Renowned artist wilI attend first Canadian Conrum* palEtte Otautai Mccatagho, WW thot its worhafor flt t iCn et Wyset oiAr G~UtiOtth~Wha.lai a mweiontfor hi. cornts- "'tetc iielyttereuw th the rit ottltpoaatl teaa irtnwhteerfort or =eo,"h Vs, "and hova ight the tcrie and tht tieti of dey tiraai." Tht artiat. Who oniy wonlta i oiginal watarcolourt. hae won counthia ayads andi le named in the Wke'o Who ci Ament Art and Amenai Atu # ef Hi. landurapea rarely inciud&446et btnlî iiv anitmal@ - a deliberste oistsiotn. 'l don't want the visme bo b.e a spliaior 09 a spir. tator. 1 tiant the vwwtr ta propect him or lu cetfin the t «ork io that le bacomnu alivt," Mr. MrCaughtrY en- plaint' Tht owvte ni the Campbliville gaIIer)ý Roy Metralfe ard Baty lateati am thrîiked thot thty wilt b.e hostlng McCaughtryn h.x C.anadien shiow. "Wae've iwayb dispiayd a ltw of hot woika and they haven ensi utî.y popuau. but tc have 30 0i hi. o gnad the arln hunbif hem ne the chanice nià "b.te, ad Mr. Motralfe. Tht couple gave up, thmt ie i.în Mititîtuga te open WyZ eKWwd nm dyan Conanrvatiin F=rmlag în kob 19UM Tht gali-y i. the ofae tlhtil cuntry home. 1 J~LSO 01 j show. in 'ville nea COuh Merlin v itt nfoAg.~2 Calu or uOlint LMhI ad toLîsima>i Mr. uslUtr wlq buain ai- nanS.E ngs smiIry houri satunday, su*4y amd holiday Monday. Mr MrCaugiUWi nitis range tri snjo 21 by » ir4di ta l0b 6 nch patt i Topp.h o hie larger worlil pute Hnom 1çCIIOdU re 600.verold pape? coinpanyIn A= %*ci. 4.urodalahc utdiancapital Univer aie, r«eéud a rmetr cl art adoration dagma from the Hartford Art Schoui in Connoetiut., Tr.îni origlnly in cil, Mir, hkcaushtry "y% ho In addition, ie .ays wattncolours a, a challenge ai- mont as filthty have a mind ci thoir oven Mr. McC&ughtry hli bn the sublec o n mo than 20 ont-mai art ,htows throughout the, Unitt tted %4'ii wortîa, popular in the U.S. and in Europe, çan .e ond in nany corponste and ntittbrio coections, where they ère valued for thoir orgnlt and thlr tinelesb traen- quiltiy Wygei Woods Art Gallery cami b. found by takng a drive tn the country fi in lorated on Noý 20 Sldt.oad. norih of bkpokvtUe, and tat itwo kilot«mrn naît of Guelph Un. For furiher dtils. cati the gallery ai 854-2173. YQUR BESI i -N VACATION VALUE... - SPECIAL SAVINGS ON A --FUN SHIrCRUISE! S ave 1«91f pet calimn oni %aiiîgî fronm Sept. 1 tdent (kt. 21. l14) aivwd the Supevi.înrn HOLIDAY andi CEflERATIO>N ntort Miami We have a *ideîazmri tif tlaviime and ntghtiinw arami8i% tiv '.îw? enirrrilaifttiil aciattnuupaly wheoe yrw can Ai îtail iv nodtm ai &Il. 11w chnffl i, )owt' Aid. $ 7 9 5 iiur iaff i, alivNa oni hana ii parapef >cu with grat Moue atîfl ONItrai >ou tii il $mi rotis ami FROM t, nuitsàdey! AM il', il itîclutird ___________________ for u Io*. unbeitvahte puce aIliI usMcnt evro ycîwr arv ae ta r, ei % Convenieoi %atadOaiàv ukduinr IeWO esfr't~~iii i OuI Miami ci, the Eanutrn i nt.-vi unuia Wcsim (anbean. - ~e Spae inlro ed no tire u, xs Llmlted attenance - cail for your res«ation... Bruce Hood Business Travel 1Vacation/Crul 875-1010 Serving %Travellers Since 1961 878-288ù6 if you bave ever thought of taking a qruise, or even if not COM E OUT iÔ THIS GALAEVENTNG 1FREEJ- PRIZE VIDEOS, l 1 GIFfS, BEVEiRAGES, ni- 1QES11ONS & ANS WERSI OUR Sth/ANNUAL CROUP CRUISE NOIV. 1",-25 IN THE CARUBBEAN CA1 1IAL CRUSSE LUNES 0M".: selS di r 00 " o ' Mu ai, à «» of