e s i. - p s Sp e a Pud b tv es :~rc dcr e irnPla R. Eldesls4d' Otho îa l sup1rly lthe m.u~.tra~mîîc U F PigitImimi by a low-lyms ierroplane the toini oi Lewis Landes, aatnpitd ta rn away frant lthe bérayard O.. selith à lod of hay. Mr. Landes sas ihrcse frao it te - b.d.s soie ribe sau brobien ad his WLdtrix fcacturoj. Fair lm'n3îlton nuit w«tk =hr wl ke dantcing in the Stemt andS Ha. ait kitidi of m gainskr eveyom aund a dmew for wndiutisua Peamds (mm thet ickets sall go ~ ~ ~~111 himd wbr k W rd his sag C i A Ratnlotc Msailom daie i. Mh oh Hosby Vbims humin sater work wlilbik heM ne ltse horne of Has abuli IiMMY ce lTb"> Augms 15. Doria - MMDI oreutm ir ab. â MuhE on iotah s $M d&é. m mad"m 2 nats Lakkyeuo ad" k.h lm am a de" on a quot. la cms of "i Utsdam slà b " ify 1111118 j Th~~ CanadiiÎn C ohamh~U JnUES O - SiSal IIWORAL Mm. R* g. MW»i StMKion Nian Nuhon11M = @M. O j»M~i Nul ONer -Adniliel Mumags Numia:BSmd Nem. ftMahJohn WuM l ais Co às - arsI ob mo Maugar - JA RR 11001MRÈ IWt MM:Oýa CL &ut:Doitsykulm. Lbsda MItES.. BjM ~ Uy. mm LVdw lluiIm 1Ywhêh fe U«W ~Cour actin isLookinr back t/he only answer A dispute that shows disturbrng signs of escalation must go to tht courts - and soon. We refer to thelongloing quarrtl Offl who owns whist land ai the Milton Fair GroufEds. 1hw adversaries are the 1-laiton Ageicutural Sodicity and the Milton Horsemeii's Associe- tion. The former states that it owns aIl the làând comn4onWV known as Uit fairgrounds whlle the latter lays dlaim to a d"îptive aliver of the same turf. So far. the agnicutlural sqdrety, a itsponsWle and com-, *$ munit>' mlntde group in ail endeavours save this, has- . served an eviction notice on the horsemen, turned off ther hydro, threatened to lock them out and retained a lawyer ,u should push comte to legal shove. As w~ifl, a load of dirt appeared across the fairgrottnds track Tuesda>'. effectivel*reventing the horsemnr from training their animais at O facilit>' where they and their predecessors have tolted "for 100 years. I "euld be laughable If it wasn't so sad. The horsemen believe they art bting spurned b>' an entrenched, wtalthy organization intent on stlllng the lanid fromt benceath thtin without their consent or an>' compensation. *The agricultural societ>', on the other hand, sets the horst- men as posturlng on a shait> legal preunise (that tht>' olifn some of tht land) in order to extract ccoession froin thtm. *If genuint grouends eit in law to support tht contentiont that the ownrmhlp question should at least ho examrntd, then tht legal forum la where this dispute should ho, resolved. If tht fair association is so cetain it ls righl, that la the course il$ niembers should have already followtd. lnstead 6 tht>' have appartntly opted for the bullying tactic of 9ic tion- 1k. Nuk.u lThe Ista mdiut abuiuu à e huaua uadu -mulq Mi o mmm ti 100 ce idos It is not as if the-horsernen are without awathrd of ai viiub hé iii auauu iUî; ui au. lm Îoi ir ai tao Lheuy vu$m q ntmpppaient Lhu -credibilit>' in thtir dLaim to a small parcel of land. Théy have 110- Adut F_ pmi onni mfepa ad rivugb.iahr W. m.ametw*Ulhaéy =W a deed to, that effect, thty conten d, although there isso<ne qu . W gumiS..h npSoem wmé fwusuwý a iUd in h tt wYEiU aas akeru- question as to whetlw that century-old document valid. aces e wtedl e kUON plPupi bOB But il is a daim nonethtltss, oete that lus not yet been tested.Pars& te at W idthe behaviour of thé Holton Agricultur S aocifehtys a bit higit- haxided, as weil as petty4 in this affair. Tht>' have ntbeen forthcoming with this iiewspaper. Tht>' have "o-)e' A o20Y ar g referred questions to legal foiinad but as of titis writiii u ra go2.er g .have taken no ieai a"ton beyond tdat. Princ tâte Axg"u , lm liaes rFimn the. Ans"uat it hier.Au _13 Y onk ta a aWa&y ai Chitta and 9 tNahgwwwm ldtW itcà ifaqu" Tht societ>' has created tise impression that it would blho re W mk.e xwCoe-vAbom n teo mrn. ytthnE~Mm~w~ happy enougli to- intimidate the horsemen into lenving paieMdsn.fanNhyutsdo iaam oitstl oftt du k" mmsklply.and "aytakethe mat- wlthout the chore of proving theni wrong and their clarm at %unerKeomuuiwl.Ciutaiaiuinai e ~ Abmof the Ontario M4unicipa Association con- least ehoiouut jammo.t me4de uiss W an sioe. Mmon sdua teenoe in Ottawa. ItSt 1'1t115 .vmtuafly hope i abe pmidla and national étiei. U A titrai-cr pnge sl the coner of Main and Ehsz- But it la tht sodetys responsIbilit>' to presa its daim in a U Mark Dogmrt h ldrector oh alenutive biari &bathuo sani wM urned a àolcto dopa;hi the I Iforum, and tht sooiner tht better Tht sodety lis takén 'Or Han iobeLhs Services (HASe>. anor- Operation Surviva botdt driveM .h C.ujlnl1 e g to remove gaftlz*o evdn young Fape frithe olh boula on Qas Cotainer Courici Canai to r lead go far in altempting tore 1w h horseme fromnÙki home. Tono, HASS and locital ical sa $15 à ton. tD bk mil as glaupht psng beds. Mmn" the groirids. Let thein thkè the lead tooin1resoving tMis tara the sud bn a 3,60 âq. IL rosidenoeai 245 Commnet- collectai sasl bt umici psrcha inforeissve books foc niater, egaly. W S., to bk operming la Match nd prowlde re fur the P.u matter, legallyane yimtht nld, few orno ather cice URcnons amr viipoctd tg get Underway tt t- To datt in thi's affair they have proved ade0d ani> atCon' uHortu 1,vaU wl tobettitdfferne toç is Ballon Rogional Conservaion Athorsy undentake ,ftontàtion. It la not an image this othtrwîU nourable Howle Scanaifl Ir. and the Scérnel ir rin as they hstprvemmut ai lte si chalet iClen Fdes, ski amaý body souid isli t4oepeow)fr tu ltehrbeet finis of the yecrý fit at Caysgo bodsholdwis testr. pSdainthe mfiaym.C motnwsocsff striiSmdy. SONears A 0