6, Brilliant.prô otionati.deas flo9od hea.uarters As am" hnoar du hlM1. bus bom a tdual c$spue.Làadissi pui aIl 0r *!%-»-, uaaut-ly ai idW atuamlat tomas at duimasilla for aras LaTUO 'lC ir Bard Whoa bai tIsa 0( w« as &Mn Turnbali aidncaVa rb- hs bi.ndu se, à calln* 1h.. a soleilas à muhdowarruis U m WIIII ru-ln aismes olmibw plndt transceads the lhli ipoa i.. rooua vItide aid &rsalam a lb: y' mu ona Hoàwev m y a oo brilht blâme, thora ham a ktOWlwCi:LS ittn wa9 ad- bien thoa tha havaat ga f udwralir thin brie t an p us. -,m Usai Tm»#e 14 btr ni 1 aouki NSk t a ilium." wl*kwe motu et ~ 'Wud lr gan h Uly fr the lckans loll ft aidr. a e n garn ady, ovor Yorkwoods flWlmn N.ght - A tributa ta duea uadia fer fin place, thl wiWficnroibnniP1 wllle aças s$,quulchad whmui a tIsait tiltTbwould bath.. (rota: Emht Thei Fatmn must hava ,di «0aiding due r4MI up dua nis fh ulk Fkgsn't Ultita mavy tvald w i amiS aidé d P1'> he*dlla f rom the h. 0WWI UIICXOII Challenge. Gtlg atim aclak woudnl sowia mL..iaat~mithalr tara conuctv U . ln ui;aa ku i Bryon MePhail t; Chris fIack suggesttd Ro«%sanu ar slrg jgentil ped -Nq Pado Or isybe à aa pau a cmt of playl% ng aof Whbo vint aiorU luoc hon aganst due du national anduen prit o due goutm. du laigici taro top somme Mobarmun but îho back noppad à viciai,' * KtiCorao pu aismr ari a Ca heb biais ar siagigl The sky aast clud- VihaWtavo um.Fat Frdys theuWoard waaaylWvln test Turuday. b,' eni du = V.. th du *r- i abla The worther aras paikwt! I'm ewry~ ara canna lt, as abrupthi .Wdudy Mtalaa hr abstla o aaIn tou posn-gan basai bardal fokw digresang but. 1 hava ta fid mmathing «a»i à 24-7 lots toduW otan i. = tg cbc I sa,' garde a ha'ms- tasiora * Faousrai1usd ara lak s*N, pousiive &bouats 's niasa lots. tha aiird theury 4cr ibtlr maltean- malors - ont ascta al Derbyshire, Mark Dalaa us rdA suprb hock tha a ya OOfeasIvly thsl mnap tu gamorae àbig maurfo du Saton coul ie he du" map n aI&daia ai Dotg Hopkins. Priaecas ad ,conep t thAtra, t al wbu in t aid a hanida of fins at quaaarbck by tbslr soorniSi. John. Md' il alto aadidrchid a tao-poant con- AL.F poila ait at duh. flWtt*ing R Iota à dtsappointing kI o ta 5No, lCrmot a miaprat' !rvaiu MFFL hall vert te Raid,' SemgJta bitrara two PArs Aýpubd s rwigReâorttal. of liaitl donnea due grati duds of lus team fiaimth due of John Combat. *Talngapà frm due Otisaa Rougli Actiaiy on due doitasivi sade of thîngsth du I a i.oe tystda evry tuoin Hopkinas complia a eh"t two-way perler- Radu ar Lflurfat due rmi Idée. faim Poclanun hall a stog gaine sloppngd lit 199 iastdd am hlm and du Ruble F atrice wt a third quarier intrcepion returff âi= ta oa.wld is arIas... Fe otea Simpson diven ReMtata aquai numenans times "qd zero polis and lwo tatorceptiais by for six poits. taitfamt, bmbby toys in quesnion wosald arithndl sditMam Kit ?bla Sanumavdliuad C Othar ltghlgl for the hbgh flying Ratait- bae usai ta Incite mari noise aýa motivait due «a fan = tht ia ath dualiway mark ai theu Crwfrii oi Rick Bernat subing ithe d us are a Zubhi put racva, b, ultra, playeruta miOve fiai. Lafltuis suggestion of hr qart re@4 a misai, 1-. Haléoi Paod sacond haloat due mark wth à aj ta ns aTom SE=oc ..d a kofb,' Ombyshir using. AK-47s 'hwews c rcurr nieniid bath ac ona th e ie irtgt of iteapune newoerinali Dsakir arbicl Dan McManus Tht bard Tutu bhz wma Iaai municipal amien Ifuial. ,by Jui Cota,' and Jamaes Cransaull and a convertid. due arong