Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 8 Aug 1990, p. 20

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j A PROPO6Sý OFICIAI. PLANd AMENDaiENT Tataoi hll taie8 Cmof Shot Tacwn of. UM ans hll a Pulic Meeting an Septeorber 17,19W0 et 73pmin file Imeageel Camntnar Cane,, BOolnau, So consithr w Proposait Officil Plar Ameoinient nc prpoaitd Officiai Pion Amondetunt cdl reeir tIre lovetrtnent poales mt tahos srens delognat ed' Ruram fixe Milion Oie Plan 1h.. potices refle 10 lie PhaSai ted content or soflerances rural lilSe ubdivisions fond horrilee sutbivuions Policers prolcing Eimenertaiy Sens.bve ard Water Re Charge voms Site being ftogle red ra taoe flacn in pla Th. aroa altoctrd by Il ameirliklents thaI porion of ie Nasaagawya Plannarg DIstrict nflanmd coul ot tae lands enCan, passd bit dus luétgea Eioertlnmord Plan Any person mâl attend tI s Publi MooBg airdlor mata vestoen or verboal reprsatratlon on the pro poied Amrnenmm Io Mln Coinei Addiflosai Infoimaion relative le tu propose Amonciment es *alabtle fort insppction beboeir 8 30 am and 4 30 pm ai etie Plannintg Doparimerlon re Mialartc4palOffices. 878 7211 masn Robes. Ceili PO Ou. 1005. Milln. Onrtrio LgT 48 60 Aucilons " Sais of Fumliure. Antiques, r Housohlold Effocts etc RKI@ IawnffiOwO. aSo one bodtai or demi train à mer sitrge location et ta. hBrampton Itwoa echiange Inc DlreCUine N0<11 of Brarmpln on 410 Hoghway ai Snalitowe on 'TUESDAY EVENING. August 14 et 6 30 for Outinsa ad Auc9aireora mi responsii fer ony accidents in coinnoaflon vint, the sale Al vere ntai rioeanta. shal Sire proce dienc om neal unlen malenal Vnwng ftom,, prit Sale Day Ordy Aucorew DONALD W REINNAIT 416 4& 1071 65 Lost or Straved LOS0 1t gold ace tai Battais Ouen pâtiring lotý hogf Sentimntal va"leureard Call Catay 878 7211, 70 Fw FOIND/ki thre ChilS Dira, area a &mal Cal' gwly WipP«Nu fae anrd bi6 and whao picso Len FIREVI)CI bail, cord $195 2 tace corda $99 Seatoned Oak. inale or lachtr miasd or owr chrou 878 8251 80 For Sale 2DOOR II4OUSTPlIAI. FREEZER. 2 112 yeaos aid Exelent conlon Aalung $2.400 878 8397 STEREO STAND, $4 Selle. Bed $80O 3 col tapiloe cal.. $15 ech Cal 876-27S3 »IN STOCK" Wagon Sot -4. 10 (te20' Pressure Truled- 4' a4 x 12 -6« 6' , oer 10 Sprrroe x 6« .012 à 1b (Fui Sit, rogh) Pare 4 poli 4 x 10* x 8 Cadet- 1Oc PR * eB1« 0 12pt 3 W e 3rsi« x,16, (drousait) Fm à Pheffacepte serice Mdefble OUA41 PROOIC rS K"1S FOUI TELL OIVM o NOT TELL US. cetane a E STOVE cdi vbabcan sait ceisaenn aleond, exaoret atag. $200 G E cultai-r uh-go -o~r - Sin GEDryewfNb- goaod ut,$125 878-8U44 PIN£ AND OAK ITEMS8 New mi hénrrnadé Colis. ad Ersd fbleses ellwr Monds. toit tp droit. merait, vw*le. cuarisw Col 878. 