'1HVE OV EEN TMIS CMIkD HE HAS B3EEN ABDUCTED BY HIS FATHER - B3RIAN èOUDREAU - Four year'old Luke boudreau of Milton, Ont., was' abducted on April 22,1990, by his father Brian Boudreau, 35 yearsof age. * Luke is 110cm (3'6") tait, weîghs 27kg (59 lb.), has blonde hair and brown eyes. - Brian Boudreau is 173cm (5'9") tait, weighs,75kg (1 651b), has brown hair and brown eyes. - Brian Boudreau has warrants out for his arrest on charges of abduction, extortion, and breach,,ofý probation. * Crime Stoppers wiIl pay up to Si 00 for information that leads to the arrest of Brian Boudreau afld the LUKE BOU'DREAU recovery of Luke. PLEASE.CALL:. ~~ Dt. Sergeant M. Eacrett at f878-5511 Ext. 415..I 1' CRIME STOPPERS 0F HAýT0Iý, CHILDFIND f ~th Il -800487-7962 BRIAN BOUDREAUJ WE NEED VO .UR HELP - IF YOU CAN ASSIST PLEASE CALL NOW ____ LEP ~ f c.é. ~MILTON ICA Lii,,jgu.waomNOW 32J.u; t ce. u J SERVICING O.OkMed O. o 10np@f TR16 U CK2211108S5~ - 98111 B 075 iow4bdqmçi. bib- a LUT # ~id~ImmboPvilrg~Y YMCAI__ ~LAWA~X~ARflEN * Cil NMw and Rogisor« u E.R 258 COMMERCIAL STMLO 40UdSAua j ITN 878-0548 uu,. S78S12~878-7552 u