PIN ScHO An usdeendent. nnpt'alit.elena diky school fo children of a Srae or cahut it ag bilîty. cgperiencbng Ieamning duTclles, ils noit accepting LIMITED ENROI.MENT for the 90/91 academnicétear, for grades I -9. : *Comprehetuve cons ctlrodjur adopbod for personaolied learuInO *Slruturd environimerl wMU fow sluden/WachO ratia '2 * eooietof tola kuhiw »0l asitie - Lpui GrOOfi, 137.7MB Taimma Dènomk 03400 g ni i *1 i <1 Lisonçi ne Serice SprStytet and Formal Limousines sports Events -omrm. *Nigton thtTowo o ear.<na~ktoia ',~ Apca eneoapcacUit f New Downeo wi -Milton 'FACE-IN THE CROWD" Contest Pitures wl b. taken at the market on Main street and someone's face wlI be circled. -;SHRIUBS, PLANTS SAND, GRAVEL1 876410 TENDER CALL Snowmn ww êContrdl ( vm" oLooeosm 0O Transit inedos tnderion; sa andins controi i isilous railzonsta. bus ermlasbià w46OSOls 2 som Setiw eveqwm be motiarnit mia urlsone office unritp m i on thse 1120 Fnsit Avenue West Toronto (Dounevite) Otario emqwma3J8 reles the saine, amount a og during a thundoislorstt audstt qfi an tlnic Promis and tété~ ci iSing with ectrküa dis- charges Of 100 million volts ca oistr stOidtair tg 30,tX epe C= 111a-1 etitreas botter ttnlt Surface of lthe Sun. 'i Expkrim e fSky by boy. frIt Dickinson guides you thmougji snowstailis. tomnadats, buxrrcarass. log, and chinookis. Ya<tl took ai raiobows. ftnd on idospillars of llght ai soiset oarhaloSi and the auiota botealba. YWOu a&W fiod Qui why the sky Oommlc voyage Mr. Dickinson t8kes yo on a las- c"ntng momie Voyag in Eaploesmgl uh ,A &.mm a trip 13 llgh- soo<s.kZ lta a journey 3M8 mil- l.o llght-yus beymni Earth He deribea alhnvWaas.- tht planets in Our solât syal, . saper- tnova, usr ad black holes. Ha eVat s kmalt on the existence, of Buta flnaiy. lte sinIsr brlnp.yoli bock Io Earlb éthaee wlti oely à pale. cd blooculant. you cmn tdoaN- Ail ai Bnlanchi ha. pointait sgoous muyaiayngbt aenes tg guide y-u la youre .taigzlfl Jopirneyin * beyond theb6allot-box. to teach youngsters government (WpI mi%~au peuple. Imocae I àa o e TOka for esmp 1s CitIalaIIw we êtcl~ oter gozyrnnieii cVotes 1 havealwvlràsobedàenl ylollted .:f lotitm =oU é~lection doy but ni on elo. Titi bockt explorée &Il alpero n a etDon Inuit tIse d parlbament h dilait to. tht dy aimer tin polis lb close. o. réviewet liho 01ise bpst. f I be inarl te a poltcancrldm the bock on a somb!exo.:F b .4 ligerbo lis ogn Introduction o ber Meeadtais.ait Ealek puce t nbGrnîl !Îhe mantain ubiak triop up thetax lest lla4edotean idblts. Cralg Tadison, km"w for bit Siétés $9.95 - 1 w gaze uî éditorial illustrationul lns in th k wtamono401t epre bas camte up itti lively posé and Iltkth kwiharoexncci illustrations that htlp Ss dse tant 0f pprcItie y lie bock. Boksfo i Na, I hveot bcoié..n ins Ms CranUM& eiliai à*, hWaor"cl li pari on the buevons, bul 1 cao. îook et eleccois ln Canada. wl ESHR ADEL .u spersalat. in lte cloiad Wonen, as weo as oative peoples. tan1 toi r uihg ol Cabttat, Japaraise. %Men*onime and of roim sater droplets. Are dit h jto.L..rebegl ticr o cumulus or airas clouds omSnefo elloed eitt vote. itt riôts and even today, n an. con bo.y ma yh teheet.e &nuolo M, . Iedoealy apoà li judgns liquor durlng votiog Ismars on Lots of eoergy lbuflly woan the ri= a. ioderI élection day Back in 183, ltoglish luoti Votnfionc teli lac l loal ncesudg tiOof T-,oc Luk Hw<rd uleided ta nan Seasebtdancmbni tn DKkitseabOOLt - 92PLUA'W the Ioscl~ tv there a whlhia frqmtlycauai exloaveSky b, y st qwi aqm the AiJhcaaliaaeat sltulhts.Sk, (baoth publlsbed b, Fcumulonimbus iata w- seait w to s MILTON >àICOMMlUNITY NURSERY SCHOOj. i3ý MCNS ieit n-profit co-pevtive run by 96 membet farnahea. W. provide: *three hall-day pregramo *quahflad tahers *1:8 studbnt-mtîo 9 woeu4qoupped and apecloul flociltty - Iearing xhrugh fun FZdit, -s et a ih miencl i OPu50etaia usi Fmu RGBRATioN iNOmmuiloN4 cAI Di» eu. srosupt 8î78-»47. Nondoauled*% Wedasedy T &bdy, W. à .ada% TboasIldY 1T".%> VlY j PA IL foN RADIATOR - GAS TANK] FIEATER CORE SERVICE CARS, UUCKS, INDUSTPIAL' 'ffl ONTARIO Jl T R f E r