5104 or 8U34516 USED Offi. Fumrett goed ;;eld e lsde HaNDn Fuine Reinuaherg mi Liotad Funoia.s 20 AmktoMgAve Gorgetan 877-4192 VACUUM aima., trn $3 le arem repaire Mur moas Compact. Electbolu. Hoover. F*lu Ouson. Kirby, Kenmonae Ouil ia, Comnmercial. m. 877-8601 80Friée BEDROOIi SUITE. triple douer menr uprigni chot. 2 alght fables. hondbad. dx"bl boit travis. mettoo à boxam",rs $50 or- balofet, Calll878-78M4.veninrp FIRISI qualiti roc tonr, carpot $651eq yard For ahIf tor carle naeod Cal Jea 877-6302 17 pOilS Coati rence _______ BER idgés SI 79 00. lt wetd 30- whate slaes $SU 00 lta nst hkd.d sel $31 9 0C plus las Casr iri cary Moioan Furismer ROmdri". 2$ Arrrstrrng Ave. Oqarglt>wn 877 4792 C14EAP Coad ipiiidy Fibrogitaor staM,30 i X 32o in érd op RPap ou old tub aad ruanodraiue b Fuirrolaià 3 pcoe30 X32 X84 lub. calîs à Iap lobaI for bisoment extra bataroanr 877-1458 COMPUTER 512 K. colorr monitor p rimer, double 6-1/4s oppy die Boothrd Progriar & Word Pe~ec No S otckbthd $1,2W ix bail aller Joe.3339217 MACIO MI111. FIJRNITIJRE li APPLIANCES S7frMUlSt Acton FINAL 4 DAYS OR OURP SALE' SPECIA.FEATURE Bruas depbed cit sprargs ixas $329 95 60W *M2.08. EXTRA SPECIAL - 1/2 PRICE 3 dracor mile's bot boalicise, lradboird WAS $499 00 aur reg, 60W $240.061 1/2 PRICE FRENCki PROVINCIAL sal. and chair - Our reg $1.489 00 112 PRIC 0 $7411.011 DON'Y irM THE LAO814 DAVSOF F ALI 85raceSrL.- COUNTRY GA'RAGE SALE AUGUIT 12. SO4SI). B U UE (bleA ailil à Lous Bus@) Ouile ciclior. country kne knacts à bhomoi nra GARAGE SALE SAT. eAUGUST il 6 8A.M. -12 472 BELL STREET 2 Single barils, malching dresser. boalle. clods dihal hittui Itoi,coroles lampa,. %inm. aiquaire GWs 10see u LARGE 4-FAMILY GARAGE SALE Score A*meq BAT. AUG. Il-.4.. 7U4 ORAdA BEILL COURT SAlE SALE 600 Woodward Ave. Sot Auguet Il 8 - iPm GAAESLE 647 Elliott Gros. Sait ugust 11 th 8-11 Gieaf dem. for the cottage & home iarr rW 14AY FOR SALE, et N0<11 Buuinln (Appalay à Enliai. AlloUa or Trolai or Claver mt round balie or siontifig Cal 335-2253 TOP SOIL tandl ànd'granCi Landscape FOR SALE 22 CorspeFiai Sreelp plus Riens Cal aller C p nif 83431U FOR SALE Reguale'd dapied gry 314 AnîIba Ge4iang 14 Loves Io plrmp A real Mover Regislered 1/2 Arabian, 112 ofalsIr chosinrîl mm are tex an marre and lait Large fasy' 13 3H A red a rtir pony aid lvé people Great for parti club avnt$ Alto Tactr à ergApenun Plion (416) 875-1841 eane 500 p en or eed DESPARATELY aed trSe loving home for a quiet spayed cal, coates cita own b.dl riai clippers Mavng ad ned f er d homne Cal DOG AGILITY CLASSES lia rd le grine eteraise Puirslord and finad brirds wIlson,. Georgetown -rl For fRentrer Ctorr am Lndit 416-877 1156 GERMAN SI4EPIERD PU%. CKC reg.nlered. baîng athored lt sale ta seleict. respansînle hom el Patpres havne îacopttona pedgre OVC cershed. lainpermenl lesed 519-856- JIACKC RUSSELL PUPPIES Jor.sale Phone 826- 2M8 or 878-2725. AIR CONDIT1ONING Slemais and0. levce Ioai malltt 24 tlaits îrp@ren 416-481-3M,6 CARPET REPAIRE AND RESTRETCHES. Ai corIr, gsimanled. cd 878-346 fer fîmie fo a Expeàlo.sd 0Drvers Wrth c"u "At" Must have semî dutip eperlenoS. 