EIï'~ te» NAmU8S1~TI0IERY LTD. d.à..n~ d.nwP S1~ ,ual Nidi kef I lîioi S LU. .4 p... tu~~ *734063 I - utos A Donýph Mlto WeklyRepý 0'Comunty'News, \4ews & Happenings r A ow~w itonWekI eprtOnCoT munt oviola café This was bujit as a tPost Office in 1914 for t $21 ,000. The population of Milton at.the time was 2,053., Ikobert Stewart was the first post- mast.er in the building. Emile* Marchand,, local jewellêr, started thé post ôfficecdock August 15, 1915. The post office was an important gathering point until letter carrier service was introduced ip 1967. A new post office was con- - - - st:ructed on another site in 1980. Bafors or A*ter you visit the Fuir Corne 4. Enjoy Breakfast with me . 2.95 BREAKFAST SPEOIAL du Canada W.dni.sday, Augustl15th 6:30 - 8:30 BruceHod~ : Thuénbs ljp Io the Town Works depart- mont for dssigning and ropainting the MaryStt'ot lot behind BiWay. It bas given us a 1mw more spaces Plus two spcswit1% wheelchair àcces. Rick aiPn deindtelt hib p I* ýýW=WUUDwntîwô AlTii- 'FACE IN THE CR0 WD11 Conteat Pictures wlI b. taken at the market on Main Stret-and somneels hmwI be circied. Is 1, JJJ'J ,Cti~IFR Jj V4 "" . m me $M. ton0. - AU~BC~MO~I . & #S - « * PLUS ,*OFF aî i..&Ou Ih r "00110 11VAmO r 06-21 JASPER MARTIN DAY S.tUrdy Auguet 2Sth 'DETUR THERAIPY CLINIC O.T. TRENTON 4 K% AlmT _rç irave i C j i. me Sha*ae Lait W.Wks Wlnner of $25.* Certmcat from Miltowne Vmnity Fair çJr I