendt isatiirtis oif the quunîlly of "~ip gtiterally used, Thse macitineritave recenîly ben inttsiduced in tosen anti are tut as the som of WD. anti R A Lyon Milton Tsey can aisebe oderet fnte the Agent ai Oakitvlle A cru collecti otf valuable reits for trnseci tif commun aihnecs la betng dusirbutei among local hunnes. Sorne etiamples lollosa bessons are recommendeti for Dripay in a gussian itiedici jouisaI anti are luid tu be beneficial in hopees cases Tht fist day ose leton wsea gives. aller takîng the peel off, anti cutîlng is up in imaîl pinces, le sullar »w levas followteg day, titre went given anti atterseartis esgbmeee eswy day. Foc nrsi met t ws given le every cane the seaser aimse off on the teventit day. For Dystery Blaci or gre tu, MSepet in bomlusg isilis anti ssane st loaf suger ta encel Furnrattlenake bite Str inasa h theyolk f àgond eq unti à s aslk enough tespttdaàpamue. Appy tilstethe woued and the aditroafithe Miscon Farinr says hé icill inure youre u sixpeece. Fui Hydropitobai Accosslng en Dr Chates KuIti cd Englaiid titis diseuase c be cureti b)àthe adinistration oi citloroicrin to sinel, seitte the bite le beng noed saisi à hot lion. Moitit kztosain Parcit half a piret of nrmie tl it ts bitisas stes boil et as nice ta muaaly dose. Eat skuseb ast il saîll stop the mous alarnsîng cases of DMartensa Neuralgia Buisoci lkW applset exweutally t. naidti toPe an amnost intallbble cure for Neuralgua asnd carbonate ut troc in seise daîly Coin MIki tursig tempo] anti bounti upon a cors pateti untîl it is tiffter. ssll geneuall cure Rheumaim Letion Juces if recomtsatdssl a certain curie for &cunit. Riteuinasisa. h ba gitan ini quantittes of tablespoontul tb tsaice the quantb tif raid seatu with auger. 4evsy hour Tht ~~ tif the lemon Nuc seasai mois instantanoeusin onecase. Intell days the seora sau cured andi in avdm the sitier wsea able Io go out. Rentdy foe a Felon. Taise a peis 0f commun "f ioap anti sSiintel air- mLackeds lune t011 ts la the comnistetse of glaz&era putey. Matir a liither tjimnbie; ili tg saiith Oua comfposition anti insen the linger titen, chane the cotniun .oamein 20 minutes and a curel sure. L iz maa*t a t ser a IIr. aielinvit emîikte si ma nsa 0 e<Tlert yfUta, paus Rmwat.iAi by a Chwho ass AMe Cao> ftupngkt JA DaUs 19w0> Pick-up Your Bingo Cards at Any One of Our St ores & Play To Win! HOW TO PLAY: To become elîgîble to win the GRAND PRIZE, match onie lîne totaing 5 squares, eftrier honzontaly, vertcaily or ckagonally. Simroy mlrk off ttlose stor'es whes'e you have made a minimum purchase between thie dates of Augl)st 1 St and August 31 Et. 1990 - attacri trhe appropnate sales recelpts and submit your entry forms to any marchant located at Milton Mail mm iH -O.S 0ýw es ob« à às Sm 1O3O %s 110, Aèv veta 878-3900 son No%