3yer 'highffy, Clean abstract UoCod incorne BerieMil Seady worls Cali B ue Cariv r 8U8.9740 loir878"413 10 m uc PICK YOUR OWN NEW POTAT05S. PIOiUFI CUKES TOIIATIES. ,CORN CHAS. GREIG FARM Bob & Mablil Ouvet 15 Sderoad. 1 mile wel of Trahi Rd. 2nd dnneway arrs af R R ah 877-7484 Fin.. Recipe OPEN B @.m. - à p... DAILY IE A PHERd àCONeITOM PERUITTING RskrrrnrrilaRharrHb2 ANDREWS SCENIo L.arw Plryo..oA boSuis. ... c0intior anu Assitant to pian. imptement and supervise rocroational actîvîlies for y«eh 10 - 14 traitsoî ge. Applicanîs inuet have strong organzwllan- aI skills, progri planning sied supervtaory, îaperience. Houtsal of peration Frîdays 6.30 - 9 00 p. m. Serti ras ure andi cov., lefte b>' August 24, I99 ta, Recreation Co-ordlnstor Town of Mllon Deorliment of Loisure Services Victoria Park Squaro P.Oý Box 1005 Mllo, Ontario LÇIT 4B6 145 Gu l DWnt 'Si Nom£! TO AMVUTM8R$ Thre 00W' Humarin ode mm"- deowen Don brcis ao ils .M. maii 15w. rai. clxsxi .aod~ vaslr et place Of Mr. il wmfpl rhIeils m t rerouu rer.. lu frf la maitse moffl chantu m adowr oe, COMPANION oer a piaulait 767ea ai Lady in exchmmge lor tmrfrl in our bo"n. m er couray. nodl of LleSn A nan-smoliar burt wou fiée Xi be à mmers atour frmilir, Rleply la oa 1778, rio Thre canaden Chaminjoný 191 Main SI E. iln,.Ont LQT 41,11 HAIRSTYLIST required Ioi fl and parti bme fons et blott Millon salon Cal 876- 1976 HUNTERIJUMPER Show Stable reqoîres weekend hlt So sta =annedalely Great for ski denklv§ caninue FonhIait Loodurg bick Faim,. 878 7839 CanlaWlan Tire Milton -. PART TUME AUTà ITrVE SIERVICE ADVISER Eaera8Satirdapi Apply mt person ta ,)W"y Hasad 20 MilIt give, MiNon- q FOwnleri0porators Required with otan traclon andi dumnp traders Ste-ady work Good rates Benetit package available Cail 858-9740 or 878-4103 REGIS FER NOVI OR SEPTENDEAI Early mriment? Domnesbc ertgner? tant a rowaerdng par Uie lob' Thon loin ta. HST 5.wri Slaflon wagon and Chi 0 droanmur quirod for Sopterrrber Routes For twrflrer ialorrraticon Call fMaiton School Transët 873-3321 TH%~ HARROP RESTAURANT 345 MMoIe AVIS. Milion Hau an oppora.y for a bright ~rte per son ta fultil PART TIME SUIS UOYIGIRI position Stud"b appicarla muet b. cîîlng UD wark enurarrg anrd weeirnd ghIrill Eaperrnoei flot rreoesry - a uvirl train For en appoiltment cal Mr. Ture 8784161 i 11w Caeialai OUaMte ASseiIIIi, Ocivtile & i Ohsttst hasc requires a . Store Manager i a new, Diableret Suppfy A Intorrolion Coin ire effectiae îftrmedtatelfy TPe star. -r11 pronude d.abes .-pmerrt. suppîtne ernd information la people in Hiltonl Responnbmtîrîot ticiude iitiai sol up and operabon et the IacitdJ. &-id qpe(ncofa saigart part ittru i TIre postionr roquires an energel.c irndinrduel vaitout refu perunce cIt0 ~nov doethrg wItt the public f<nowtedge ai dfabefs atgl ne an assoit Training pronrdl

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