You can help make sure YOUR NAME is on the NEW LIST of VOTER.S. ji s Ul to vOU to make: sure vour naine is information for sofio' l ,I io ansr s oni the NI-W%' I IT of V( T I RS. if Noit. the questions the FiiinUmerabors sý ill bc are eligihk and 4,ish io soie. 1 %cri il soit àskiiig I lhis us il inake sure simi naine % oied ni the la%( Prosincial Ileciion soiu doe> appear )ilt ih NI-W I iST of ilst aiisser, or pro% ide tlie I. tRS anid iia(icano dlei. What you should know out ENUMERATION to make sure YOUR NAME ison the NEW LIST of VOTERS 1 he 4,o Inumeratiors who 4ill sooli hce ligihktîkînh<.br of the houschold. Stit callîng al Nour door should produce nrimes should ihen appear on ithe Ni-W iheir appointineni torrn amnd idenitit, 1 IT (il \OT F RS. i hemwltses and ithe pu rposc ot i hei r % iii . If t heN ni iss voU on i hei r f'irst vs hit, Ift you arc ai home and il 1 ou are: eligie. ifieN sN ill be inaking other % tii or or i f soineoneeke% ca il ai i '.cr t hei r . "cali hacks' iii order to niake tieir questions. î4ie itiumcrairs %iîle orpleie NIM 1 I 15 Of VOI't-RS ascoinpleie a lorni 301l for N'ou amn tor ans otiier as possibile. Can You Vote? 1 hese arc the questions the ltunerators %01l wsk. ii ) t in ltctin,îî')as i I s,%, Ix- Si )car, of agi (3) i 1 i koon i) i I uitn ha% c reýidcJ iii ( tieni. i i ddresî Thty should also ask if ihere arc ut her eligîie Voters resîdetui ai your address. l<ffl El i,1i4 1.IN NFRMAION.<CL Ail A) Iijrr. rirnd.urr-Iigi.. ho hjr- fl>I<>O4TO>AARIA 421 14 difftkuIîtà&r jhrný Or 1%It»F tONI() i14< 4,4,44" 2-2" tjn ,.Iîh inorm,,ation ihi. nik. -,t lh( h.1 i Eltins-