Tifec!te Comùmunity Notebook Musical for Kida: (bildren agi' b auj ioder are in,tedl 10 tabe nr a f îi Mante bie BraarMsclEar i Militon Public Libraru tourtstss (A ug 91 Tbe presetaticn ut ,*taddin aud the Windcrful Lamp begitis ai 2 p m. tiçcus are limitod in nutler anj c1î41>l (aIl lu r-re a sfnxo, 87 --2é,67 Thec musIcal pts-etiat(On ns part ut A. seris of Tburssiay srecial eveuts ssbitb run tbrfuagitiutlthe suomer 1Underwat er Mymierles: (lue't tbe litsttry ut te prîiperly suriunijiug ( rateturd Laite teer discoveued ai the bult,m ut t labos, is titrs lu the site ibi Sondas (Aue. 1D wîll tîud ouI about the onderwteaer mnyslcria Ibal n'sulted lu tWi raî,i>%rutlut ut ant tudian sillage nonr tb, laite Titet till bu a sIidthow at i p mk lu tbe inteupretîvu centre audî- tîou Vîsttîrs tan ast bîke altîug the ~t»rdwalk tirrounding the laite ou on tbe numerîlus nature traîls, Bicycle Race: lJsually cousîdemeil a retail auj sersice district, doicutuss .%lîltun ssitIl beumen a bicycle race course Itran eveîu un Weduusay Aug. 15 bit Tour du Cnada bicyclei rare tetîl nr rlodu laps of dowtwnlo u m 6.45-S p ni Hast Familles Needed: Flaltun Support Services respile ptsîgratn 15 lui ureut senti ut bost fantîlies .10 provide temnporaus care lu chltdren auj aditls suîlb deveipmutl baudc 'CI, Tbe fatmilles are uuse 0 pms'd shtort- terni tare un wt'ubends, weultdays or a cîîmbînaiî ut btt The parents oit baud icapçsrd pisple tss.pire lime away auj titis prograul ensuIvi ibuse cildreu auj adulîs iîlr kc sale Training i' pro- sd t lu oit familles a sCil as suPrt A ssage of $41 a day s, )îid Those inter- usinl becoming bute tateilies cait ton- ladt Haltun Support Service, ai N49-NW.t Air Force Alunion: Tbe 4Sîh au- nual reution ut No. 6 service tlyiug irais- ing schouol, Durnville, (.-n., is beiug fiel Sept 14-16 The weeud bocks off soîti a 'tntîd ad1uslmeut" necelion Frîday eugTitere wIlitbe a golf tournamenl ille Ditunville Colt auj Country Club, arvlasard Auruiattc display and foîrma- tou ly-pat. parade, tuemoutal service aud a vîsîl lu the trmains ut lthe station and a gala dîutwr-dauce ou Salunday. A Suuday mornîug breakfast mîtl wînd doms lte tesluiifis. AUl ietenanu aud ail tauks and tsuîr spouse are lnvtuJ tu at- tendý Tlsos nuit un te mailiug bst are asites lu contact Frankt SchltutIutd. ACC in C., 646 Aider Street Vtu, Dunnvtîle, Ot., Ni A I55, (416) 774-54&t Lorne Scots Reunlon: The Luette Seuls Reglimsl ite holding a reunioni lui ceerale te t2Stb aniversaty ut thse oeg.swuet's formation. Eenti are zplanned tor te weultend ut sept. 13-15. lieCulunel-lu-Cbiut ut the' regimeut. Flis Royal Higitesu, Majo-ecrat. tIse DoLe ut Keus wiît attend lte resuvup aI Buatpton Armortes. Fur mure iuforma- lion conta Larj Fnbh, 1405 Arion Cres, Clobuille, Ont., L6j 2S6, 844-6262. Film Fridmys: This wmucis lte lait of lthe 'Film Frtdays aI Milton Public t.îbrary Tituns nu admissionu chtarge TiIs tuei, titetuis anîmation -tsrom Dionu r colupuiers. Wsdnesdqy'ug.8. 