11~~lusns A4 sakrn of la differe>zt rcýofoùr angeh il nherint te, halruylats 1T , n cmaqrd wfh changing à <let'. loa. crealima meen- blince to thme coifle beauty un à glomy magaile page. Perhaps Cthe conotamit aearch for pmeihng newil behind thme ebb End fiqw ofh&W«&obmi' moveents The pathsof aiwo eg&thWis local ityllots have met ln à PlriMueniip al brie Kiehita and Martin <IV> Dei- ton have *woaea toie on and off" fur du pai 15 yers. Their me rkig ationmhip has bien on mic imd af Junse wimrn the pair too& ovr time tonmes Fas4.I ul my Lammge'Charks.Sitm. Mi Klehits, a hianItyIt snce 1963, sa"h theirs ila 111gh terh .ala'. Time iacility meam 'gu1içd'. TheWema new floor. mou Gain gissi walltanmd a Vgr' &rUy "relaxo"mp'lmw Thil. lit armtime venture Wo Martmn. whio's owned silons and meceked in parmnhpu beici.. Ma Ciht ha. "7ay work.d foi tone- lne t anaeve~ d l e.tltmd *bout ilier mw madi Ce ein. î,lfDe ard Martin Aupart 09 Hait Amaaiàal. Many client. wll idIome à slylt front salon %0 malon amdCie owmi of Salaes eumvs de have al= Px- aima hai time advaatlge of "einng FâthO.. Ieamly Laage saa mn- bers Nanmcy Coulmame Nancy Podull. mmd Cannie is McMuUln Lo ad - drpaé but ln aitemed surroundlmmgs, Along will Jime ve milan. the owners have marne nets liniquen as Chair flngerllp. During mepierame visis soi 1h.,r noili Englmd thla b ummmw "aCh took courue ai Jhge.aiadvan.oed hair dressing mci.oo rie London. "Aie usually go thoma, me me go imome.'mays Mi Kshitta. Updaiid de.hv o n hoine Inh sylem mimort hamr or al- -ilok.repom us. Kmhhia. Simormer hair may b.e WC but maet ia> smrd Chai 1hn., two long-dim 1*YWO. haven't Cake. aamy iluitm in opening haï e w eain. LA DeMu fer La Parka There are 71 tickt oders whio amu 'mpn 0 Va rum '101 ao U nda .11 9plmra aé fund.raislag drmw 1fuz tim ben f thed Alziner's Smciety Tlie dràýw dabe 4brinm uoved front Aig. 10 *0ý sa 1 mewal bcitm ame iitl avla. Dem orur Lmly rIeMM would Imite n0doase at 810 SM1 and a one in a imumed nv to wein shueml dnm s i aie rOmuvivegabii buinesme. aim @urmng cab and product a, the el* d.l in et"h bals Chat =ndu~ uema -Pl dey M é Sheridm C~ seg' acédesmic sw- ardus pemJgmair u boa"si by the" Mii.. im ma. mmn la-. «5m m 'Reign of terror' resu its te à six7môin;h s4nténce OMmi erAUYiSSU i Courit wu bld Mfr.lmbel li thme phommd Chmm ofm. ari ti bia damag a due bas and t»e mu;dthidletlmuly l6 lIOpar :mme= ibldkn* = doons a ua' dînm ucidai t lD*0big up ars. r.Uon.paddulylCelcIiitd at m cmd ", o f hm pats geC. AChmg Lain judge hon recommieao Mr. flnmas. l'bey= (du Iorp)a. knou iol lASyou vimmA. Mr. koeipphe le zAt Browen for &'lmporary ibsmesss pro- my it iilidy, -t r as , aobn- M. Browen lourmd mnare Young a gop ixotai ~uho gram se hae cm meari durlng dame- mqntm.mn hiding hiC iin-tw af &,rat aid erYporMd tabe, lie i=nfluence don. As part cidu hmamnence, W ma"e ictvll ypgged in uii pUmmched im la du Mm~ and abot !4« oiurtiwM bM. Bitiwn>6 placed on probation for 5:p7ar , ilmml oernpmley ablma 1he body repemlmd1 Pond and fIquaw voie Mut. dwing 18 inmni aid binned Emm pomas e *0 due camai"5a ea 0d .dmC ckmSd llminmdfu i onldo àhg vulaus xm or a yus.. ?1a. Save 25 ,on Goodyear 1Eage GA & Vector SuieendAugut 11. Gd bw pries on suzes Mo shown. WXURY TOURING RADIAL EAGLE GA BLACKWALL (HRNR GKEO RATED) *» s1 ii.bpdg P206/70A14 H $124.49 P215170ffi H 146.24 205659815 V 143,99 196160015 v 133.49 P»05/60A1 H 122.99 BLACK SERRATED LETTERS 0 un ib Pille ILau1 PIO>/701114 $11099 P21 51M014 119.99 P2l5/06A15 1 26 74 P21S/OCAl 127'49 P235155R 16 149.24 PREMIUM ALL-SEASON RADIAL, VECTOR WMIMALL aile Fwel £ila. , P115/"013 Il 74.99 P165/60013 87.74 P175f80A3 93.74 P185i75A14 101.24 P195/6A14 103.49 P20&I7"104 .109.49 P20Si75Rl5 ¶16.99 P215179.R1B 121.49 P2251750 15 128.24 P23si76515 13424 P 17 5170R 13 100.49 P 1 8570R 13 103.49 P185170R14 11.99 P205/70MI4 119m99 SALE PRICED ALL-SEASON RADIAL ARRIVA WHITEWLL .1i.l Sel PNi.to pl55/80A13 S57.99 P165/003 68.99 p 17518M ,13 73.99 P18S/7S514 78.99 P195i7514 60.99 P205175514 6.99 P20517SR15 91.99 P215/75015 94.0 P225175R 16 98.» P235175A15 103.99 GOODk'aA.. T AXKE ME HOME NO C-cm *OWN &, NO«ý *o 0-.u.' cimu. e mnSI 50 o P.eim a*0mi0oi.6i,0ie w ia I Zw q = 1 I UM.NS omie, q Mm, .MCd o, N t..aoa om u. e lM M a .isoi 0 co m wm ordy ~s é9 A/C EVACUATE AND RECHIGE $ 9. - nls r0--------- ----------- --------- OIIFIt. &Chassie Lubrication SPECIAL $21.95 I1cis Up t? 5 Utl of Ouak s Sa 10W30 001 45 Ontad'o StN.. -M <i<1U'L 875-45O2 Mlfton rIO vieC OP N 70 .M a 0 P M O a F1 - A c0 M a : 0