id cf thwitbo= . Ail uR e Ketth Sammerysîll Sairai - An iveiing fomi liCOvitbYUDzyManagfh5i. Maashlli. Yorlaoods QB Pais Scott ba ainpd i umid enilleat a taro priul; due MER:.s long suffuling triseuror 'Th definive co fL/ax w1leeit e- «Aald ivoelg watt fair boohawn osaa .9zidaia > Camnpbell and big Jtm was cancellad Saiir tht, yer wbaat a playar's artly chippei bail hansalu as tht,' Iasi the Bally Bluei mqs* caed Iatta the lau 3 Matlock and, two convetskoas n tht,' dropped poil dlclmaid ttat ail,' thas aho liadt pald on bsck-up Poiol pertai pivot %aM, Moraghin minutes witb a .comabble j-O land. Theti hair llth cf du ,r. IWe tuant your buuinema "MILTON'...I and welI corne rlgbt to your froet "or- Il rT ON do OAL hoUC 3E s' pU TO AI CRAN TRIJCK REP T 0 . 45 ONTARIO STREET N., ULTON, ONT. TELEPHOE 8784131 Wednesday, Auguet 8, 1990 A littie wear and tear oa f ai c ompihr aV Mm ig et& nya Lapaga ita Tri- bd"is imalai hg S rsaier 0"y -oÈmnataunltaoiler In*est in somne horse sense Myuiibaseam W cdna i" lat tua bantt du du Yearlli The mîm r uesTh o A Mý arommevasg la lia fm & ad miéet po""ilay«laïue ,Top4Sjmd u ual.rs odasatuorhe du aund training of homaand na" progsmtns. A pea c o bm = ratat aid cagu lm . amu ofAcials ft dule Th umma asAuli bei hahd la due ba aid 11idle Lmaua Cevtairoc Suomwa,' IMMa paF.. Tht SIOB .gislratta ia Dvwd s. cm qi du sand- ousi aainag ci tausa. ladhtgW daim. 11181, î a~a~ph Ton" l uhw or kwr mnm lahataatta Dairsou and Cameron tossed; Milton forfeits Ry fNAD REAUNE ion HJM §id Sas shou have s coutryx, aid misai long wrlttma ablout tbris Tlu e cartt aria, go a fiw bars of lufa music, san ap- Ilwaik the Redir travellad ta, .C>ahviUlt tak sb aihd AthkOcs and whm dtduel bai daard th" bi bdi thair elgtb ganas b,'à sgingl rua 7-6. Tht Sos ricorm a nowandot n il- mal 3-15. Tht gai. aras actuall,' a 9- fairlait for dui putycai af due rema bock. Sox picitr Ai Daircu directii a omuntary of bie dispknsatu alith due umpi .re tarardsb tV leupI w ont outinl the homne bf of due hile bocmea Utiler W = Ti basanai Caenculvc bdilav Daiouas ut and hae volcei lia fail ags H i s t ss i la additon tIti,' ukiacail'muta due aont ghtduled .am That MURS Ihat l]aita and Ca5mc as Glaabroao.,ta bava édu% it Unmm laigia Clautbtock laotai tomai victoty o~ the Sheridan RayaIs ia the bottIs lot du lmI fl S iced for Oak-wlle i leh. Hi bai rmuested hie 4alna fromn thettamdueD afmily and lob e- militées 0aid titan qukky suthai la ai Aiiatitc untlatm. les m b* dal «Rai Sox Skinnerr isnat that imporat If hae womta ta lavae ara wouldi' bava elsid Inbis rsy." Tht Pad Soit got ta, Skinner eat, b,' btalding due &#n titra bilans. naoag nlbaiýtbuit aiglie ta lImd i o, avMa'raita on an ergot y the second boutai aid John lW ad mr a perusIe. Oakvlll aras contint ta cblp saa nt the foiE-n deflic1 mcmig rusaja Red Sou S lalagi Sî1il LaIss .112 Mmld 0 IFP=25 41 10 8"0tas. Sîîo u 3021 NUe $123 ' ' Mt 0010 omati . 4i010 omi 4110 LOdO%» A0 0 1 wbm 4010 OWM 4 00 0 Fwd 31eli comiti 3 10 11101MOs, 2200 mmlb 20 1 1 dmr d 4 110 arii lit 10- tatau il il le- t E - aim. mm CitS IL Lai., SMaMLa LOI - Ad lie & 09%* 13 2 - C4m se - LW. 111110 al. ab, ai ON EsM 2. aioaël, F,«« O - Fwft Il- ,i 2, NlidS tu Il R FJIM # mocieai 5 3 a 2 7 5 oMêI a si i tot a on 0iý m m P - &""*m r due seconi.dld a1aih sixth aid seventh inlngsf 1 %Imlauasiad ail,' du int dirai flins~sadgsaara lcark Soer- aritat,mattared. givis; uponar s in duitlt.