199 *Lenny Lonsbardil (centre> passa $long lte@ 51,500 itet-prtze chaque watit by Snlu V@eacoofa Milton' and Peter Marina Ot Oàk- ville in lthe nintit annuel Jaitnny Lolinodl ltallen-Ceadten Gong Feeae Ontario Place July 29. At Ontarioace Milton vocali4t a hit. Bly KAIRN S3Mhh *I. I-tr the s-ctnd year lu a rot, Miltu vîsalint lenlia Vascoilit ittîtt homo lt thv s p riattopby n an Ilaitan sîngîug ctîniesl 't Ontarto flice. "it tuas a sittci bvçaué o-, ilote boidy vesr teins livce iu a nmss- site aId lait sorkj Ils-lune au audiats utf about 47,11W1 peciple. Me Vassotto auj a pannier suctessftly cîîtpetud a$aînsl 14 otiter entrant% lu thte .- nîntit atînual joitnny Lotnbaudt 1 ltalian-Canadîau kiîng Festival ttun with Italtan Day tounded by Mr, Lontiardi wo Io ptrientr ut (11151 Radio/TV International - lthe sPunsur ut tlseçent.' Ms itasotto tnay$aue kofii pete inl the saine fesival lasi year, but lthaI didntabe ît any les. nuuvu-aeklug for lte 26- Mfa ao odKei ogauae aVsoi en st year-uld titis poar.'Cînpetittuus Lobrd Maoru¶i-antn Soiig aNS kI lS Moicmto saose mm are nesie easy, sit said. o* d aVýoainSý 1101 n1" O O "Tiews tus tlit mcit mor titis year malte tes a yenl ego. S esuel p&esion lu yoor contecstants Iu th Ise ()15 coupe_ý- în a dance contesl. It reas as.ap- - baeut pottuil . taion wttl ie releaites tut sale frprpale titl$ consîdering site i. tînte around, ste per- scon HaIt thte psômeuds wili go tucorporates dance in ber stàge formed slith Oakvhile sl98er to citarity, said Ms Vaiteotto. show. Peter Manino, turntery ut M il- - Lasî year, Ms Vescottu, com- Mlylsmuclo pretees lu sine lus. Tir 19901 versios of lthe con- puttug idltdualty amntog 20 Fnglish ,în0s bol 'the' CilN test mas Isud in couples olt maIe and tumale 'sicaltls conlel provtdeç ber iîtit an op- te atwsas aseiguss lusage teon e sîRtDO pnie wite it portuntyj ta ceebrate bier Italian su olo tolluwed by a dun Ms toteari er musical carrer Il teas beritge. Vaseittlu sang Il (ut litnCUN) bt-r titird tinte eeirig the cobn Site as oanlesi lu lis a prsttes- Çttuîoa as ber solo and pieu- tcei s ional singer for as bing a% sit tormred Ltimiswuia ttith Mn. Wînning items 10o cont easy can rentemWer. Ms Vascotîo Marinu Ai eetll as lte tropbv, ftîtrle singer Site tuas otfen'd a starled perbîrming attut seveti lte coopte woon 5151 wu-svek gîg iu Cuba auj veans agsî i l otal tlt contesI And an alu jendpsby duing lte îirp, site tinisbud first auj other tuncdions Aller gm-ai *again weon ltse elpMin annuel Johnny mecoto (nîght> la beitla proud succes', site starttd entertaîuîug a Cn anada aud the U S Str% hier sitorn îuthe CI11UN contaIt laut Ywe singîng bas bu- conte a fltlime canifr sIte maies a lîiig pertormiý soit, in botit Italian and Englis Ian- gueges dwitb lier top 40 baud alrd P -ybk ai sseddngs and othen lunictitîn MN Vasolit lissi 'n MîlAîn for 24 yens betore mîwlurg tii Mis- sissaýuga tbree vau aglia Rouent- sy bhough. she moseJ back to1 ltt%4 MILTON ANYTIME, ANVWHERE Airpori SpeclaIlsts * Fiat Rates Available "IF VOU DRINK DONT DRIVE - CALL USI" m *875-301 5 ,Or .875-3016. 1