* N~~IlTs <CTM * I i .p j I .1 air nd Crf NUTRI4N'!TILM WQRIS becaute tf oddresset ail of Jhre. trirtgt ard ' m&el Our extectîcve pfrrm t tcilored directly ta accir clientt t individuel ceeds ' totally persartn ad -mm ta deal w~y.u, ..rt we.Wr problemt, NUTIiSYSTIEM WOROe- becoute oufr ,doly accbtc! prograrr,.-baed 541 r oc a Itntiomroily balartced, alerte cocrrc» l magi plan tiret ts corefully designeci by rtutritoncl expentvPSe yau get tae co artd enoy REAI F000 in corcnon secte quoctiet N4TR/SVSTEM WORNS becouse tf doesnc NUTM /Systim W094 because -a dort t let Yeu go ft ale W. r. tirar te gice Yeu ail f mOotaol vipport you nold te irelp you acirieve acd mOîctaîn Vouf ".iegirt los$ goal, - k NJUI/SVSUM W10MR becaute ircredible cumber of cliete irae told ut irow deligrted trey re riti the esults tltey ve oclreced aor tour program Artd ocer o illbon Ise. clients ,ll1 berteht front t*e NutrriSyttemt prctgrom ti, year clonte 11Wry are tirer. sa macy swccet. titones crtl aur progrcrrt7 S"ttly becaute o. SAVE 50 Y CALÉ TODAY FOR A FREE NO-OBLIGATION COSULTATION *88-4117* 465 Main St., E., Miltoni - Across froif Milton Maill Obu m flct B C " 0 *moU u " KcàI e$ 0"Utt Omaer MWd là 11111VC1111111 u um" 10 Bécauso -ltisThe ýMost Compreblensive uind Succesdful _Mkight Loss Program in Thé Mbud. NUTUI/IMETM WORKS becaute our progront ftIes on oeraîl view -go eorbcard Our progracr 1 socytbing but radical, t weris of the. cornert facint crwrhtcd Ob*%* people Corttrollrrg becouse w.erght los% i'graduai. mortogeobleéarn , soi your w.ig#ft and ac:h1ev.rtg weâloIis irtiveoa lot mort thonr morely And tf orkr, wqthtt the rossie cf -tighrng and meaiu¶rg ecer lrew much or lcw ltie Food you eat , - poriia of food yeu toaS Effective we.glrt lobs mccc, alterrrtg your NTOSSE OK eo Ilettyle ocd yoir attitudes about courttlett phrysiciensi açrost t#se (0r foocd It fint.ort coicnrç roductrn try recomlc.cd tour prcgromn to tir pouf e"ncatori elli icdrc, - *toyte todmen tci foin ti tor cion,l moutnllîrtg bini eno f~j a.r t hea so l suctsl 1 th~ ual tirpporl and lglrt exerr patt