NOW PLAVINO 0o VOUR- PMU Pleuse put yukkies in their place SHERIDAN FACULTY 0F CONTIMUNG EDUCATION Have you teceived your copy *ofour Faf i Semester Coursre Calendar? Il net, and ybu wouid like one malied to you, please cati Wendy at the Oakvlie Campus. (416) 84Wa30, ext 742. Copies are aiso avallabie for pick up at ail Sheridan College campuses and at Haiton/Peel librarles. Cla»e. samt the week of Septeniber 10. Register low Io avoid disapeointment! PUBLIC NOTICE FUEL COST REDUCTION SirUDY (incIudl'ig Refuse Derlved Fuel or "RDF"I) Review.Period DeadI2 n'Extension, Notice in October o. Lawrence Cernent Inc. submltted its'Draft Environm tent (EA) -Document on the Resource. RecoVer y42f Fuiei Progect ta governrnent revlew agencles,sPec 1~ groupe and the pubic.« Commente received on the Draft EA Doctxmènt, as weii as respanses ta commente have been compiled inia Draft Study Document *8 for furtheî review and comment. On June 11, 1990 Study Document *8 waspresenteci anid diecusaed at a meeting of The Con¶munity Liaison Committee, (the focal point for public participation). As a resuit of requestseat this meeting, St. LavWrenice Cernent bas extended the deedline for reeponding to Study Document *8 ta September 14, 1990. AUl lnteréated parti.. are requetd to pu&mit their commrente othis Draft Study Docunrt #8 toS. dLawrence Cpmnt flot Iater thon Frlday eoptoe~ 1 4, 1 M. Followlng consideration of thoso commente, the Final Environmien- tal Aaaeamnent Docuiflent wil be preparod and submitted to, the Minieter of the -Enviranmrrent pursuant ta, St Lawrence Cament's application for approval under,the Erwlrannental Asseamrent eic. For more information, or ta abtain a a' of Study Document *8, plane conmbe: NOM MéMt. 1 1 et. Lawr eooe Cam ela. 2301. Lakeehore Roed Weît, Misasaag§ Ontarl LSJ 1 ICi Te------e: (416) a22-10Il3 C EMENT INC.-.AfEC